Caboodle Ranch: Cat Heaven Or Cat Hell?

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Good day readers. Today I’d like to initiate a very serious discussion concerning problems allegedly occurring at Caboodle Ranch in Lee, Florida. As you may recall, I did a story a few months back on the ranch and the great work of Craig Grant.

I call this new, follow-up article Caboodle Ranch-Cat Heaven or Cat Hell.

I’m not writing this article to see Caboodle Ranch put out of business or to make any false claims. Hopefully this article will give everyone concerned on both sides of the issue a chance to voice their concerns and for Caboodle Ranch to clarify any accusations they consider untrue.

This story is difficult to approach because Craig has every right to sue anyone who makes false accusations against his cat sanctuary. I merely want to explain what’s going and allow everyone concerned to vent.

The new problems at Caboodle Ranch haven’t made the news as of yet, although a few local reporters are interested in the story of how animals at the ranch are being left unprotected from coyote attacks from an inadequate fence.

coyoteFor those of you who would like a little of my “homework,” please go to your search engine and type in “how high can coyote jump?” One of the answers I found may surprise you. A coyote doesn’t necessarily “jump” the fence. It scales it by pulling itself up and over using its paws. Scaling a 10-foot fence is possible for a coyote1.

So a 5-foot chain link fence may not be much protection at all.

I’m also concerned over the information I’ve read that the total number of cats has been drastically reduced due to coyote attacks and snake bites2. Craig himself has acknowledged this.

A few groups are putting out a call for rescue organizations and also for Florida veterinarians who would be willing to come in a take the cats and treat them should the worst happen and Caboodle Ranch be closed due to the unsafe conditions at the ranch.

Here are two videos that explain the conditions being questioned at the ranch. A few of the photos are graphic and the video is quite long. Almost half an hour if you listen to both. I’ve included these two because they address the topic of slander in making charges against Caboodle Ranch. They also raise some very important concerns that should come into play at animal sanctuaries everywhere.


{Please note: Sometimes videos are pulled off YouTube for a number of reasons resulting in no playable video here as Michael (Admin) has no notice of this}

I also hope Craig Grant or one of his staff will come forward and comment on my article. I have a very open mind and always want to give a person the benefit of the doubt. Are these charges a lie? What is your response to the accusations of those who want the cats removed and given to rescue groups?

I did read a comment from Caboodle Ranch supporters that a few of the photos used in the above videos were actually from Tiger Sanctuary and not from Caboodle Ranch. If that is true, the world needs to know there are parts of these videos that are untrue.

Craig, are the charges in the videos true or do you feel these groups are out for one reason: to shut down Caboodle Ranch?

Craig made a statement in an article run by Jax 4 News in Jacksonville, Florida about how he feels about his cats: “Their lives are precious and I put as much value on a cat’s life as I would a human life. People are going to hate me for saying this, but it’s probably what motivated me to do this.”3

I will be posting the link to this article to both the Caboodle website and to those who want the ranch closed down. Hopefully a good discussion will develop and we can get to the bottom of these charges.

For those who comment negatively about the ranch, please have proof to back up your claims and be polite. I don’t believe in wrecking Craig’s reputation on unproven here-say.

Just the facts please. Has anyone visited the ranch recently and can vouch for the ranch being in good condition for the cats who call the ranch home?

Along with cat lovers the world over, I’d like to know the truth.


There are probably 1000 comments. The page is getting too large to accept more comments – sorry. Please make comments count.





From Caboodle Ranch: Cat Heaven Or Cat Hell? to Arts of Elisa Black-Taylor

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Caboodle Ranch: Cat Heaven Or Cat Hell?

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Apr 03, 2012
@elliot NEW
by: elisa

Catch up at just posted today

Apr 03, 2012
To Elliot NEW
by: Dana

Elliot please check out the website Caboodle Ranch Animal Cruelty Info at

You’ll be surpised as to how long the cats have been suffering and dying at CR. There is much evidence to support the accusations against Craig Grant for animal cruelty.

Also, all (691) cats have been seized from him and he’s been charged with felony animal cruelty and scheming to defraud. There are numerous news stories and pictures of the investigation circulating the internet. Just search “Caboodle Ranch Animal Cruelty”.

Apr 03, 2012
Cat health NEW
by: Elliot

Someone who is running a cat rescue HAS TO KNOW that if there coyotes or other predators in the area, then the fence perimeter has to set up so that the can not get in. That means climbing over the fence AND digging under it. Coyotes can dig 3 feet under a fence as well. And if there are snakes then how to build a snake fence as well. This guy probably means well but he has NO CLUE as to how to do it RESPONSIBLY. Maybe he should take a trip to BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SANCTUARY in Utah and see how it is done. I realize that this could be expensive to do but IT HAS TO BE DONE. I have cats in my home and I only let them out into the yard when I am home. I have fenced it in so that they cannot get out. I am always listening to what is going on in the yard and if anything comes into the yard that shouldn’t be there they make me aware if it immediately.

Secondly, how often are these cats checked out by a vet (blood work, urine analysis, mites, fleas, injuries, etc.)? And are they tagged or chipped so that a record can each one can be maintained? If not then Caboodle Ranch needs to step up in a BIG way or shut down. Again, if you can’t raise the funds to do it RIGHT, then you should not be doing it.

Apr 03, 2012
Cat health NEW
by: Elliot Someone who is running a cat rescue HAS TO KNOW that if there coyotes or other predators in the area, then the fence perimeter has to set up so that the can not get in. That means climbing over the fence AND digging under it. Coyotes can dig 3 feet under a fence as well. And if there are snakes then how to build a snake fence as well. This guy probably means well but he has NO CLUE as to how to do it RESPONSIBLY. Maybe he should take a trip to BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SANCTUARY in Utah and see how it is done. I realize that this could be expensive to do but IT HAS TO BE DONE. I have cats in my home and I only let them out into the yard when I am home. I have fenced it in so that they cannot get out. I am always listening to what is going on in the yard and if anything comes into the yard that shouldn’t be there they make me aware if it immediately.

Secondly, how often are these cats checked out by a vet (blood work, urine analysis, mites, fleas, injuries, etc.)? And are they tagged or chipped so that a record can each one can be maintained? If not then Caboodle Ranch needs to step up in a BIG way or shut down. Again, if you can’t raise the funds to do it RIGHT, then you should not be doing it.

Apr 01, 2012
Judged in the Court of Public Opinion? NEW
by: Jo Singer What is most distressful about many of these comments is it appears that Caboodle Ranch has been found guilty without a trial, without a jury,and for those hurling vindictive statements at Craig and Caboodle Ranch, without any reliable evidence it id highly disturbing to me. the court of public opinion is often slanderous, and has a mob mentality.

This is very alarming. There are always at least two sides to a story, and when the facts come out about the excellent care that was tenderly rendered to these kitties, and the devotion given to these cats will tell the story- If only the cats could speak.

So why not wait until the true facts come out?

Apr 01, 2012
Judged in the Court of Public Opinion? NEW
by: Jo Singer What is most distressful about many of these comments is it appears that Caboodle Ranch has been found guilty without a trial, without a jury,and for those hurling vindictive statements at Craig and Caboodle Ranch, without any reliable evidence it id highly disturbing to me. the court of public opinion is often slanderous, and has a mob mentality.

This is very alarming. There are always at least two sides to a story, and when the facts come out about the excellent care that was tenderly rendered to these kitties, and the devotion given to these cats will tell the story- If only the cats could speak.

So why not wait until the true facts come out?

Apr 01, 2012
Caboodle, my view NEW
by: Dale Swisher I haven’t been on this page in quite awhile. When I did post, I made sure I said what I was posting was what I saw on my 2 trips to the ranch. I have never said anyone was “sick in the head,” as I just noticed Dana said about me. And no, I am not a hoarder. I do not have any animals at all right now.
Yes, I will defend Craig because I was there, I saw the animals, and I do not believe this raid benefited them. It’s the animals I care about. Yes, I will defend in court, if asked, on a picket line, if required. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t suggest improvements or other ways of doing things. But, in general, the cats were much better at Caboodle than in cages in a warehouse. I can imagine more sicknesses arising from that, then from being outdoors and free.

Mar 26, 2012
Website NEW
by: Anonymous There is a website for anyone interested in looking at the facts for themselves. It may help you come to your own conclusions on where you stand and what you think about the situation at Caboodle Ranch. The website is

Mar 26, 2012
Run Kittys Run as Far as you Can NEW
by: David Well it sure is GOOD for the kitties for all the Adults to behave like a bunch of kindergarten Children… Good luck kittys they have your bset interest at heart RUN LIKE THE WIND KITTYS…. It all Politics and Money. How can we make the most money off this…….

Mar 25, 2012
Caboodle Ranch Animal Curelty Page Info NEW
by: Anonymous Tamporary Page for Caboodle Ranch: Save the Kitties

Mar 23, 2012
Caboodle Ranch Sucks Facebook Page NEW
by: Anonymous Visit

Mar 22, 2012
A new FB page NEW
by: Anonymous There is a new page on FB titled “Caboodle Ranch Animal Cruelty Case Info.” In case the CR radicals try and get that page shut down too by bogus claims, we’re working on a website that can’t be closed down.

Mar 22, 2012
new stk facebook NEW
by: Anonymous Is there a new CR STK facebook page yet?

Mar 20, 2012
Temporarily unavailabe NEW
by: Anonymous The CR fan page systematically reported STK and FB closed it. When FB gets lots of reports, it automatically closes pages. A human never reads the complaints, it’s done by a computer. A dispute has been sent to FB refuting the claims. Hopefully it will be back up soon. If it’s not up by tomorrow, we may open a temp page in the meantime while we wait for the original to be restored.

Mar 20, 2012
What happened NEW
by: Anonymous What happened to the facebook ” CR save the kitties” page, this is where I was getting updates on what was happening. Where do I go now to find out what is happening and info on how to get my cat back?

Mar 20, 2012
What are they afraid of?! NEW
by: candace How odd, two facebook pages that were dedicated to showing the ‘other’ side of Caboodle…the side from the PETA investigation and visits by Maddie’s shelter and HSUS and many eyewitness accounts…have been taken down today by zealots from a new facebook page supporting Caboodle. They choose to turn a blind eye to the suffering caused to the cats and are regurgitating the fluffy PR and lies that Nanette is so good at writing. Luckily it will all come out in court, no need to worry but it sure is interesting that they are so threatened by the truth being told!

Mar 18, 2012
Where have all the cats gone ? NEW
by: compton The Peta video is so fony, listen to the “volunteer” making sure we know this unused fridge stinks, and she films the litter trays, as if they are an unusual site before morning clean-up, which she was supposed to be doing in there, not filming the sick kitties waiting for their morning care, food and meds !

This is so remenisent of “witch”-hunting. ie Authorities composed of self-interested groups, arresting and incriminating people who were a source of happiness in competition with what they wanted people to believe in (and donate to).

I feel most sorry for these cats. Seizing them and removing them from this property is likely NOT going to result in a happier ending for them. How likely is the ASPCA going to be to care for and adopt out feral cats? How likely are they to find shelters to take hundreds of cats when the shelters they associate with are probably already killing 50% or more of the cats they take in? These cats would likely have been far better served by the ASPCA sending folks in to help.

Mar 12, 2012
to Janet NEW
by: Carolyn Some people just don’t get it. Strange, no matter how much the truth slaps them in the face, they can’t seem to grasp reality. I feel for you whomever you are. Do you really believe all of this is just make believe or staged? Staged by dozens and dozens of people? You obviously have no regard for animals. God bless your soul.

Mar 12, 2012
Common sense NEW
by: Anonymous As an eyewitness I can tell you that these cats are in rough shape!!! Severe URI’s, Flea and lice infested, ringworm, etc. This really comes down to common sense!! It is impossible for one person to take care of 700 cats properly….I’m sure there were good intentions, but come on…..humanly impossible to get daily meds to a cat that’s wandering around on acres of open space!

Mar 12, 2012
Common sense NEW
by: Anonymous As an eyewitness I can tell you that these cats are in rough shape!!! Severe URI’s, Flea and lice infested, ringworm, etc. This really comes down to common sense!! It is impossible for one person to take care of 700 cats properly….I’m sure there were good intentions, but come on…..humanly impossible to get daily meds to a cat that’s wandering around on acres of open space!

Mar 06, 2012
Please read this NEW
by: Janet Every story has two sides

Mar 06, 2012
Please read this NEW
by: Janet Every story has two sides

Mar 04, 2012
Long list of witnesses over the years NEW
by: Dana Here is a list of witnesses of the animal cruelty at Caboodle Ranch that I’m aware of. Did I miss anyone? This does not include those who made anonymous complaints to the sheriff, animal control, PETA, HSUS, Best Friends, ASPCA, etc. These are just people I know personally and we all stand by to testify against Grant:

Nyein Nyein
Dr. Levy
Laura Bevan
The neighbors

Mar 04, 2012
by: Anonymous PETA is not the one under review here, I am sick of people bringing up this and that about PETA and fyi the ASPCA is handling this, so are you going to say that what they seen also is all staged? Give me a break. I personally know how Craig gives med and I will testify if they need me to a long with dozens of other people. You people who are sticking up for him are just as sick as he is if you think things were being done ok there. Craig even stated that he was healing them with his heart, WHATEVER! It takes more than love to run a sanctuary. And his love is sick love at that.

