Burmese Cat Names

I like to think that Burmese cat names should be Burmese human names that can be adapted – why? Well, we use human western style names for cats sometimes but often they are names that just sound good or have a suitable meaning. I think the sound of the name comes first and its meaning second. After all, cats respond to the tone and sound rather than a recognition of the name. Also names are often adapted and shortened or turned into baby talk type names. As the Burmese cat comes originally from Burma and as Burmese names are interesting and have a meaning plus sound good and can be nice and short and snappy they are highly suitable, I think, as names for a Burmese cat. I wonder what they call their Burmese cats in Burma (Myanmar)?

Burmese cat at a cat show

Above – Classic Burmese colour and face. Photo taken at a CFA cat show so no surprise. Photo by alasam

I have just read that there are very few Burmese cats in Myanmar (Times Newspapers). What I mean is, the Burmese cats that are the foundation cats for the Burmese cat breed in the west. In fact, a person has reintroduced the Burmese cat back in to Burma using stock from England. I’ll talk about that next and update here. On that basis at one time until recently there were no names for Burmese cats in Burma because there were no authentic Burmese cats. Another cat from Myanmar is the Birman? Is that a coincidence?

Burmese cat on hind legs reaching up

Photo above by Silver Doctor

I present below some proposed Burmese cat names for male and female cats that I have carefully selected from Burmese names. They should, I think, be pronounced as seen unless you are Burmese.


Arun – means sun. This is a nice name for a person too. And meaning sun adds to its appeal. Remember the Burmese cat has golden sun like eyes. This is one of the most suitable Burmese cat names I have seen. It is used exclusively in Burma (Myanmar) for boys.


Chit – means love. Well it is hard to beat that for a cat because there should be plenty of love about. A nice one syllable word; short and sharp, which should be readily recognisable by your cat once it is used for a while. It lends itself to some modification too like chitty. No, I am not thinking of the other word:-)

Cho – means sweet. This could easily be made more endearing or cute by adding “ie” – Choie.


Mya – this means emerald. A nice short name and ideal for a Burmese cat but there is one problem – Burmese cats have golden yellow eyes. Still, its a nice name.

Myo – means relative. Well, I think this would be a good name to speak. Nice and short and easy for a cat to recognise. As to its meaning, relative is suitable because a cat is very much a part of the family and therefore becomes a relative to us, the human companion.

Moe – for boy and girl cats. It means rain. So if your cat likes water this could be suitable and it is easy to say and doesn’t need modifying.

Sanda – means moon. Ideal for the cat who insists on going out at night (assuming you let him out – in Europe we let cats out more – see outdoor cat problems). Or it might suit the cat with big moon like eyes. Also the CFA breed allows a platinum – silver colour with pinkish tinge, which is moon like in appearance.

Sandi – also means moon. This will no doubt be used and pronounced as a western girl’s name. It is short for Sandra (Sandie or Sandy) I believe in the west. The verb to moon can mean two things. It can mean to show ones backside (slang) or to spend moments dreaming. Both are highly suitable for cats! Also Burmese cats do have a slightly sandy colour particularly if the colour is fawn – warm beige (a TICA – The International Cat Association, colour).

Thiri – means gold. This is particularly apt for one of the Burmese cat names because the eye colour of the Burmese cat under the breed standard is gold. Plus gold is a suitable word in its own right. For example it is used in the phrase, good as gold. So if your Burmese cat is a very good girl or boy cat this is the name. I would pronounce it with a silent “h” (as if it was spelled Tiri). This is a word that sounds good when pronounced by a European or American and as most Burmese cats are in America or Europe that is convenient.

Win – means bright in English. Well, the word bright can refer to your cat’s temperament. A vigorous character would be a bright cat. And of course it can apply to cat intelligence. Some breeds and some cats are more intelligent than others it is said. See cat intelligence.

Zeya – this word means succeed so it would suit a cat that is very good at getting what he or she wants (that means all of them:)) or a cat that is athletic and succeeds in easily getting to the top of the fridge in one leap.

They will be others and all we have to do is discover some Burmese names for people.

Photos: Published under a Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic, creative commons license.

