Burnt cat waits for owner’s return in apartment destroyed by devastating explosion

MILD WARNING: Some of the pictures are a little tough to see. But she pulled through. This is the story of a white cat who turned yellow after a devastating explosion destroyed the apartment of his/her owner (I’ll presume she is female). The owner jumped off the building from the seventh floor to escape the explosion but his cat remained on what remained of a windowsill of the apartment (or balcony edge) and she appeared to remain there for four days waiting loyally for the return of her human guardian.

Cat refuses to leave apartment destroyed by explosion

Cat refuses to leave apartment destroyed in explosion

The video has gone viral in China and generated a lot of sympathy and interest. Volunteers took the cat to an animal shelter where her burns and infection were treated and from where it is hoped that she will be rehomed.

Cat refuses to leave apartment destroyed in explosion
After rescue.

The Daily Mail states that the cat was first spotted wandering around the balcony of the apartment. The pictures show her on what appears to be a windowsill or at least a narrow ledge and inside is a black gaping hole which I presume was once the apartment.

The conditions appear to have been cold because the cat was shivering at the time she was rescued. Perhaps she was shivering because of her burns. The rescuers named her Enong. As you can see in the photograph she was also burned on her nose and limbs. When rescued she was badly dehydrated and her lungs were infected by smoke inhalation.

The owner/tenant of the apartment and the cat is apparently a 21-year-old man who we are told jumped off the building. We don’t know whether he survived. It happened in the early hours of June 15 and was reported in the Nanguo Morning Post.

In addition 15 other people were injured in the explosion which it is believed was caused by a gas leak. The entire building was badly damaged. The police are investigating.

Cat refuses to leave apartment destroyed in explosion
After treatment and recovering nicely.

Comment: the interesting question is why this cat remained at the apartment. The likely answer is that she was indeed waiting for the return of our owner and was putting up with her injuries. Cats are stoic and very tolerant of discomfort and pain. Despite her injuries, I have the impression that she is a purebred cat. She looks a bit like a British Shorthair. But that is pure speculation.

Depending on your browser the video below may not play. Firefox won’t play it because it says that the Daily Mail is insecure! Great.

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2 thoughts on “Burnt cat waits for owner’s return in apartment destroyed by devastating explosion”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. OMG! The pain this poor kitty had to endure! I cannot imagine!
    Talk about loyalty to her owner. Wow! If only humans were this devoted.
    I sure hope she finds her owner or finds an incredibly loving, safe, forever home.

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