Mar 04, 2012
Dont believe all you read or see NEW
by: Janet Yes the cats were under veterinary care. The fridge was not in use. There were animals with URI-but yes they were receiving meds. The video was taken by a Peta investigator posing as a volunteer who was assigned to clean-I used to believe PETA but dont now at all.Make up your own minds but please be your own investigator-do research on PETA and do research on Caboodle Ranch-read comments from volunteers. Also read this

Mar 04, 2012
Justice Served NEW
by: Anonymous I just read on the CR website and I quote “All the cats in Craig’s care were seen regularly by a veterinarian”. How is this possible, you are telling
me that every ferrel cat was regularly seen by a vet. Since you were providing an open food source and water, explain to me how you were able to trap all the ferrel cats to give them regular care.

Mar 04, 2012
Please help NEW
by: Anonymous On a Jax news they say that the volunteers of CR, not some of the volunteers but THE volunteers of CR are upset about all of this and think Craig needs to have his cats back etc. We have got to stop them.

Please please help as we have got to get the word out. There are still others who are sticking by this very sick man, he is an “animal hoarder” in all the sense. He does not even have sense enough to know when cats are very ill and that they need more than “love” to heal them. They need care, medical treatment and someone who really wants to have a so called sanctuary that HE DID NOT HAVE. Please help and sign our petition.

Mar 03, 2012
RE: getting ferrel cat back NEW
by: Dana If the ferel cat is captured during the seizure, you have a very good chance of getting her back if they find her. Was she microchipped? Did she have any special markings? Join our FB Page Caboodle Ranch: Save the Kitties. There’s a lot of people searching for their cats there and some are keeping us up to date with contacts for finding their cats. We’ve also created a folder of missing cats so in the future others may be able to help locate your cat. I plan on going down to volunteer when they make a call for volunteers. I plan to take the photos with me and try to match them up with cats there. If you’re not comfortable with FB. Email me at

Mar 02, 2012
by: Anonymous I have posted on this site before, I was actually pro-CR for ferrel cats only as I dropped 1 off there
myself from NY. Anyway, Im reading on this site and other sites, pro and con about the cr. Well, I will just state for the record, in addition to the 1 ferrel cat, I also dropped off her brother and sister at the ranch who were slightly friendly to humans. Three weeks after leaving the cats, we moved to Florida. We stopped off to visit the CR. To make a long story short, we took back the slightly friendly cats. Why am I writing this because I want people (pro-cr) to know that when we took the cats back they were infested with fleas, both had an URI, and 1 had an eye infection. They are both now healthy and with their new brother and sister and with a loving family, my wife and I.

PS. Can I get back the ferrel cat to place her somewhere else, I brought her down to the CR so she would not be euthanized?

Mar 01, 2012
madison county voice NEW
by: Dana I’ve been banned from their FB page for simply asking why they are deleting critical comments made of Caboodle. John Ovendon, the editor has been a long time supporter of Caboodle.

Feb 29, 2012
WRONG link that was another new video NEW
by: Anonymous Here is the link

Feb 29, 2012
Craig is still asking for money NEW
by: Anonymous

Feb 29, 2012
Updated Video NEW
by: Anonymous Updated Video – Caboodle Ranch Raided

Feb 29, 2012
Re: Debe NEW
by: Dana Debe has been a strong supporter of Caboodle. I met her in Feb when I was there volunteering. She was quite nice to me until after I left and reported Craig for animal abuse. She then got very nasty with me. She left Caboodle a couple of months ago. I did speak with her briefly while I was there as she was cleaning one of the disgusting trailers. She appeared to be disgusted by the sight. She even asked Craig if she could come at least every other day to stay on top of the buildings. At that time she was the only one cleaning the buildings and was only working a couple of days a week.

Feb 28, 2012
Debi NEW
by: Anonymous Im just curious about someone. Last April I dropped off 3 cats. I came back a month later and took 2 back (the other was ferell), anyway, Debi was instrumental in getting the cats back as Craig did not want to give up custody, I was wondering if she was there until the end and witnessed these horrors.
The reason I am asking is I thought she was an animal lover and a nice person. I would of thought that she would have spoke up. Also, whats going to happen to the ferrel cats?

By the way, I took the cats back because they looked miserable inside their pen. We took them to the vet where they were treated for URI and fleas. We adopted the cats and they are healthy. My concern now is for the ferrel cat.

Feb 28, 2012
new video NEW
by: Anonymous be warned, dead cats in video

Feb 28, 2012
Nanette? NEW
by: Anonymous If anyone is interested, it looks as though Nanette or someone like her is posting on the ASPCA’s blog and telling lies about Craig again, sticking up for him etc, here is the link if you wish to post something in response:

Feb 28, 2012
Re: You’ve got to be kidding me NEW
by: Dana Susan,

Sounds like Dale Swisher (Gordon). She will stand by Craig no matter how many awful photos and videos come out of that place. She is sick in the head too. Possibly a hoarder herself. Hoarders do have a tendency to unite and defend each other.

Feb 28, 2012
to anonymous NEW
by: Anonymous When are you and others like you going to realize that Craig DID NOT ALLOW HELP. We all tried! I offered some great stuff for the ranch for the cats, he refused it all! FREE Huge fans for the summer, a team of men to finish the fence so the cats would not get torn up by coyotes anymore, HE REFUSED IT ALLLLLLLL!

Feb 28, 2012
You’ve got to be kidding NEW
by: Susan Anonymous- you are clearly delusional in you think that video was just a few sick cats. Please give me a break.

Feb 28, 2012
contact number NEW
by: Anonymous Does anybody have a contact number to find out what is going to happen to the ferrel cats. I placed one at the CR and I am willing to take her and place her somewhere else.

Feb 28, 2012
ASPCA and PETA protect their assets NEW
by: Anonymous I spent time at Caboodle ranch last September. I saw a man with the biggest heart who may have eventually become overwhelmed (as many rescuers are). Craig had just secured guard dogs and was training them to patrol the perimeter, but they were just puppies then. Yes, there were some sick cats, but so many more happy, healthy cats – unafraid to approach visitors, friendly and sweet. There are always sick cats in recue. Always. There will always be some that do not make it. Always. Caboodle Ranch is an operation that seemed like it could have used additional volunteers, but was not in need of “investigators”. The time spent attempting to destroy this man and his kindhearted attempts to provide a safe haven for animals (who would have otherwise become roadkill) would have been better spent in assisting him in securing additional volunteers, on-site veterinary help, and more funding (because rescues always could use more money), as well as helping to raise funds for the fence. PETA and the ASPCA conducted themselves as they always do – destroying the competition for donations. It’s about money and control for them, not about the animals. NEVER ABOUT THE ANIMALS!! They continue with this MO everywhere, instead of focusing on better education of Rescue group volunteers, securing better veterinary care, and training those who give their own time and money to be the best they can be for the animals. Paid character assassins are what they really are, and the media is complicit in furthering their goals. I have personally seen the ASPCA accuse a rescue volunteer of “using a sick animal to solicit donations”, which is EXACTLY how this group solicits donations themselves. Have you ever seen an ASPCA commercial where they did not show sick animals and then ask for money? No, Craig Grant is a victim of his own selfless efforts to provide a safe place for cats who had no other chance. He needed some help, and these people put him in jail instead. They will now take these cats, many of whom ended up there because of behavioral problems, and attempt to place them in homes where they will be unhappy, and maybe abused because of their behavior. In the meantime, these cats will be caged. I hate that there are sick cats anywhere, but it is a fact of rescue. Maybe Craig should have secured additional medical care. But he is no fraud, I assure you. He is a kind, gentle being who has had enough of people (and on my trip down there I met enough awful people to agree with him) and found his happiness in cats. Once again, PETA, and the ASPCA, you got it wrong. You could have just helped. Really, you could have just helped.

Feb 28, 2012
by: Elisa lets move comments over to here

Feb 27, 2012
by: Anonymous look at these photos

Feb 27, 2012
To emc
by: Anonymous All the news articles have said that the madison county sheriff’s office and the aspca are the people in charge. Google ‘caboodle ranch’ for news and it may give you contact information in the news articles. Or find out the number for the madison county sheriff’s office and call them.

Feb 27, 2012
dear julie
by: Anonymous Dear Julie, I know you must not know all the facts here. MANY have tried to help Craig. His mentality is that of a hoarder, he would not get help or allow help or let anyone help even if it meant saving a cats life. Please do your research.

The email I received from Peta says a lot of truth:


Imagine that your family has packed you up and shipped you across the country to a total stranger. You are surrounded by others who are also stressed, terrified, and confused. The stench is overwhelming, and disease is rampant. You cannot get away from the insects—they swarm around you, cover your eyes, and fly into your nose. There are maggots and roaches in the food. When you fall ill, a stranger forcefully grabs you and scrubs your face with a Clorox wipe, burning your eyes. You wonder why your family did this to you, and you do your best to cope and survive.

This is just a glimpse into what hundreds of cats likely went through when they were left at Caboodle Ranch, Inc., a “rescue sanctuary” in Madison County, Florida. PETA’s latest undercover investigation exposes the reality that nearly 500 cats confined to the “no-kill” facility faced each day : an essentially one-person operation with no paid full-time help that subjected animals to severe crowding, filth, disease, neglect, suffering, and a miserable death. Based on PETA’s evidence, officials are seizing Caboodle’s animals and charging its founder and operator, Craig Grant, with cruelty!

Feb 27, 2012
HELP! Need to find cats sent to Caboodle
by: emc Not interested in debating the case at this point – TRYING TO FIND INFO ON TRACKING CATS WHO WERE RECENTLY SENT THERE – Can anyone help with this??! Thanks!

Feb 27, 2012
caboodle ranch
by: Julie Lepper I have been to Caboodle Ranch twice. I was quite impressed with the outside environment. There were houses for the cats too, lots of them. There were cats with uri however this is quite common in shelters too. There was plenty of food and water. It was apparent that Craig worked hard to care for the cats. It would appear that his shortcoming was maintaining their health. An intervention should have happened but could have been more supportive in nature. Why couldn’t PETA show Craig more effective methods for maintaining the cats health?

Feb 27, 2012
by: Anonymous If you’re considering donating to help the rescues who are involved, there are many. One rescue that is on site I have been familiar with for many years is They’re based in Sacramento, CA and used to be known as United Animal Nations. They do GREAT work and I’m sure could also use any help that could come their way.

Feb 27, 2012
Craig Grant is behind bars where he belongs!
by: Anonymous Link

Feb 27, 2012
Re: ferrel
by: Dana If the cat is caught you may have a chance at recovering her. Please join our FB page We will keep everyone informed as we learn more.

Feb 27, 2012
by: Anonymous I dropped a ferrel cat off there, whats going to happen to her? Will I have a chance to find her?

Feb 27, 2012
What say you all NOW??
by: Anonymous THANK THE HEAVENS the remaining kitties now have a chance. All you who closed your eyes to the situation should be ASHAMED for supporting the animal cruelty that went on there!! ASPCA & MANY other rescue orgs went in today to rescue all the cats. Craig Grant arrested on several counts of animal cruelty.


Feb 17, 2012
by: Dana I believe the reason you are suspicious as being part of the CR “cult” is because CR is adamat about only allowing the public in by appointment only and at that time they are escorted. There are only a few who has unlimited access. In order for us all to better understand you and what is going on at Caboodle Ranch, can you give us a general idea where you live and your relationship with Craig Grant and/or CR?

Feb 17, 2012
Re: the county being “in”
by: Dana Honestly, I know it sounds like a reach to those on the outside who’ve watched the mess unfold from a distance. But those of us who’ve been in the “trenches” fighting for the freedom of those cats know what’s really going on in that county. I don’t expect anyone to believe it unless they have first hand experience.

I could respond to your questions about why the county created the ordinance and why they are giving Caboodle more time, but I’d be here all week responding. It isn’t important to me what on lookers opinions are about the county being corrupted. Hopefully the state will decide to pursue an internal investigation after reading through the folder of complaints and evidence.

Feb 17, 2012
by: John Ok Anonymous, nice name, did your parents give you that? I am not any of the people you say I might be, nor am I associated with Caboodle. If I have upset anyone, I am sorry. I can only tell what I have seen with my own eyes. I do believe I have wasted my time on this site and will no longer.

Feb 17, 2012
It’s not going to change
by: Anonymous It is like Dana said, Craig is a hoarder. This place is not run like a business that cares for cats. He has a hoarder mentality and even if anyone in his group says “we are doing this, we are doing that” it is not Craigs words. You should talk to him yourself. Even when he is confronted with these issues, he refuses to even SAY he will make the necessary changes because he is hoarder. And I can tell you from being there several times, he does not comprehend that the cats that come there are in harms way. The pics in the slideshow say a lot and say the truth. You have no idea how many have died there. I for one have lost 1 cat there and know of many many others that have disappeared. I saw with my own eyes many cats DIE while I was there and I had to wonder how many died the days I was not there. It’s a very sick situation and I cannot believe he is still being allowed to continue what he does there.

