People ask, “why do cats like boxes so much?” I think most of us know the answer by now, which is that cats like to hide and look out from their hiding places. They feel safe and secure when they do this. It feels good to feel safe and secure. The technical term is that cats are cryptic animals. In the wild “cryptic” means that the cat camouflages himself which is why wild cats have the coats that they have because they blend in with the background.

So domestic cats like boxes because they are surrounded all sides except for the opening on one side which makes them feel secure.
Muslim women who wear the burqa, which is a garment that covers the entire body with an opening for the eyes, are also able to look out to the world while being hidden from the world which makes them feel secure. Because they feel secure they feel better.
However, the original reason why they wear the burqa is because Muslim men want them to, in order to keep them under their control and as second-class citizens, which undermines their confidence which in turn leads to the Muslim woman feeling comfortable when they are hidden from the world inside a burqa looking out.
Wearing the burqa reinforces wearing the burqa. It undermines confidence, which is the psychological state that Muslim men desire from their spouses. It is a psychological cage.
There is a similarity between wearing the burqa and cats hiding in boxes. However, the human is not a cryptic animal therefore it is an unnatural state to hide inside an all encompassing garment. Even when Muslim women are not hiding inside clothes they are often hiding inside the home; imprisoned.
Muslim women who wear the burqa don’t get enough vitamin D due to a lack of sunlight falling on their skin. The burqa creates a health problem in addition to the psychological problem.
The domestic cat should always have a place in which to hide but it need not be a specially constructed place or a box. Cats find places to hind very well. Cat owners should remind themselves that cats can feel insecure quite easily which tells us that they are sensitive to what is happening around them. What we do and create can sometimes be scary for a domestic cat.
Associated page: Islamic faith and cats.
Burq’ha برقعہ is pakistani word for HIJAAB.
Hijaab is necessary for women in islam to cover them selves. actually leave hands, face,feet open.
Leaving face open is considering a sin in TAALIBAN school of thought otherwise moslem women do not cover faces.
Once my friend who is from the same school of thought as I am i.e. DEOBANDI school of thought. (Just wanna mention that TAALIBAN are also DEOBANDIES but from the second sect of DEOBAND.
I asked my friend,”Why women in Pakistan wear Burq’ha?”
He replied,”Because men watch them thoroughly, with the full sense of sexual appeal.”
I just moaned,”That means moslem men are not pious men, they lie that they obey Qur’an and they are MOSLEMS.”
He said,”What did you say?”
I replied, “Nothing!.” 😉
So Michael, as I said there is a variety of MOSLEMS out there in this world and no one knows the straight orders of ISLAM. Every thing goes on the interpretation. This kind of varieties of ISLAM has declined us MOSLEMS not to be a true one and hurt as much as possible to ISLAM and we have set every aside the truth and we have made this religion the religion of priests.
Bur’qha hahahaha still I am laughing as one of the camera man from BRITAIN said CHAPAATI to an indian family instead of saying SMILE during a photo session. And I was nearly dead at that time with laughing and hold my stomach. Oh my GOD what are BRITAIN people upto??? hahahaha
I have been visited to BRITAIN in 1975-6 for one month and that was a hell tour.
I was not happy but never visited to LONDON ever.
Literally speaking, I was laughing time by time and still I talk to my wife in sad tone and started laughing. She thought I have become MAD but when I read the article in front of her, she said with smile that MICHAEL should avoid such topics because everyone on planet can not understand the real motive and all will take it negatively. I started to laugh again 😉
I like to explore new things and get the cat into the article someway or other. When I run out of ideas I do this sort of article 😉
Strange that you did not receive any comments from unknown TALIBAANS yet, and please! don’t relate these things to cats. 😉
You must consider your LIFE better than BURQ’HA.
BURQ’HA!!! hahahahaha I wish I could wear one if I should slip away from LAW any time 😛
Michael! just take care of yourself and specially cats, and leave the issues like these because many people have only one kind of BRAIN.
LIVE A LONG LIFE MY FRIEND, not everyone can understand the positive message behind your article 🙁
Thank you dear <3
She is gorgeous!