Bunny On Her Catwalk

Bunny On Her Catwalk

by Barb
(Miami Fl)

Bunny on her catwalk

Bunny on her catwalk

We found her by the side of the highway very sick as a little kitten. We nursed her to health and wound up with a beautiful Turkish Angora. She loves the water and adores us. Bunny is very shy with strangers and the most intelligent cat we have ever had.


Oh..Barb..! what a spectacular picture of a beautiful cat.

This picture is going on the home page next!

It amazes me how such beautiful cats are wandering around the highway.

There are a number of stories of cats/kittens on or near the roads in the USA. It seems not that uncommon, although I could be mistaken. Furby was a cat on a road.

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From Bunny on her Catwalk to Turkish Angora cat

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Bunny On Her Catwalk

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Jan 06, 2010 Bunny, by Barb
by: Helmi Flick

Barb, this shot of your Bunny is one in a million. Curiosity of the cat, an endearing trait, is evident, but also the beauty of the species comes through to the viewer. In addition, the photo is technically perfect but the pose, oh the pose! I smile everytime I look at it!

Well done, my Dear. Your love of your Bunny shines through to all of us that see this photo of her, and we adore you for it.

Jan 05, 2010 Message to Barb
by: Michael

Hi Barb,

I received an email from a guy, Will Low. This is it:

I would like to use Bunny 's pic on some flyers. Can I get ahold of her for a high res picture? Thanks -

His email is:


subsitute [at] for @

(this presentation of the email address is to prevent spammers hijacking it).

Michael Avatar

Jan 02, 2010 free cats
by: kathy

Our Midnight was one of these thrown away cats. People like our landlord fed and took care of her but never actually claimed ownership of her. He said he found her as a kitten and then she had her own kittens. I took her in got her fixed through Spay and Stay. She looks like your cat only solid black. I keep telling my boyfriend that she is a Turkish Angora and he thinks she is more like the Tiffany cat. Anyway she is the reincarnation of my old cat Midnight and we love her. Through our care and good food she had a beautiful thick black coat. She is happy know just watching the birds and squirrels out the window and doesnt even want to go back outside, of course that could change once the weather gets nice. Someone abandoned her or just let her go.

Jan 02, 2010 Bunny!
by: Dorothy

OH! She took my breath away. Sweet angel dream cat.

Jan 02, 2010 Simply Beautiful
by: Merrily

One of the things I like about cats is they come in every color and pattern immaginable, all cats are beautiful. Some just more than others.

Bunny is simply beautiful, and the photographer did a great job too. Love the cat walk, perhaps you could show more of it, I am sure we could all use new ideas on how to entertain our furry friends.

Perhaps she was born to a feral mother, and never had a home before you found her, how lucky you both are.

Jan 02, 2010 Gorgeous Bunny
by: Jan Plant

Bless you for saving this stunning cat! She looks as if she could be a litter mate to a group of my ferals.How great that you have the room and know how to but a high catwalk in for her.

Jan 02, 2010 To Barb
by: Ruth

What a beautiful cat Bunny is !That's a lovely photo. I don't know how anyone could be so cruel as to abandon her as a tiny kitten.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 02, 2010 Stunning!
by: Everycat

What a beautiful photograph of Bunny, it really captures her intelligence and playfulness. A catwalk is a great idea for cats. You did so well to nurse her back to health, your kindness has been well rewarded with gorgeous Bunny as your loyal and playful friend.


Jan 02, 2010 Bunny!
by: Mary H

Such a beautiful cat!! I can't imagine anyone ever purposly abandoning her :{ ~I've never seen a pure white, long haired coat like hers... with her eyes it's quite stunning!
We've thought of putting a 'cat walk' around our living room but wonder if they wouldn't leap off onto our laps from up high... LOL! They do injoy being 'up' there so much, though, don't they!

Jan 02, 2010 Bunny on her catwalk.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

"Sometimes, the best of things in life are obtained free"!. A beautiful cat and would anyone even ever think that this particular specimen was once an abandoned stray? Reminds me of my own "Mix-Oriental siameese" whom i got from a pet shop free of cost as it was in a dying condition. She later grew up to be a beautiful cat, akin to a house toy and lived with us until 12 years of age, succumbing to ovarian cancer.Ultimately, its the human upbringing and care of the cat that counts in producing pictureque post card type specimens.
Rudolph avatar

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