Feb 17, 2012
by: Anonymous I think your accusation about Madison County being “in” with the caboodle ranch is a reach. First off, the county could have grandfathered the CR in regarding the county’s new laws, second, they didnt give them a permit during first or second board meeting, they gave them more time to get up to code, third, they didnt have to enact new laws in the first place. I do believe they want to give the CR a chance under their guidelines to work.

I am happy that the pressure people like you have made were able to improve the CR. At this time, however, I am going to give the place some time under the new guidelines before I call for its closing. If the conditions are as they were in the past six months down the road, I will contribute my time and money for its closing.

Feb 16, 2012
Exploitive Hoarders
by: Dana There are a few different models for animal hoarders. I believe Craig Grant fits into the Exploitive category:

“These hoarders acquire animals to serve their own needs and are indifferent to the harm caused to them; deny the problem and reject authority figures or outside help; believe they know best and have an extreme need to control; may come across as charming, articulate, manipulative and cunning; skilled at presenting excuses and explanations for their circumstances; self-concerned and expressing no remorse or guilt; acquires animals actively; plans to evade the law, will lie cheat and steal without remorse in order to achieve their goals.”


Feb 16, 2012
up to standards
by: Dana It would be a good thing if this was simply a legitamite shelter simply needing help. But, as said before, it’s not. We are dealing with a hoarder.

IF Caboodle is able to physically get things up to standard it won’t change his mental state of hoarding. He will continue to take in more cats than he has resources for. Hoarders will hide, steal, and cheat to fulfill their need.

As far as there being more oversight…I don’t know how the county is going to be able to oversee Caboodle now more than they have done in the past. They haven’t hired more people in animal control. What’s happened in the past is that when the heat was on, Caboodle would do a decent job at keeping the place kept up. But as soon as things sizzled down, Craig would go back to his same old ways.

One last thing that hasn’t been discussed on this forum but has on is that there has been a lot of accusations that the county (especially animal control)is protecting Caboodle Ranch. These accusations have a strong foundation and haven’t been pulled out of thin air. It’s believed this is why animal cruelty has gone on for over 3 years at CR. The authorities just keep trying to sweep it under the rug and hope we will go away. I know this sounds like something out of the Dukes of Hazard but I’ve researched other hoarding cases and it’s not uncommon for the authorities to look the other way and in some cases deliberately cover up.

Feb 16, 2012
by: Anonymous If the cr is meeting the standard of care set forth by Madison County, isnt this a good thing. Arent the cats going to be cared for with more oversight so that the deficiencies that were brought up by people in this forum dont occur again.

Feb 16, 2012
Whooooo are you? Who? Who?
by: Anonymous John,

Let me guess…Nanette? No, maybe Dale? Or Cindy? Perhaps Debe? Oh I know, is it Catsunn?

All of you have the same script. Get a new one.

Feb 16, 2012
nothing is going to change
by: Dana Caboodle Ranch is working hard to get up to minimum standards so they can keep all the cats. They can put a million buildings in there and clean all day and NOTHING is going to change the fact that Craig Grant is an animal hoarder. This is what people are loosing site of. Any expert in the field will tell you. Animal hoarders DON’T change! The mental illness is too ingrained. Even with treatment there is a 99% rate of recidivism. It’s a serious condition and not to be taken lightly or looked at as a person simply overwhelmed with too many animals.

Hoarders consciously decide to take in one animal after another. They are not victims of people just dumping their pets on them.

I highly suggest that anyone wanting to have a serious discussion about Caboodle Ranch to research animal hoarding. To discuss this matter without understanding the condition is futile.

Here’s some reading material for those who are interested:

Prisoners of love the victims of animal hoarding

Feb 16, 2012
not changed
by: Anonymous didn’t you watch that recent slideshow? that has newer pics in it. That man will never change his ways, therefore the cats will continue to suffer. I will never believe anything I read again ever ever about that place. The facts are there when you go to visit, if you open your eyes and look around, stay for a week too, don’t miss a thing.

Feb 16, 2012
by: Anonymous I was there last April and dropped off 2 cats. I came back in May and picked them up. What I want to know is, forgetting the past, what is the place like today? Has it improved? Has anyone who had negative comments in the past been there recently?

Feb 16, 2012
the slideshow tells it all
by: Anonymous The slideshow tells it all. I don’t know where some of you get your information but I have been there. There may be NOW ac rooms and stuff, don’t know since I haven’t been there in a while. But this place is a nightmare and they have KILLED and let get KILLEd many many cats that were domesticated and it was so sad to see ppl bring their cats there that they had so spoiled in their home for years to live out the rest of it’s life there, only to be KILLED!!! Again this place needs to be CLOSED. And this is Carolyn and I have nothing to hide and they lie on their website about me. I have proof and witnesses to their lies.

Feb 16, 2012
Re: John Coor
by: Anonymous Your story and wording sounds like the same few people who keep making the same claims as you. All you people do is try and disguise yourselves with different names. Nice try

Feb 16, 2012
Been There
by: John Coor Not sure where some of these people get there information but I have been to Caboodle Ranch and even left cats there and I can tell you from first hand experiance that it is a grear place for cats. I have even “dropped” in without notice and found all well. The cats have fresh water and food, there are buildings with A/C and heaters for the seasons. One would think with so many cats it would smell, but on one of my un announced visits, I caught Craig and 2 volunteers cleaning the ranch, raking, sweeping and shoveling poo up, I was quite impressed! Craig has never turned me away and he lets me go anywhere on the ranch I want to. People need to visit before making claims and listening to other people, I have been there and I have never seen the filth and disgust some readers are posting.

Jan 19, 2012
new video
by: Anonymous New Caboodle Ranch warning video: Caboodle Ranch

Jan 15, 2012
to anonymous
by: Anonymous You are very right anonymous, no one should compare CR to a stray cat. They have no idea what nightmares the cats go through there. Summer is extremely hot there, more so than other places for some reason, and the cats are so overheated they barely move around. The pics of the green grass and cats lying around is so unreal of what it is there. Winters are even worse for those babies. And the cats that wonder off don’t come in for food and when they do there isn’t a lot of it. The cats that survive the neighbors killing them or the coyotes eating them or cars running them over in the streets.

Dec 01, 2011
sassy cat
by: Anonymous Anyonymous 1, you make some very valid and interesting points. What time period did you go to Caboodle Ranch?

Anonymous 2, While I’m sure you mean well, but if what you said about Caboodle Ranch were true, this discussion wouldn’t be taking place. Not sure where you got the figures that a cat at Caboodle Ranch has a better chance at surviving than an outdoor cat. Alley Cat Allies reports that an outside, stray cat has about a 5 year life span. I can guarantee you that the life span at Caboodle Ranch is shorter due to massive diseases, coyotoes, getting hit by cars, shot by neighbors, lack of medical, etc.

And yes, some of those things are a danger every where but you make the their chances to live even worse when you pull them from a familiar place where they know where food and shelter is.

If you were homeless, would you rather be in an area that you were familiar with and knew where to go for food and water or would you rather be swept up and dropped in some foreign land?

Let’s sweep up all the homeless people and put them on a disease ridden island with predators and hunters. While we’re at it, lets give them very little resources so they have to fight one another. Is that how you would like to live?

And secondly, I’m tired of people comparing Caboodle Ranch to the life of a stray cat. What does that have to do with Caboodle Ranch lying and taking peoples money? People are paying for what they believe to be “a safe, loving, and healthy environment where the cats receive medical treatment (including monthly parasite treatment). That’s also what people are donating money to. But who knows what the money is being used for. I heard about Caboodle Ranch paying for people’s hotels, dinners, etc.

Dec 01, 2011
The Truth
by: Anonymous I have been to the Ranch and was even coaxed into leaving some feral cats there that I thought were going to be well taken care of. I was made to believe they would have a better life than roaming the streets.

I went back to check to see how they were doing a couple weeks later and NONE of them can be found.

Several more visits later and still none can be located. For a couple months I kept being told “they’re here”. Where? Now I’m told “we have so many new cats we don’t know if we’ve seen them”

The truth is they appear to feed, water, and shelter the cats that hang out right around the buildings, but they HAVE NO WAY AND MAKE NO EFFORT to keep track of all the cats. Therefore; their claim that all residents receive necessary vaccines and vet visits can not possibly be true.

Next time you visit and watch Craig put on the show of feeding hundreds of cats, watch very carefully. You’ll notice it’s the same cats eating at different locations. If you don’t believe me, record and rewatch.

The bottom line is that any cat would be better off living in your back yard with you putting food and water out for it, because at least you would realize when it disappeared. That is more than they get at this so call “cat ranch”

Nov 26, 2011
by: Anonymous I have 10 cats and I live in Florida, too.

Fortunately, I can keep all my kitties indoors because I know of the dangers that lurk when they roam.

I’m in the minority.

Most people I know feel it’s okay to have their cats be indoor/outdoor even though there are alligators, bobcats, poisonous snakes/spiders, raccoons, possums, cars, folks with guns, eagles/hawks, cayotes, and assorted other dangers lurking.

If you look at the statistics, a cat allowed to roam freely has a life expectancy of maybe 2-5 years. A cat kept safe indoors can live to 15 years or more.

A homeless cat has maybe a year at best.

Caboodle gives those homeless cats more time.

They also get love, attention, medical care, stability, and a place to call home.

If you have the slightest understanding of cats, you’d know how much they need all of these things.

They also need a warm place to curl up for the night, a full belly, and petting on their terms.

If you can’t or aren’t willing to provide for them, then shame on you for ripping folks who try.

Rather than complain, how about supporting?

Or, better yet, how about creating your own sanctuary?

Jul 09, 2011
Leave and remove
by: Michael (Admin) I agree that the discussion is useful. Passionate discussion airs ideas and feelings that need to be expressed.

The trouble is that the comments in this format have to stop sometime because the page becomes too large.

Thanks for the comments.


Jul 08, 2011
to Jordan and whoever else
by: Anonymous To whomever said there was cussing. Where are you getting that from? I really am starting to believe you are someone with caboodle ranch or as some put it, on their side and trying to get this closed. It’s not a chat room either. This is a very serious topic, and you need to grow up or leave the message board. Obviously you have ulterior motives. Give it a break. And why in the world would you bring up cussing from long ago unless you are someone who has ulterior motives ( on CR’s so called side ) perhaps you are one of his kids, or Nanette. Who knows.

Jul 08, 2011
Well you see..
by: Jordan Well I want it closed mainly because when I was searching the web about caboodle I found this with my friends and when I scrolled down while the article was still loading ( the screen didn’t have a full picture yet) the picture popped up and it was a lot of evil cOmments of people yelling and using profane language which gave me a bad impression of this site, so my motive is that if u want ppl to take this seriously, then u should take down the comments.

Jul 08, 2011
closing discussion board
by: Dana Well I think those that have a problem with the discussions should just not come to the board. I don’t think the discussions give the website a bad rap. I wonder what the motive is for those wanting the discussions closed.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Chel-C Yes, but all the comments that have them are still there.

Jul 08, 2011
by: susan Seems like just certain people are having issues, I’ve never had a problem. And to the person who brought up the cussing, that person was banned quite a while ago.

Jul 08, 2011
Using u!!
by: Chel-C I think the discussions should b closed bc ppl seem to be using your website article as a place for a chatroom type atmosphere. They need to find a real message board to go to. not some comment area that is getting annoying to load

Jul 08, 2011
by: Jordan Well the article did take long to load even on my Mac, and the previous comments on this article r giving ur site a bad rep in my opinion with all the cussing and such.

Jul 08, 2011
no problem here
by: Anonymous I don’t have a problem loading either. It must be only on cell phones and such and older computer systems, or ones with low processors, low internet speed etc. Mine loads perfectly fine and I have been on here on 3 different computers 3 different locations.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Susan I have no issues with loading at home or at work.

Jul 08, 2011
don’t close discussions please
by: Dana You get a lot of traffic on this article and I personally would like to see it stay open. There are no other articles that discuss both views of caboodle ranch. I have no problems with the page loading.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Michael (Admin) Yes, there are masses of comments and I think it is time to close them.

What do other people think? Is the page too slow loading?

Do you want me to stop comments?


Jul 07, 2011
Loading time
by: BlackieBaby Mine is actually slower on this site as well, but really fast on just about everything else…

Jul 07, 2011
loading time.q
by: sassy cat Maybe it’s your computer because I don’t have problems loading it and no one else has ever complained about the loading time.

Jul 07, 2011
Whoa..WAY too long..
by: Gwen Wow.. This page is so big I couldn’t even read the article until like 10 mins of loading time! Why are there so many comments? Can’t the editor take them off? if its just turned into a chatroom, I think it should be closed, bc this loading time was ridiculous!

Jul 07, 2011
by: Susan Dale, I assume that you got your information from Nanette. Why would you believe anyone that has proven themselves to be a habitual liar? I have many documents to back up this statement, if you don’t believe me I’d be more than happy to send them to you.

Jul 07, 2011
Another great story
by: Elisa

Jul 06, 2011
What is defense counter suing for?
by: Dana Since the case was dismissed and the plaintiffs lost, the defendant can now counter sue for legal fees. There are several other requests for financial compensation for certain actions but I’m not going to speak publicly about it without the defendants permission.

Please, I have no more answers about the lawsuit. That’s all I know for now. When I have more details and have permission to speak, I will update ya’ll.