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Burmese Cat Names

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May 19, 2012
companion “little persons” NEW
by: Anonymous

we have just said goodbye to our beautiful loving intelligent lilac point siamese after 14 years.
too hard with out a cat in the house, we now have 2 Burmese kittens .. brothers … looking for names…

Apr 13, 2012
i love him NEW
by: Anonymous

my cats name suits him/her ,all you have to do its shout out random names to your cat witch ever one he/she comes to you by is the one that suits him?her

Apr 13, 2012
i love him NEW
by: Anonymous

my cats name suits him/her ,all you have to do its shout out random names to your cat witch ever one he/she comes to you by is the one that suits him?her

Jan 23, 2012
by: Mellycats person

So sorry to hear about your Burm boy! It’s so hard when they pass. A new little soul will come your way when you are ready.

Jan 14, 2012
Our beautiful Jack Boy
by: Anonymous

We have just lost our beautiful Burmese boy “Jack” after 6 years 2 months of absolute dedication, love, affection and everything else that goes with this wonderful breed.

Sadly succumbed to a strange virus, 1 week in hospital and just deteriorated overnight. Still crying rivers for our dearest furry faithful friend.

May 09, 2011
Burmese names
by: Victoria

Just decided the perfect name for my new burmilla- Thibaw. He was the last king of Burma and it’s easy to pronounce and recognise. 🙂

May 08, 2011
Love my Burmese
by: Anonymous

I have a 10 month old beautiful sable female Burmese. Her name is Choie and she is a sweetheart. I got her when she was around 12 weeks old. She joined my 3 year old blue female Burmeses named Mya and my 8 year old red male Burmese named Meko. They are part of the family. This breed of cat make wonderful house cats. They are loving and like to be around people.

A happy Burmese cat owner.

May 02, 2011
Definitely burmese names for burmese cats!
by: Victoria

I have a Burmese called Sule (Pr Soola) after the temple of the same name in Yangon. Apparently, as i found out afterwards, it is Pali for small particularly appropriate as she is tiny (the runt of the litter I think). However, I’m about to get a Burmilla as a companion for her. as they have green eyes i would like to know what the burmese for jade is as burmese jade is also in my wedding ring. any thoughts?

Feb 15, 2011
Preaty kitties
by: Anonymous

The pictures are beutiful! I love cats!

Nov 29, 2010
Male Burmese Cat name
by: JuliaS

Hi, I was looking for more authentic Burmese names, as I am looking for two Burmese kittens to ‘adopt’. I first got interested in the breed in 1979, when I ‘adopted’ a loveley Cream male, I called him ‘Shan’ after a Burmese State. He lived for 18 years and I still miss him. I thought this might be added to the list for the ‘Male’ or ‘Neutral’ list. I agree the two photo’s are excellant.

Nov 27, 2009
by: Michael

Hi Zen, you have given your cats two great names. Love ’em. Mya-mau is very creative and trips of the tongue very nicely.

Nov 26, 2009
by: zen

I have a female Burmese and she has green eyes, hence why i called her mya-mau. I now also have a blue boy that i have just adopted with grey eyes but couldn’t find the meaning of blue or grey in burmese so called him ko, meaning older brother. He loves his new name

Nov 17, 2009
by: Michael

Hi I agree. These are two nice pictures of fine looking Burmese cats. The one at the top is a classic show cat Burmese.

Nov 17, 2009
Beautiful Burmese
by: Anonymous

What a gorgeous cat! I don’t know much about the Burmese, but I love the look & those eyes are really something 🙂

4 thoughts on “Burmese Cat Names”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks for visiting and commenting Carol. Nice name. I know how it hurts when we say goodbye. I have cried buckets too. I nearly always shorten names so to have a short one makes sense!

  3. I named my beautiful Burmese girl LAI short & sweet.She was with me for 18 years I miss her terribly she was special always by my side & very chatty.
    I am about to get another Burmese in 3 weeks (but still crying heaps for the loss of my LAI.

  4. Glad I found your site as you have given me the perfect name for my soon to arrive Burmese. We have a dog Sky and another Star. Finding out that Sanda means moon in Burmese makes it the perfect name (also starts with S).

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