Jul 06, 2011
counter suing
by: Anonymous What is the defense counter suing for? What are they asking for.

Jul 06, 2011
previous post
by: Dana Sorry, forgot to sign the previous post. I don’t post anonymously.

Jul 06, 2011
defamation lawsuit
by: Anonymous The plaintiffs case (Caboodle Ranch) was dismissed but the defense is counter suing and needs the documents for their countersuit which legally Craig was suppose to supply to the defense. The defense still has a right to the documents. From my understanding the way it works is that if the documents are not supplied within the indicated time frame, one can be held in contempt of court. That is how I’m interpreting the information I have but don’t quote me on it just yet. We’ll have more answers within the next week or two so hang on it’s not over.

Jul 06, 2011
by: Anonymous Dana, I am confused, the judge dismisses the case and Craig still has to produce documents? Are you sure this is correct? After the dismissal, the case is over, whats the point of producing documents, there are no more proceedings. Maybe it was Craig had 10 days to produce the documents or the case would be dismissed? According to Dale he produced documents that was accepted by the court. Did you call the court clerk to verify the case was dismissed?

Jul 06, 2011
by: Dana I spoke to the lawyer for over an hour so I’m pretty well versed in the case. The judge dismissed the case and gave Craig 10 days to still produce the requested documents. 10 days have passed and as far as I know he still has not produced ALL the documents. There is a long list of documents, Dale, that you are not aware of that was requested and there was no way Craig could ever produce a document on every cat he’s ever taken in and from who. He has no idea. He was suppose to produce every donation, including food, supplies, anything. And the names of every person who made the donations. We all know how unorganized Craig is and I know there is no way he has all these docs.

Jul 06, 2011
by: Susan Dale, may I ask where you got your information about the lawsuit?

Jul 05, 2011
Law suit comments et al
by: Dale On June 30, WCTV.TV did a segment on the new county ordinance that will limit the number of cats/dogs allowed per acre in Madison County. Craig Grant of Caboodle was interviewed, as was Jamie Willoughby, the Animal Control Officer of Madison County. Jamie Willoughby said that “there were no enforceable issues at Caboodle Ranch.” To view the clip, go to WCTV.TV/floridaheadlines/Madison-County.

On June 27, a Madison County judge heard a request by a defendant in a defamation suit brought by Caboodle Ranch. The party wanted to be dismissed from the case. The hearing lasted about 15 minutes, was attended by attorneys for Caboodle and the defendant, and the judge. The request was denied, and the defamation suit is on-going. The papers submitted, including shot records and photos of Caboodle’s cats, were accepted by the judge. It is totally false to state that the defamation suit was heard and that Caboodle lost.

Jul 03, 2011
To anonymous about lawsuit
by: Dana I don’t know if you are aware that Mr. Grant filed a defamation lawsuit against three people and recently lost. He is being counter sued by the defendant for his cost of attorney fees. The whole law suit is costing him big money. Did Mr. Grant think about the money he was taking away from the cats when he filed a such a frivilous lawsuit. Yes, myself and others have thought this through very carefully. Mr. Grant needs to be held accountable for his actions as he never has up to this point. HSUS and other animal protection organizations will come in and rescue the cats. I’m confident in that.

Jul 03, 2011
by: Anonymous
I don’t know about a class action lawsuit. A class action lawsuit will only hurt the cats.
The money he needs to feed the cats will go to fight the lawsuit plus if your goal is to shut down this place where will all the cats go? We don’t want them to be put down.

Have you fully thought this through?

Jul 03, 2011
to anonymous
by: Carolyn Then you see exactly my point. He is a hoarder. And his allies, Nanette goes a long with telling lies to people when they ask her why they don’t adopt. Her story is a whole different reason than Craigs. She is trying to cover up for him. He should be locked away and gotten help. He started out hoarding, the rescue/sanctuary was not the original idea. He was acquiring cats and had no place to put them til he and his son had purchased some property as an investment. Idea!! I will move me and my cats onto the property because society will not accept us. Then his hoarding got out of hand, Nanette heard about him taking in cats. Bingo, made a human friend that brings me more cats and in return she will try to help make me money to support me and my hoarding ways.

Jul 03, 2011
to anonymous
by: Carolyn Then you see exactly my point. He is a hoarder. And his allies, Nanette goes a long with telling lies to people when they ask her why they don’t adopt. Her story is a whole different reason than Craigs. She is trying to cover up for him. He should be locked away and gotten help. He started out hoarding, the rescue/sanctuary was not the original idea. He was acquiring cats and had no place to put them til he and his son had purchased some property as an investment. Idea!! I will move me and my cats onto the property because society will not accept us.

Jul 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

It’s a shame he won’t adopt out, it’s kind of selfish of him, he wants to play hero. I saw this gray and white kitten both times I went there and it was so cute and loveable, there’s no reason why that baby has to stay there. It would be adopted very fast as would his other cats esp. the gorgous ones. He has alot of good looking cats that are friendly.

Jul 03, 2011
red barn
by: Dana BTW…the red barn with the chainlink fence around it, that’s the FIV building. There is no new sick bay as of yet, from my understanding it’s still in the trailer. Craig has absolutely no idea of what’s he’s doing. Does he not realize that cats can climb? In addition to climbing the chain link fence. There are trees butted right up to the fence on the inside and out that they can climb up and jump right over.


Jul 03, 2011
to anonymous
by: Dana Those of us who’ve brought cats to Caboodle Ranch or donated money based on what we believe to be false advertisement have sought legal representation for a class action lawsuit. Also, those who’ve lost cats due to the negligence of Caboodle Ranch are included in the lawsuit. Anonymous, can you please contact me at Anyone else that wants to be included, please email me too. Thanks

Jul 03, 2011
the Caboodle Ranch Makeover
by: Carolyn Anonymous…. very good ideas, but we have all been there with those now haven’t we? Craig will NEVER adopt out. He already told me that and others. He has a hoarder mentality. We are not dealing with a person who really has the cats at his best interest but a man who thinks he knows everything and no one can handle a cat better in his own mind. He also would never have just ferals there, then where would he get his friends from? Ferals aren’t friendly in that way. I don’t believe that Craig will live up to what the new regulations are stating. He will continue to do it his way. This is all just a waste of time in my opinion, cause as I said, we are dealing with a hoarder. He needs help.

Jul 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

I’ve been to the Caboodle Ranch twice. The first time to drop off cats and the second time to take them back. When we got home they both had upper respiratory infections and both were infested with fleas. We had them treated and since they were very loveable and friendly we decided to keep them.

The Caboodle Ranch is not good for cats that are adoptable. These cats deserve better. The Caboodle Ranch should be strictly FOR FERAL CATS ONLY. It’s like a cat wondering around in someone’s neighborhood looking for food and shelter well Craig provides exactly that.

The Caboodle Ranch is only allowed by law to take in X amount of cats, well whats going to happen when they reach that number? Where is Craig going to raise the money to give the caboodles their neccessities and the upkeep to the ranch.

After going to the Caboodle Ranch I have a few recommendations for Craig and his crew.

1) Put the friendly cats up for adoption. Their already spay/neutered. This way the ranch could raise money and the cats could go to loving homes.

2) Put a gift shop at the ranch. The Caboodle Ranch has some cool merchandise on of it is sold out now), this would help raise money.

3) The red barn with the sick cats should have a more secure fence. Cats are very agile and that fence he has does not look like it will prevent cats from staying in or out.

By keeping the ranch strictly for ferals makes things alot easier and less expensive. No vet bills, no grooming, no color collars, no record keeping and no neglecting cats that crave affection (Craig can’t spend time with every one of them). A head count, a much better fence, food and fresh water and some shelter is all that would be needed for feral cats and they would be forever grateful.

Oh and

4) Craig could be alot nicer to people who drop off cats maybe then he could ward off some of his critics.

Jul 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

I’ve been to the Caboodle Ranch twice. The first time to drop off cats and the second time to take them back. When we got home they both had upper respiratory infections and both were infested with fleas. We had them treated and since they were very loveable and friendly we decided to keep them.

The Caboodle Ranch is not good for cats that are adoptable. These cats deserve better. The Caboodle Ranch should be strictly FOR FERAL CATS ONLY. It’s like a cat wondering around in someone’s neighborhood looking for food and shelter well Craig provides exactly that.

The Caboodle Ranch is only allowed by law to take in X amount of cats, well whats going to happen when they reach that number? Where is Craig going to raise the money to give the caboodles their neccessities and the upkeep to the ranch.

After going to the Caboodle Ranch I have a few recommendations for Craig and his crew.

1) Put the friendly cats up for adoption. Their already spay/neutered. This way the ranch could raise money and the cats could go to loving homes.

2) Put a gift shop at the ranch. The Caboodle Ranch has some cool merchandise on of it is sold out now), this would help raise money.

3) The red barn with the sick cats should have a more secure fence. Cats are very agile and that fence he has does not look like it will prevent cats from staying in or out.

By keeping the ranch strictly for ferals makes things alot easier and less expensive. No vet bills, no grooming, no color collars, no record keeping and no neglecting cats that crave affection (Craig can’t spend time with every one of them). A head count, a much better fence, food and fresh water is all that would be needed for feral cats and they would be forever grateful.

Oh and

4) Craig could be alot nicer to people who drop off cats maybe then he could ward off some of his critics.

Jun 29, 2011
Reply to Carolyn
by: Anonymous OMG!!!!!! I was not trying to be passive-aggressive and ACCUSE you of anything. I just didn’t understand why you brought up the show “Hoarders” because you didn’t reference it specifically the CR!!!!!!!

Jun 29, 2011
thanks anonymous
by: Carolyn I don’t get on her often as I don’t have a lot of time but when I do I get the tail end of things being discussed. I understand where everyone is coming from. But you have to understand Craig and his intentions. They are not in the best interest of the cats and you cannot change him period. He will NEVER EVER adopt out cats, I can bet money on that. He thinks no one can care for a cat better than he. He is a true licensed hoarder. I spent a lot of time there and I know. Dale you are so lost, you only seen what you wanted to see obviously. Where are all the cats? You saying cats have not dyed in the high #’s? You are so blinded. Many many many cats are now gone!!! thanks to Craig and his so called sanctuary (sanctuary: to protect?)

Jun 29, 2011
To the passive aggressive anonymous
by: Anonymous Right, anon. Re-read Carolyn’s response to your VERY accusatory “question”. Nowhere could her response have come across with “venom”, she simply stated her situation. You were trying to set her and Dana up with your question. It is very typical when someone cannot argue the points, they deflect by attacking. You did not simply ask an innocent question, no matter how you want to spin it now. Typical passive-aggressive behavior.

Jun 29, 2011
To Carolyn
by: Anonymous Wow-my question was a simple question without accusation regarding the notation about the AP “Hoarders” show. Why do you always respond with such venom?

Jun 29, 2011
the other side of the barn
by: Dana Guess what Dale? There is a picture of the other side of the barn. Guess what’s not there? Litter boxes. Read the fine print. It states that the litter boxes are outside under the overhang. One overhang.

And who cares about the color of the barn? Get real. All our criticisms have to do with the health and well being of the cats.

You try so hard to discredit us. You want us to answer your questions so you can try and question everthing we say. If you want answers to your questions, go find them like we did. Call Animal Planet yourself. If you really want to help Caboole Ranch, you might consider donating money because those lawyer fees are going to be outrageous.

Jun 29, 2011
no new sick bay
by: Dana A visitor in April said there was no new sick bay. Only the FIV building. The sick bay was a trailer.

Jun 29, 2011
by: Anonymous Does he state why it was pulled? Did they witness anything improper, if so, did they report it to the authorities?

Jun 29, 2011
response from animal planet host John Fulton
by: Dana Oh. CR was pulled because of what AP saw and experienced at CR. Here is a screen shot of John Fulton’s answer to my question.

Admin: can’t show this as it causes formatting problems

I am aware that CR made it to the UK version of Must Love Cats but they are operated by Animal Planet UK. Evidently there was a breakdown in communication between US Animal Planet and UK Animal Planet.

Jun 29, 2011
“Hoarders” show by: Anonymous
by: Carolyn If you are insinuating I am a hoarder you are way off base. Let me see now, I just found homes for 4 kittens, an adult mother. All are being fixed this friday. I have a steady history of ads in the paper finding homes for cats. I keep no cats, the cats I have were from over a year ago and it is less than 25 cats, they don’t stay in my house. They are all fixed and have shots and tags and I have all my paperwork to show it. Would you like to see it? I work in helping others get their cats or stray cats fixed and returned ‘TNR. One that is getting fixed friday is a full feral and is returning to the the area she came from. She had 4 kittens in which we ‘temporarily’ fostered, found homes for and now momma is going back. Also we have another mother we homes that is getting fixed friday in which we found homes for her 4 kittens, they were all going to be euthanized. Momma got a home too. I not only help with cats all over, but all types of animals. I don’t like keeping cats because they are so cute and I just got to have it, or because I think no one else will take care of them properly but myself. I constantly home cats with other people!

Jun 28, 2011
Animal Planet
by: Dale Fact: Animal Planet has shown the Caboodle Ranch episode on Must Love Cats on Demand TV. The segment has been shown all over the world. If you would like to verify this information, contact Demand TV. It’s more damaging to Caboodle to say the piece was pulled because of conditions at the Ranch, but it would not be true.

Another criticism of Caboodle concerns the # of litter boxes at the FIV barn, shown on Caboodle’s home page. Someday we will be able to get a 360 degree shot showing boxes on other sides of the barn, but right now this is far as technology goes. We only saw one side. So let’s think of something else to criticize. Do you think the color of the barn is too bright? Maybe a slightly different shade of red would be better. As for the “weird” picture of cats lying around the pool, maybe the cats like to lie on the ground that has just been hosed down. Makes it a little cooler.

Why not be thrilled with the terrific homes for the cats? Why not accept that for discarded and unwanted cats, this life is much better than one in a shelter would have been? The feral cats have food and shelter. Is that not better than scrounging for food and life itself everyday?

Visitors there less than 2 weeks ago are still raving on their web site about the cleanliness of the Ranch and of the demeanor of the cats. Healthy, happy, unstressed. (check out The Good Luck Duck site) You really want to take that all away? Such a shame.

Jun 28, 2011
Caboodle Ranch/Craig grant lost defamation lawsuit today
by: Save the Kitties Craig Grant had filed a lawsuit against Gary Conley, Carolyn Logan, and Pam Jonnason for defamation. The court date was today and Grant lost the suit. As part of Conley’s defense, his laywer (Lucas Taylor) requested numerous documents and Grant could not produce them and as a result loss by default. Some of the multiple documents that were requested were documentation on every single cat Caboodle Ranch has ever taken in, proof of veterinary care under the Order to Show Care by the court, and every donation made to include monetary, food, buildings, furniture….anything. Conley will be countersuing for cost of lawyer fees. What is interesting about this case is the fact that Grant could not produce the documents which is evidence that he does not have records on all the cats, therefore he is unable to provide care for and insure saefty of the cats when he has no idea of how many cats he has. If he is this irresponsible with the cats, imagine what else he is irresponsible with…


Jun 28, 2011
re: Hoarding
by: Dana It was not to due to the sheer number of cats involved. They didn’t like the conditions they saw and there are many signs of a hoarding mentality and since they have experience with hoarding cases, they were concerned that he is a hoarder. I don’t know what their conversation with Carolyn was but the person who contacted me wanted to know if I knew any family member or close friend of Craig that was concerned about his and the cats well-being. I don’t. As far as I know they all support what he’s doing. I’m sure most of you have seen the show and the premisis is based on family members’ concerns and convincing the hoarder to get help.

Jun 28, 2011
“Hoarders” show
by: Anonymous Dana,
You stated that you and Carolyn were contacted by Animal Planet for the “Hoarders” show. Was that regarding CR or because of the number of animals that you are caring for?

Jun 28, 2011
“Hoarders” show
by: Anonymous Dana,
You stated that you and Carolyn were contacted by Animal Planet for the “Hoarders” show. Was that regarding CR or because of the number of animals that you are caring for?

Jun 28, 2011
Animal Planet
by: Dale
Fact: Animal Planet has shown the Caboodle Ranch episode on Must Love Cats on Demand TV. The segment has been shown all over the world. If you would like to verify this information, contact Demand TV. It’s more damaging to Caboodle to say the piece was pulled because of conditions at the Ranch, but it would not be true.

Another criticism of Caboodle concerns the # of litter boxes at the FIV barn, shown on Caboodle’s home page. Someday we will be able to get a 360 degree shot showing boxes on other sides of the barn, but right now this is far as technology goes. We only saw one side. So let’s think of something else to criticize. Do you think the color of the barn is too bright? Maybe a slightly different shade of red would be better. As for the “weird” picture of cats lying around the pool, maybe the cats like to lie on the ground that has just been hosed down. Makes it a little cooler.

Why not be thrilled with the terrific homes for the cats? Why not accept that for discarded and unwanted cats, this life is much better than one in a shelter would have been? The feral cats have food and shelter. Is that not better than scrounging for food and life itself everyday?

Visitors there less than 2 weeks ago are still raving on their web site about the cleanliness of the Ranch and of the demeanor of the cats. Healthy, happy, unstressed. (check out The Good Luck Duck site) You really want to take that all away? Such a shame.

Jun 27, 2011
Animal Planet knows about the conditions at Caboodle Ranch
by: Dana FACT: Animal Planet filmed Caboodle Ranch for the show Must Love Cats that premiered Feb 2011. However, CR was never aired. Why? Because AP didn’t like what they saw when they were at the ranch. Another FACT: Carolyn was contacted last year and I was contacted in Feb by the production company, who films AP’s show “Animal Hoarders”.

Jun 27, 2011
# of Ferals
by: Susan If I remember correctly as of December 2010 they stated they had 80% Domestic cats, 10% Strays and 10% Ferals.

Jun 26, 2011
let’s not jump to conclusions
by: Dana We don’t know for certain how many cats Caboodle has or how many will be adopted or if CR will even put them up for adoption. Let’s not be negative and assume that all the domesticated cats won’t be adopted. As far as the ferals, we don’t know that they will be euthanized either. First off, how are they going to be caught? Secondly, there may be feral cat colony managers that might be willing to take some in. Let’s not assume the worse. Let’s be optimistic and hope for the best. Everyone should start contacting Caboodle Ranch and plea with them to start adopting out cats and find alternative solutions for the ferals. IT IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. However, I will be more than happy to help try and find homes and I feel safe in saying that the rest who are critics of CR will be happy to help as well. We all want what’s best for the Caboodle cats. If we didn’t we wouldn’t have put so much effort into bringing attention to the public about the conditions at CR and pushing authorities to take action in saving the cats.

Jun 26, 2011
by: Anonymous Im just going to end my point of view with this point, I did not bring my ferell cat down there
to be euthanized because she was unadoptable. I rather they just give her a fighting chance an just
leave here alone. I brought her down there for a better life not to kill her.

Jun 26, 2011
not all cats getting adopted
by: Dana You stated that over 300 aren’t going to be adopted. Caboodle Ranch last fall stated they have 650 cats and were planning on having 1,000 within the next 6-8 months. Well 6-8 months have passed and I feel safe in saying they have taken in 350 cats in that time period. Recent visitors are reporting they are seeing around 100 cats so what has happened to the rest? You are concerned about the remaining cats but no one seems to be answering the question as to what has happened to the other hundreds and hundreds. The point we have been trying to make for months is that the cats are dying at Caboodle Ranch and it is not a painless death. I do not want to see any cat euthanized. I am a huge advocate for animal rights and volunteer in animal rescue. I hope it does not come to that point and that is why we are begging for CR to start adopting. But I do believe if euthanasia is the last resort, the cats will be in a better place than CR and will not have to die a slow, painful death as the rest of the several hundred unaccounted for cats. There are worse things than death and that is living in hell. That is my opinion and I understand others may differ and I respect that.

Jun 26, 2011
by: Anonymous So if a 1/3 of the cats are ferell is it safe to say that 1/2 the cats will die if the ordinance can not be met. Lets be realistic, not all the domesticated cats are getting adopted out. Over 300 cats could be losing their lives.

Jun 26, 2011
by: Dana My thought on your question about ferals is this…If someone takes ferals in and “owns” them, then they are responsible for their shots, medications, identification, etc. It’s a different story if ferals are living independantly and are not owned by anyone as no one is responsible for them. But once CR takes a cat in, they are now responsible. According to CR’s website they claim the ferals receive shots and medical care(which I recommend going and reading the live journal as I don’t have the time to find the actual statement). They also claim Craig’s got some type of special super power where he nets ferals like no one’s ever seen. They are falsely advertising stating that the ferals are provided the same care as the domestics. We know that isn’t possible. As far as the number of ferals I saw, how could I answer that question? The ferals don’t hang out around the general population, they are most likely to leave the five acres. There are two different contradictory statements on CR’s website as far as what percentage are feral. One statement says the majority are feral but at a later date they state that the majority are domestic. You see, they contradict themselves so many times, I can’t believe a word they say. You asked how I suggest they catch the ferals, put a collar on them, vaccinate them, medicate them…well, that’s not my problem to figure out as I’m not the one who takes in ferals without having a solution to that problem. That is something CR needs to figure out and should have had a plan for when they decided to take ferals. I’m not sure that I agree that all the ferals will be put down because how are you going to catch them as many have left the enclosed 5 acres? The feral population will naturally dwendle. A feral cat has a life expectancy of 5 years living in the wild. It may be a little lower in the Caboodle Ranch area with the large population of coyotes.

Jun 26, 2011
by: Anonymous Dana, let me ask you something since you volunteered
there, what percentage are ferrel? Now you write about adopting out, who is going to adopt a ferrel cat? If they arent adopted out, what happens to them? Most people brought ferells there as a last resort. I know I did.

Another thing thing that I was curious about. How does one put a collar on a ferrel cat? If you are
able to do so, how does one capture a ferell cat to make sure he/she is up to date on shots, medical treatment, etc. if food is readily available to them?

It seems to me that if he does not comply the ferells will be euthanized where in reality this place is perfect for ferells as it stands now. Who
speaks for them?

Jun 26, 2011
cats won’t be euthanized if Caboodle Ranch will start adopting
by: Dana Caboodle Ranch has 6 mo. to get into compliance. That gives plenty of time to adopt out cats. If they choose to hang onto the cats down to the last minute out of their own selfish reasons then they are the ones responsible for the death of the cats. We are begging that Caboodle Ranch start adopting out cats and not but their fate at risk.

Jun 25, 2011
new ordinance will make caboodle ranch better
by: cotton kitty Did you read the ordinance? Caboodle Ranch can file for a special permit to have more than 30 cats if they can show proof they can provide the standards of care and required record keeping. If they can’t do either of those then they shouldn’t be in business.

Jun 25, 2011
new ordinance
by: Anonymous How are they going to adopt out ferrel cats? I would say most of the cats dropped off when I was there were ferrel. My cat was ferrel. If I read the ordinance correctly, they will receive a death sentence. You people are happy about this, I’m pissed. I bet half the cats there are going to be killed. I was all for making this place better but this went way too far. On behalf of my ferrel cat and others like her, I might switch sides and give to his legal defense to fight this.

Jun 25, 2011
Check this out
by: Elisa

Jun 14, 2011
by: Dana I thought we agreed to disagree. No they are not rumors. I have my sources and I am not going to share them with you or publicly. A visitor in April said the infirmary was still in the old trailer. Maybe the new building is up but not in use. I don’t care if you believe or not. I’m not here to convince the non-believers and quite frankly having these debates are unproductive.

There are plenty of articles on the internet written by well respected agencies about animal control officers and local vets turning the other way. There are also many cases you can read in which this was an issue. I’m not going to go search for every article for you. Google it yourself. Why would I survey a vet or animal control officer to ask them if they turned a bling eye? Let’s get real here. Do you think I would get a “yes” to that?

Anyways, I don’t wish to continue this debate. It is falling on death ears. Nothing you say is going to change THE HORRORS I SAW!

Jun 14, 2011
dale about animal control inspection
by: Anonymous There is proof that the inspection was not a surprise but there are some things that can’t be shared at this time publicly. If you want all the details, stick around for a while. They will slowly surface.

Jun 14, 2011
Just a note or two
by: Dale
Dana, I was rereading your comments to me, and again you resort to rumors. “Last I heard the place is only cleaned twice a week.” If, as you say, nobody is allowed in, how do you know this is true? You also say it’s common for vets and officials to turn blind eyes and you suggested I do some research. I’m curious how you researched that point. Did you survey vets and officials and ask them when they turned a blind eye to a problem? There’s no question inadequate regulations are a problem in our world–look at our latest financial disaster, but do you know for a fact this malfeasance happened with Caboodle? If you are only assuming, then once again you are dealing in innuendo.
I have never been to the Haven sanctuary and only looked at the video. If by eerily similar to Caboodle you mean they both had cats, I agree. It appeared that lots of cats were caged, but I don’t have enough evidence to say the places are similar in their treatment of animals. I don’t know if a vet came on a regular basis, if cats had sufficient water, food, and bedding. I couldn’t make that judgment with the evidence at hand.
You say I may not have the whole picture of the Ranch. I covered all the existing trails, watched Craig handle the cats, saw the staff doing chores, walked the fence line and was there from morning to night. What did I miss that would give me a different perspective? The new infirmary is up, fenced. When I was there, Craig was improving the filtration in his watering stations. This is a work in progress.
Some of the documents in the Save the Kitties site are over 2 years old. There have been many improvements, and will be more.
Anonymous, you said that AC gives notice prior to inspecting, but Jamie’s last report specifically said it was unannounced.
I am of another generation, and when I hear people saying Caboodle should be closed, it reminds me of the Vietnam era when soldiers used said, “We had to destroy the village to save it.” Didn’t make sense then, and doesn’t now. I do think Caboodle could be a prized destination for Lee. I’ll do what I can to help make that happen.

Jun 14, 2011
by: Anonymous I read your posts and I agree with some of the things you say, however, even though I think Craig started with good intentions, for the CR to succeed,
Craig needs help in management and he needs to be able to take direction from people.
In my opinion, this place is mismanaged by him. You say to donate, well I did, did it go to put up a quality fence, no, I saw cats outside the fence and holes dug underneath the fence. Wouldnt the prudent thing to do is put up quality fencing first before you start taking in more and more cats. Also, if nobody complained would there be a fence.
How about the paperwork for the cats, thats a fiasco.
Bottom line, Craig may love the cats but it is my opinion that he is running this place by trial and error and along the way some cats have paid the price.
If Craig stepped aside and you put an experienced person in charge this place would be great.

Jun 13, 2011
I appreciate your response Dale
by: Dana Thanks Dale for your last response. You are right, we both feel really strong about our positions and nothing is going to change that.

I believe to the best of my knowledge based on what you have said that you are honest in what you saw. Do I think you may not be seeing the whole picture? Yes. But either way I have no fued with you or other Caboodle Ranch fans.

We’ve even had Caboodle Ranch fans come to our FB page and after reading all the information and seeing all the pictures have decided to join us in our quest.

Best wishes Dale and I do hope for the sake of the cats that you are able to volunteer as often as possible since no one else is allowed in to help.

Jun 13, 2011
caboodle fan
by: Dale
Dana, you are right. I saw what I saw. You saw what you claim you saw. I am not trying to change your mind, I’m just reporting my experience and giving my opinion of the Ranch.

Anonymous; I live in northern NJ and have absolutely no relationship to Craig or Nanette, other than meeting them last June and again this March. I asked if I could visit the Ranch and was told I could. I didn’t question it. Because of my experience in March, I will help the Ranch whenever I can. Cats are not dying by the thousands, people are being helped and it is a worthwhile project for me to assist in any way.

Many people have had positive experiences at Caboodle. There’s really no point in continuing this discussion. You all feel strongly about your perspective, as do I about mine, and I assume we will continue in our respective quests.

Jun 13, 2011
Dale what is your relationship with Craig?
by: Anonymous Dale, just curious what your relationship is with Craig? Is he a friend or relative? Are you a rescuer that sends cats? Or are you just someone who doesn’t have a personal stake in Caboodle Ranch and truly did see what you claim? The reason I ask is because there are comments on an article about the recent raid on a hoarding situation at Haven Acres cat sanctuary. A couple of the people, who posted about how they only seen wonderful things at Haven Acres, turned out to be the owners’ children. It’s hard to trust anyone anymore. Others affiliated with Caboodle Ranch have also posted under false identities in the past and commented how wonderful Caboodle Ranch was. I don’t doubt that people have seen Caboodle Ranch is a positive light but it is my educated guess that it was an exception not the norm. Animal control gives notice prior to inspections.

Jun 13, 2011
more to dale
by: Dana We’ve all hashed out this same ole story over and over. And quite frankly I’m tired of trying to defend our position. That is why was created. So people could go through the documents, eye witness testimony, and browse the pictures and make up their own minds.

As far as volunteering, read Caboodle Ranch’s website. They don’t accept volunteers, lawyers orders. They believe all volunteers are spies. Paranoid. Have you considered why they only allow visitors on Saturday when they used to allow them daily? Is Saturday the only day that the ranch is acceptable for viewing?

Look. You saw what you saw and we saw what we saw. So you can try and convince me and whoever else you want that Caboodle Ranch is a paradise but you’re wasting your breath on us. The only way to save those cats is to get them out of the care of Craig Grant. Period.

Jun 13, 2011
To Dale
by: Dana There is another FB page that is also dedicated in educating the public about the horrific conditions at caboodle ranch. It’s

It has official reports from independent agencies and other documentation such as a court order. You can find these docs under the discussion tab. I guess you came on a “cleaning day”. The last I heard the place is only cleaned 2 days a week.

What sane person has a goal of owning 1000-3000 cats? That alone should a big fat RED FLAG that this is a hoarding situation.

And it is very common for vets and officials to turn a blind eye in situations like this. Do some research and you will understand why. Have you read about the Haven Acres cat sanctuary recent raid in Gainesville, FL? It was a hoarding situation and eerily similar to Caboodle Ranch. The animal control officer wrote a positive report 2 weeks before the raid.

Jun 13, 2011
Part 2 I am a Caboodle Fan
by: Dale Caboodle’s Angels say they exist to help the cats. Then some say they would close the Ranch. What would become of the cats then? Shelters are full–dozens would be euthanized. How would that help the cats?
Why would you want to close the Ranch? Why wouldn’t you want to make it better? It is a work in progress. There are new buildings, a new infirmary, and new staff. I met Debe, Patrick, and Jon, who are a tremendous help to Craig. Debe is a member of PETA, ASPCA, and the Humane Society. She will not allow animal abuse.
Instead of criticizing the fencing, have a fund-raiser and help improve it. Send a gift instead of a poison letter. Build, don’t destroy.
I reviewed the stories by Caboodle detractors. Some say the Ranch should be cleaner. It was in great shape when I was there in March. The new infirmary is fenced and closed to healthy cats. Many of the complaints could be addressed if Craig had more help. Someone suggested on the CA site that Craig was collecting donations for himself. Many people bring cats and are unable to give a donation, so the care of the cats becomes the Ranch’s responsibility. I was there when a woman brought 16 cats because she lost her house and job. She could not donate, but Craig did not refuse her animals. Don’t forget, it was Craig’s own money that bought the original place.
I’ve seen some photos of damaged cats posted. I could post beautiful pictures of cats at the Ranch, but a snapshot at a moment in time gives no context. Did the cat just get there in poor condition? Has it been treated and is improving? When I was there one of the cats had liver disease and was not eating. Craig gave him fluids and I hand-fed him for 4 days. He is now well and gaining weight. That’s what helping cats is all about.
Craig has built a wonderful foundation at the Ranch. There’s an opportunity to create a beautiful sanctuary–a permanent home for unloved cats. Why not focus energy on building instead of destroying? We would all benefit.

Jun 13, 2011
I am a Caboodle fan
by: Dale I am in awe of the dedication and love that Craig Grant gives to his animals. I have been following Caboodle’s Angels on Facebook, and hope some of the followers will read my comments with an open mind.
I am female, in my 70s, and recently retired as a consultant in pharmaceutical marketing. Before that, I was an environmental paralegal and a chemistry teacher. I currently volunteer with a Rescue Dog Squad (find lost hikers), Community Response Team (3rd responders to disaster), and with homeless children. Part of my search for volunteer opportunities led me to Caboodle. I visited for 2 days last June, and asked to spend part of a March 2011 Florida vacation at the Ranch. I meant to stay about 1 day, but was so thrilled with the Ranch and Craig’s dedication that I stayed 4 full days. I am whole-heartedly in favor of Craig and the Ranch’s success.
Some of the comments on CA Facebook page do not describe the conditions I saw in March. And some critics mistake opinion for fact, and smears and innuendos for truth. For example, when a vet writes a favorable report (I was there when a vet came), the inference is he writes it that way to keep business. When Animal Control Officer Jamie’s report is also favorable, the suggestion is he is in Craig’s pocket. These comments defame and do not enhance CA cause.
I walked the entire tract, looked in pens, trailers, and am absolutely certain that 80% of the animals are NOT sick. Not all animals are in perfect shape, though many are beautifully fit. Many cats are rescues and come to the Ranch in all kinds of conditions. (Refer to the latest vet and AC report.) Claims, such as “cats are being eaten all the time by coyotes,” are also specious. Where is the evidence? The latest smear is that the previous governor instigated an investigation of Caboodle. When you read further, you find that Jamie got one call from the governor’s office which did not specify what was to be investigated. Maybe the governor had a cat he wanted to rehome. We don’t know as Jamie returned the call, but never got a response. He concluded the investigation was either dropped or done by another agency. So saying an investigation was started is false.
Some complain about Craig’s short temper. What difference does that make in the treatment of the cats? You only have to read his blog from the beginning to realize the dedication and love he has for the animals. How many of you would give up your career and move to a parcel of land with nothing more than a sleeping bag? That’s rhetorical. Can he be irascible? Absolutely. Does that stop him from putting in 14-hour days every day to make cats as comfortable as possible? I’ve seen him work and am amazed at his energy. Watch how the cats respond to him and love him.

Jun 11, 2011
New Story
by: Elisa Black-Taylor At Least 700 Cats Seized

Check this out. Please no bad language or it will be taken off and commenter blocked

May 20, 2011
by: Anonymous There are so many cats already gone from CR. Look at past pictures where the grounds were littered with cats…. what do we see now in the recent photos? How sad is that? Pictures speak a thousand words and don’t tell lies.

May 19, 2011
re: took cats back
by: Dana I agree that the place would be a better option for ferels, HOWEVER, there has to be a and court order or something that limits the number of cats. AND that fence needs to be cat and coyote proof so for 1.the cats are safe and aren’t going to getting eaten buy coyotes and 2. They don’t go off the propery and become a nuissance ro neighbors.

May 19, 2011
re: took cats back
by: Dana How long ago was this? I do agree that ferals would do better there but there still needs to be a max number. It’s not sanitary to have that many cats enclosed in 5 acres. Also, he absolutely needs to put up cat proof fencing or else they are just going to climb out or coyotes climb in and get eaten by coyotes, or become road kill. I’d like to talk to you in confidentiality. Please call me at 618-772-8315 or email at

May 19, 2011
took my cats back
by: Anonymous I dropped off a few cats at CR. I really didnt know what to expect. Craig put our 1 yr olds in a pen. My
opinion of Craig is he is rude and arrogant but does care for the cats. At first I thought maybe this was all a scam and he was getting rich off of this but I didnt see any evidence of that. We gave him the paper work for the cats and a check. As I recall we did not sign anything. What puzzled me at the time was how did he know which paperwork goes for which cat. Anyway, we said we would call to see how the cats were adjusting. We called often. Craig
said they were doing great.
A month later, we were unable to get in touch with Craig, so we decided to visit. We went there
and I was surprised to see my cats still in the pen.
My wife didnt like the way they looked, depressed is the word she used, so we made the decision to take them. At first Craig was reluctant but then gave in. We left with cats and took them to a vet,
they had fleas.
The only thing I regret not doing is verbally abusing Craig after the way he spoke to my wife.
IMO this place is for feral cats only.
I will say one thing I did not see anywhere near that many cats as depicted in the pix on the CR website roaming in the open.

May 18, 2011
Feral Cats
by: Anonymous First of all, I have had two feral colonies I cared for along with several other folks, one has 30+ cats and one has 15 cats. There is no way you can catch a feral cat with a net unless they are in an enclosed building in a small confined space. I know I have tried, talk about greased lightening when someone comes towards them. Feral cats do not, under any circumstances, like people. The only way a so called feral will allow human touch is if at one time it was a pet. So, I would love to have seen Craig catch a feral cat with a net and then given him pills or drops of any kind. Who does he think he is kidding?? Even if he was trapping them, he would still be hard pressed to touch them without some heavy duty gear on, and then it is still doubtful that he could accomplish that. Hell he uses clorox wipes to clean the cats eyes??DUH??

May 18, 2011
in response to revolution question
by: Dana PARASITE CONTROL: The way Graig’s system is “supposed” to work is that every month all the cats get revolution. (Which is how often an animal that is outside should be medicated. Otherwise it doesn’t work) At the time they receive revolution they all get same color band around their neck to identify when they last had their treatment…. I spent Feb 8, 2011 from morning till 8:00p applying revolution. I was only able to treat about 110 during that time period. I wanted to go all night to get them all finished but of course that wasn’t going to happen because Craig wanted to wrap things up. I was not going to be left out of his sight.

If you look through their photos you can identify the last time they had revolution. The blue bands mean they had them last fall (straight from Craigs mouth. The red or orange bands mean they had them Feb 8,2011 when I treated them. When I was there some had yellow bands that were very faded and worn out so those cats were treated before the blue bands were. If they don’t have a band at all then that means they haven’t received treatment.

I can’t possibly conceive how he would be able to give a feral cat revolution. He’d have to catch first. I believe I read on their website somewhere that he catches the ferals with a net and takes him 30 min to treat all the cats. They claim to have 650 it’s impossible, even laughable(I don’t have time at the moment to go through all their posts to find it.)Anyone who has any knowledge about ferals will tell you that’s impossible. They can out run you and climb trees. You have to set up a trap and lure them into it with food.

May 18, 2011
Animals welfare?
by: Anonymous I really don’t think the governors or mayors or shelter directors really give a damn about what goes on in the state of Florida! Or any other Southern State, for that matter! They still gas animals to death and stick needles in their hearts!!! Does that sound like they would be of any help? Look at Miami-Dade, for example, they usually don’t even put cats on the adoption floor: they just automatically kill them, no sedation, just heartstick or whatever they have, no cameras in the deathrooms. Pitbull-type dogs are just murdered every day in shelters and AC facilities across the country! Abuse and killings are going on in the thousands every single day and Florida is one of the worst for cats! What do you think the mayors and governors are going to do if the directors don’t even try??? Some of these places are so disease filled and so abusive toward cats and if the directors don’t even care about heat or air conditioning for the animals, including newborns, the mayors and governors are going to spend the money on any else! Very sad realities!

May 18, 2011
Question for Dana
by: Anonymous I read on another site that the cats are given revolution. Do the ferrel cats receive that too?

May 17, 2011
by: cotton kitty Hi, We can’t state here in an open forum what actions we are currently taking. However if what we are working on doesn’t pan out we can go the route of the governor. How do we get better search engine optimization?

May 17, 2011
No title
by: Anonymous I have read the comments here and save the kitties.
Has anyone contacted the Governor of Florida. Let him know whats going on in his backyard. Send him some proof and or concerns and you will see some results. If he gets a few letters, it could get your ball rolling. Also, get an animal rights attorney pro bono to see what they can do on yours and the cats behalf. Last, get better search engine optimization, so your concerns come up on the first
page when you google “caboodle ranch”.

May 15, 2011
by: Anonymous Yes, I’d love to, but it’s a 415 mile drive for me, although I do live in FL. If my truck would make it that far I’d do it in a heartbeat!! Each time I went up there I had to rent a car (costly)…and gas right now is way expensive as well 🙁

May 15, 2011
about signs
by: cottonkitty We would but most of us drove there out of state. If we had anybody down there we would. We are working on something that may happen soon.

May 15, 2011
No title
by: Anonymous If you want to see quick results regarding fixing up the CR, you should stand with signs stating your concerns off the I10 exit to the ranch. Then call the press.

May 09, 2011
To the negative posters
by: Anonymous I dont know who is right or wrong in this argument.
My question is has there been an independent agency or authority that has investigated the claims that some people are writing about? If so when was the report and what was the outcome.

Also, and I am serious about this, if what some people are writing is true, cats dying left and right, on and off the property, does anyone have any
physical evidence? Wouldnt some of the alleged mauled and dying cats be off the property? Wouldnt the neighbors have physical proof to present?

May 09, 2011
missing cats
by: cottonkitty In regards to this comment made by anonymous:

“Just because you haven’t seen every single person who lives in a city doesn’t mean that they have all died horribly, does it?”

What a pitifull analogy. First off cats are different than humans. Humans change their habits due to having a more advanced brain than cats. You can’t compare apples to oranges. But I will try since you made an effort.

If there is a city in which thousands of people came out and greeted visitors every single day over several years and suddenly they no longer came out to meet visitors, one would assume that something was wrong.

May 09, 2011
Re: the cats are there
by: Dana Susan is right. When I was there in Feb, I’d say I saw about 200 that were easily visible roaming or laying around. I saw about another 100 inside trailers and holding pens. A large number of the roaming cats were always around me wanting attention. So if those same cats are still there then they would be greeting the new visitors in the same way they’ve greeted so many others in the past.

Whoever made that post about the cats being there needs to read up on cat behaviors. They obviously have no clue. In fact, everyone running Caboodle Ranch has no clue about cats. If Craig knew anything he wouldn’t be using Clorox wipes in cats ears and noses and he wouldn’t be using the same medicine dropper on multiple cats spreading diseases. He would have also known that cats climb and can climb right over that rinky dink fence put up or dig under to get out.

May 09, 2011
Old Pictures
by: Susan The reason we say that is because all the tons of videos and pictures Caboodle Ranch has ever posted there are always tons of cats. Feeding time or not. Like anonymous said there were always cats laying around. Now there is a significant decrease in that number. Cats all the sudden don’t change behavior. I know plenty about cats and they are creatures of habit.

May 09, 2011
RE: the cats are there
by: Anonymous Is that you Nanette? Sounds just like what was posted on CR live journal. There used to be tons of cats hanging out in the main area. Now there are just a few. Why suddenly would they stop hanging in the main area? The cats that used to be there were starving for attention and hundreds would come out to greet visitors. Now people are saying that it looks deserted.

May 09, 2011
The cats are there!
by: Anonymous So many people are saying that they have only seen a few cats, and that that must mean that all the rest are dead. Obviously they know nothing about cats in general. Some cats like to meet people, race around in the open, and generally make themselves visible. Many cats are wary of strangers, and some can be outright scared- especially if they were mistreated before they were rescued, which is unfortunately common. Keep in mind that there is a significant amount of forest, and that cats can clime trees and hid in undergrowth. Just because you haven’t seen every single person who lives in a city doesn’t mean that they have all died horribly, does it?

May 05, 2011
It’s hell
by: sassycat Michael, there’s just to much to say. The simplest way to put it…the place is hell. The numbers say it all. They have taken in over a thousand cats over the years and recent witness have reported seeing around 100. Missing cats was one of the big red flags that brought down Tiger Ranch.

May 05, 2011
More info
by: Michael This lady added to the debate: Warning!

May 02, 2011
good luck
by: dana Well I truly wish the best for you and your cats. I’d hate to be in that situation of having to make that decision. For future references, try contacting Ally Cat Allies and see if they can offer an alternative for you. Also, there is another sanctuary called Cat House on the Kings in CA that takes stray cats but after what I went through with Caboodle Ranch I won’t take another animal anywhere without checking the place out first hand. Although Best Friends doesn’t take ferals, they have lots of resources and can give you guidance as well. Take care.

May 02, 2011
by: Anonymous The hug was metaphorical. We caught and had the cats nuetered.
We released them and they lived in my backyard. We fed them after they would cry and then decided to take them to the ranch
only after our local shelter said they would take them but would kill them after a certain amount of days and every and I mean every veterinarian office declined to take them. We were also told by our vet
that their lifespan in our area, the North East, would be limited. I thought, and still do, even with all the risks presented here that we made the correct decision for these cats. We dont have coyotes but we have cars and harsh winters.

May 01, 2011
were your cats feral or strays
by: Anonymous To recent visitor,

You said you gave the cats hugs. Are you sure those weren’t stray cats? There’s a difference between stray and feral. If they were truly feral you wouldn’t have been able to touch them without getting ripped up.

If they were strays that were previously owned by someone then they’re domesticated and won’t have a good chance of surviving at Caboodle Ranch.

May 01, 2011
No title
by: Anonymous Elisa, first off they werent my babies. They were feral cats that chose to live in my backyard. My wife and I drove 900 miles so they woulnt have to live in a cage or be killed by our local shelter.
So to answer you question, I have absolutely no problem seeing them in a pen for a short period of time.

May 01, 2011
OK I have to say this
by: Elisa How can you leave your cats somewhere in a PEN? If I went to visit and saw my babies in a cage begging for me to take them back home, well I’m sorry. I’d have to take my cats home. Its different if they’re living somewhere they can walk free and be safe and loved. But a cage?

Does anyone else feel this way?

May 01, 2011
to recent visitor
by: dana The current people helping there aren’t volunteers. They are paid. I did volunteer for two days in Feb and I did report what I saw. Most of the heartbreaking sights I saw were inside the trailers in which at the time no one had access to. Carolyn volunteered there for 8 days and reported what she saw. A vet and his wife volunteered there to spay/nueter some cats and the place was so unsanitary that they couldn’t do their job. They reported what they saw.

The stories of the horrors that people have reported will bring tears to anyone’s eyes. No one can make that stuff up. Not even the most creative writer. The stories are at Facebook “Caboodle Ranch: Save the kitties” under the discussion board.

Craig is only going to hire people he personally knows as insurance to keep people from reporting him. I don’t know his relationship with Debe but I do know he personally knows the ground raker and of course his son. So of course these people have a loyalty to Craig. Keep in mind that this is a small town and there aren’t a whole lot of jobs so one may turn a blind eye to things they normally wouldn’t because they need a job. I don’t know much about Debe but I did meet her while I was there and yes she is very nice. However, she saw the same filthy trailers I did and the same dying cats in those trailers. She commented to Craig that she could stay on top of the trailers better if she came at least every other day. So it’s obvious at the time she was aware of the conditions of the cats and the filth and she did not speak out. Maybe she stays around because she really thinks she can make a difference and I hope she can get Craig to listen to her. No one else in the past has had luck making suggestions to him without him getting angry and banning them.

I hope that telling our stories will put pressure on Craig to do the right things to provide the cats a safe and healthy environment. If everyone turns a blind eye then there would be no incentive on his part to make changes.

May 01, 2011
to recent visitor
by: dana I personally can’t tell you where the remains are. A neighbor told me that he’s seen them in the dumpster and some have claimed to see mounds. Many I’m sure are outside the fenced area in the forest area decaying. Some neighbors have found them dead on their property.

What numbers are you referring to that people are reporting? The number of cats that have been taken in or the numbers that they’ve seen? The numbers that are estimated he has taken in are based on claims Craig has made his self. In the fall Craig tauted on Colbert Report and other interviews that he had 650 cats. At the rate he takes them in he should have over a thousand by now. It’s easy to estimate how many he takes in monthly because they proudly boast on their site when they take in cats.

I saw about 300 in Feb and people are seeing a lot less now. That is just one fact that cannot be ignored. I’ve been there during feeding twice and the only cats that came around were the ones that were already hanging around.

May 01, 2011
recent May visitor
by: Anonymous Dana, you are correct, Debbie told me it was for revolution.

Let me clarify one thing, when I say we only saw 50 cats, we did not walk the entire property, we only walked from the gate to the main area and then to the back new comer pens and then out.

Here is something that bothers me, if all these cats are dying, where are the remains? Why arent the current volunteers speaking out? I find it hard to believe that Debbie would close her eyes to this? Now Im not saying that some cats arent dying, I just find the numbers that some people are writing about hard to believe.

They tell me that the cats come around when the food comes out, I was not there for that, so I guess if somebody was or will be there during feeding time they can give a definitive answer about the number of cats.

Here is my final opinion of the CR, I think its great for feral cats. It could be organized and run a lot better. They should adopt the friendly cats they have their .I dont look at it as a “sanctuary”, I look at it as a place where a ferel cat can get food, water and some shelter with the same risks of disease and dying as where I live, instead of coyotes, we have cars. With that being said the people who are speaking out are maiking a differnce, there is now a fence.

May 01, 2011
by: dana The fence needs to be torn down and rebuilt because it is completely inadequate to keep cats in and coyotes out. They need to install a cat proof fence such as Purrfect Fence.

The fence needs to be buried several feet deep so cats nor coyotes can dig under. It’s important that the cats are kept in because if they get out we are still going to have the problem of them getting eaten by coyotes. Also, the gate doors need to be modified too because cats slip right between them. I’m sure there is a solution for that if they would care enough to fix it.

Instead of spending money on suing people and trying to built a senior center, they need to take care of the problems at hand.

May 01, 2011
to whomever
by: Anonymous So if cats are digging under fence what do you think is going to stop the coyotes? The reason the cats are so much less in numbers is because so many have died there. When are people going to wake up. Very sad. And the lies, oh the lies, “95% of our cats are feral” BS! So many lies, the list can go on and on.

May 01, 2011
to recent visitor
by: Dana One more thing I want to clear up with everyone that Craig and Nanette have been claiming about the collars. Those collars aren’t for recently adminsitered meds. They represent the last time they had revolution applied. I know this first hand because when I was there in Feb, I’m the one who applied the revolution and put the red and orange collars on them. They previously had blue collars on and Craig told me it had been a few months since they last had revolution. That is prob why I saw so many with parasite infestations. From recent pics I’ve seen of the ranch, they all still have red/orange collars. They should be receiving revolution monthly. So it has been 3 months since they had their last application of revolution. And if you saw cats without collars, then they haven’t had any revolution.

May 01, 2011
to recent visitor
by: Dana Thanks for sharing your experience. I agree that this place would be better for feral not domestic cats as domestic cats aren’t equipped to survive in this setting. It saddens me that you only saw about 50 cats. That just confirms what recent visitors have said of seeing around 100. We’ve asked Nanette and Craig where the rest of the cats are but we don’t get an answer. It’s estimated they’ve taken in thousands over the years.

I’m also concerned about the bob-wire. Cats are going to get injured climbing over to get out. Craig just has no knowledge when it comes to running that place or taking care of a large number of cats. He needs to take up offers of experts to come in and help him set up a plan and show him how to operate properly. There is cat proof fencing cat cat Purrfect Fence that cats cannot get out of that other sanctuaries use.

Apr 30, 2011
my visit
by: Anonymous I will tell you what I did and did not witness as well as my opinion on the ranch. This was my second visit there. I said I was going in May but went today. I had dropped off 2 cats a month a go and went for a visit. OK lets start.

Parked the car, my wife and I got out and observed a lot less cats walking around outside of the gate. There were other people bringing cats so we waited for Craig. During this time I looked around we did not see any unhealthy looking cats, last time I was there, there were sneezing cats. The cats did look clean. I will say we did not observe a lot of cats walking around. There seemed to us to be a lot more walking around last time. We asked how many cats were at the ranch and were told over 400, we saw less than 50.

Craig came,he did remember us after a while, and took us to see our cats who were still in the pen. Along the Path, I observed the fence with barbed wire on top, however, I did see a cat on the other side of the fence and a place were digging occurred underneath the fence. I did not see any signs that there was a scaling of the fence.

We saw our cats who looked healthy and clean gave them a hug and left.

We DID NOT observe any dead cats, dried blood, or coyotes.

We did observe some cats with colored collars used to keep track of administered medications

Now here is my opinion, Craig is very rude, Debbie is very nice who volunteers her time and runs the infirmary. I think this place is perfect
for feral cats. I think a house cat is a different story, I dont think they get enough love and attention that some seem to crave and those should be put up for adoption. A few cats were rubbing up against us.

Any questions? I will try to answer them.

Apr 28, 2011
To Jeff
by: Dana You know as good as well as I do that the cats climb over that fence and roam off the property so don’t use the excuse of dumped cats being the problem for all the problems at Caboodle Ranch.

Now tell me how you know for certain that only dumped cats are the only ones causing damage to neighbors properties. It doesn’t matter if they are dumped or have been properly taken in. They GET OUT. Have you spoken with the neighbors? I have. These neighbors never had a problem with cats until Craig moved into the area. Explain that.

How do you know that all cats go through an intake and are nuetered? Have you stuck around for a few days to verify the cats you’ve brought were taken to the vet? Or, are you basing your claims based on what Craig or Nanette have told you? When I brought a shelter cat (but thank God I didn’t leave her), Craig was not interested in her vet papers and did not ask me to fill out an intake form.

If they all go through an intake process, then explain how some people have brough cats to CR and came back a short period later to find that their cats were not in the holding pens and are missing.

If you want to know the percentage of cats Dr. Levy found at Caboodle Ranch during her visit then contact her and ask for a copy of her report. Thank you.

Apr 28, 2011
I have done my research (Part 1)
by: Dana I HAVE done my research and a few cats being dumped does not explain the numerous amounts of kittens being born there. If Craig is truly in tune with the cats and knows them all as he claims then he will notice that new ones are there and have them taken to the vet immediately to have them sterilized. If you want to do some research ask to see copies of all initial vet evaluations for every cat that has come into the ranch. Let me know what you find.

A report done by vet Dr. Julie Levy from UF in 2009 found several unsterilized cats roaming the property. She didn’t find any documents on the cats at the ranch so no one knows if Craig is taking cats to the vet when they come in. They should all be seperated and taken to the vet immediately to be tested for diseases and sterilized no matter how the cats got there.

If Craig does not want cats coming into his property without his knowledge then he needs to keep current cats in and other cats and predators out. He needs to be responsible in running his ranch. The problem of dumped cats can be solved easily but Craig does not welcome suggestions so I don’t know how we can help him. But here are my suggestions for dealing with dumped cats:

1. Install cat proof fencing such as Purrfect Cats ( so that dumped cats don’t get in to intermingle with current cats until Craig properly takes them in and seperates them from the other cats and takes them to the vet.

2. Have identification tags on all his current cats so he know which ones are his.

3. Have ears clipped to know which cats are sterilized.

Apr 28, 2011
I have done my research (Part 2)
by: Dana He can also always consult with organizations who have experience in running sanctuaries such as Best Friends as how to deal with the problems he’s experiencing. They offer free evaluations. Caboodle Ranch isn’t the only outdoor cat sanctuary in the world so he could consult those sanctuaries to see how they handle dumped cats. But unfortunately he won’t because no one is going to tell him how to run his place as he’s told myself and others.

A report done by vet Dr. Julie Levy from UF in 2009 found several unsterilized cats roaming the property. She didn’t find any documents on the cats at the ranch so no one knows if Craig is taking cats to the vet when they come in. They should all be seperated and taken to the vet immediately to test for diseases and sterilized no matter how the cats got there.

I have spent countless hours researching before I make any claims. I have spoken to numerous witnesses and experts and have copies of official reports. If you want to get to the bottom of the truth you will do the same.

Craig needs to run his sanctuary responsibly and quit blamming others for its inadequacies. He and Nanette make excuses for every criticism. Instead of wasting so much time defending people’s concerns. They need to spend time fixing the problems. The fence has been an issue for years now.

We hope that pointing out the issues at Caboodle Ranch that it would put pressure on them to fix the problems. But instead they choose to waste donation money and time suing people.

Apr 28, 2011
Full of crap
by: Jeff If you were smart enough to do a real investigation, you would find that the cats having kittens and causing damage are one that have been dumped and NOT go through the intake process. On a recent trip to the ranch to surrender my mother”s cats (she passed away) we watched a car dump cats and leave, we tried to get the tage and report them but the took off like the criminals they were.

All of the cats that go through intake are nutered before they go into population. I am sure one might slip in from the outside, but I am glad to see how perfect you are and that you never make mistakes. If you put one tenth of the energy you put out to defaime Caboodle Ranch into energy in helping them there would be no issues.

80% of the cats are sick, bull&^%$ and you know better. If i thought for one second that the work was not worthy I would be on the way to shut them down. What do you do every day of your life to take care of unwanted animals, kill them? Shame on you!

Apr 24, 2011
To Michael
by: Dana Hi Michael. I wish it were easy to summarize what is going on at Caboodle Ranch. Things are not getting better that’s for sure. Someone was there a month ago and then again this week. Still about 80% of cats are sick or injured despite what the animal control report says. The population of the cats has decreased drastically. Only explanation is death from illnesses and coyote attacks. The person that was recently there had taken 15 strays there in Feb that she had been caring for. The second trip she only found four. The third trip, unfortunately, only one was left. It collapsed as it walked toward her. I was in the area two weeks ago and went around speaking with neighbors. They are still having problems with cats damaging their property, cats scratching at their windows trying to get in their houses, cats killing all the birds that they feed, cats having kittens in the back of pickup trucks and under porches…it goes on and on. They’ve complained to authorities but nothing is done about it. Unfortunately a couple neighbors have had to resort to shooting cats to protect their property. They also said the area is a feeding ground for coyotes with all the cats roaming freely. It draws the coyotes literally in their back yard.

Michael, thanks for allowing us to use this forum to discuss the issues at Caboodle Ranch. This forum has saved a lot of cats from going there. It’s allows people to hear both sides of the story and make an informed decision.

If you’d like to keep up to date with new developments, you can follow discussions at our new Caboodle Angel’s Facebook community at

Apr 24, 2011
by: Michael I wonder is someone could summarise the comments. Is the conclusion that Caboodle Ranch is good, bad or average?

I haven’t the time I am afraid to read the comments. My impression is that Caboodle is more hell than heaven but a summary would help.

Michael Avatar

Apr 23, 2011
multiple posts
by: Dana If this is your first time posting on this board. You only need to submit your comment once. It takes a few minutes to show up.

Apr 23, 2011
by: Dana First off before I start. Yes,I’ve been there so I know about the fencing as well. Taller fencing is not going to keep the cats inside and the coyotes out. First, the cat and coyotes already dig under it. Secondly, cats are going to climb over any fence such as the one Craig has no matter how high. The only way to keep cats inside a fence is to dig the fence in deeper into the ground AND install a fence that is specifically designed to keep cats in such as

Many reputable sanctuaries use this fence.Perhaps if he wasn’t spending so much money on lawyer fees for those who are warning the world not to bring their cats to him based on their experiences, he could afford a fence designed for cats.

Apr 23, 2011
To “anonymous” going to C R in May
by: Anonymous (
for now)…
My suggestion to you would be to bring your camera..snap pictures of the cats. This can involved any area of the property. Ask to be able to roam the entire fenced in area. Also, ask to see the various areas where cats may be housed..the kennels, etc. Ask to see the infirmary, and see just what kind of response you get to that one…he will not allow it! Things must be pretty darn awful in there for him to become so defensive on that subject. As you’ve heard from others, Craig Grant does not believe in humane euthanasia, and no matter how badly a cat is suffering, it will die a slow, painful death…this is horrible. Also, please, feel free to speak with some neighbors. They are very nice, and willing to speak of the horrors they’ve observed, and the many problems they’ve had with the cats from Caboodle Ranch and with Mr. Grant. I really hope you are able to locate your kitties when you go! Best of luck!!!

Apr 23, 2011
Fooled by Caboodle Ranch
by: Anonymous (
for now)…
I’ve lost all of my cats, but one, to this “sanctuary”. I’m devastated, to say the least. Now, I can’t quote how the disappeared because I have no hard evidence such as their bodies for proof, but I can say that they are no longer at Caboodle Ranch, where I trusted they’d be well cared for in a safe, secure, and happy environment. Of course it’s easy to believe that this place is a paradise for cats by viewing their website and all of the cute videos’s easy to edit a website/video, as I have now found out..and my sweet kitties had to pay the price for this. My plan was to go once a month to visit so that they’d never feel I deserted or didn’t love them. Every 3 days I’d call, as Mr. Grant had instructed the night I brought them there, to check and make sure they were all doing well. Each time I called I was given the same line..”Everything’s perfect”, “they’re all here and fine”, he’d say. I was also told he’d be keeping them in the large kennels to become accustomed to their surroundings for 3-4 weeks, which is normal when relocating, so I trusted he knew what he was doing. I then found that he’d released them after only around 1 week. Both return visits I searched for hours the entire perimeter of that “5 acre” sanctuary (the other 25 are woods that he owns), calling out to them. Believe me, most would’ve come to my calling, but only found 4 of my 15 (I had rescued/fostered cats & found out this wasn’t allowed in my city)my 1st return visit. This seemed odd, but I just figured maybe some were upset with me still for leaving them. Also, I was told that he had “just seen them that day”. The 4 I did see seemed to be ok, with the exception of one sneezing and 2 of them each had one eye that seemed a little irritated, but I figured he’d have them cared for. My recent trip back, I realized the hard truth..all were gone,& the only survivor stood up when he saw me & attempted to walk to me, but collapsed. He’d lost weight & was weak. I took him out of there. My boyfriend asked to see the infirmary(sick ward)..that was the only place left to look. Grant refused, became very defensive, told him to get off of his property & don’t return. We took pictures that day, thank God..a lot of cats were very thin. The # of cats were much less than I’d seen there previously. We spoke with neighbors. They say coyote are abundant, they’re everywhere, and yes, they can/do kill cats. They find gutted cats in their yard frequently. They said the cats they’ve seen are very thin and appear to be starving. Yes, they’ve complained, but “it never did any good”. They’re all very unhappy with Grant. The idea of a sanctuary is to keep the animals inside of it “in”,& the predators on the outside “out”. This is not the case with CR, the fencing is inadequate. Taller fencing won’t help when there are holes dug out under the fence. The cats roam everywhere..the woods, the street, neighbors’ yards. This is NOT a safe haven for cats.

Apr 22, 2011
by: djcat No. We are not saying all the missing cats where eaten by coyotes. A large percentage have died of upper respiratory infections, diseases, malnurishment, and hit by cars.

Apr 22, 2011
to anonymous
by: According to the neighbors, they have reported it to the authorities but nothing has been done. Craig is in violation of a couple of county ordinances. 1.) cats are causing nuisances to neighbors and destroying properties. One neighbor had to give Craig the bill for the cats destroying her AC unit. The cats kill the birds that the neighbors feed. There is just too much to go into here. 2.) the county requires dogs and cats to wear their rabies tags when they are not contained. Not one cat at CR is wearing a rabies tag and freely goes in and out of the fence area. Craig has not been cited for these violations. So no, the authorities aren’t doing anything.

Secondly, a story from the Madison County Voice featured an article on Caboodle Ranch and two neighbors commented on the article online and it was later deleted. I’ve tried commenting on the article myself and they won’t post it. Something is not right in that town.

As far as the cats showing up at feeding time, that is just another one of their ways of covering up the truth. I’ve been there during two seperate “feeding times” and 1,000’s of cats did not come running. In fact, the only ones that came around were the ones that were already in site. Want to know for yourself, ask to visit during feeding time.

When you go in May, the first thing I would look for is sneezig cats, discharge from eyes and noses, underweight cats, cats with hair loss, parasite infestations (look in ear for ear mites. there will be black gunk), cats with tilted heads, kittens (cats are supposed to be sterilized), injuries such as wounds,holes in side of cat,etc (these are probably from coyotes). Unfortunately you won’t be allowed to look in the sick bay which is where the images of a death camp are. Craig does not believe in putting an animal to sleep when it is suffering and prefers to let the cat die a slow agonizing death. That is why things are so bad in the sick ward despite what fantasy story they dream up.

In the end, I don’t care what others think. I know what I saw. I know that thousands of cats are missing. I’ve put countless hours into investigating this place. And if someone really wants to get to the bottom of the truth they will do the same. The truth will prevail. Everything will be exposed soon. Just takes time. Not sure if you’ve read the horrors that others have saw at Caboodle Ranch, if not you can read them at Caboodle Angle’s facebook group. They are located under the discussion tab.

Also, visiting hours are only one day a week for 2 hours so this also raises a red flag. What’s going on the rest of the week? Is it being cleaned? Too many things just don’t add up.

Apr 22, 2011
No title
by: Anonymous I am going down to the CR sometime in MAY. I have commented on here before as I thought it was beneficial for the cats I brought there. For the negative posters, what specifically should I be looking for to back up your claims, what part of the property? As far as only seeing around 100 cats, I commented on that, the ranch’s response to me when I was there was when the food comes out, you will see them.

This is a question to the previous post about the coyotes, you are implying that there are 900 eaten cats, if the neighbors are finding a lot of mutilated cats on their property, have they reported it to the proper authorities, taken pictures, gone to the press?

Apr 21, 2011
To patricia
by: Patricia. You say these people are developers wanting land? Please. You can come up with something better than that. Yes, many of these people have been there as have I. The sanctuary only has 5 acres enclosed. Let’s not mislead people into believing that the cats are safe outside those 5 acres. The other 25 acres is not part of the so-called “sanctuary” as it is not protected area. That’s just another misleading sales tactic of Caboodle Ranch. I’ve spoken with the neighbors and it’s almost a daily occurance for them to find dead cats in their yards gutted open and eaten by coyotes. Where do you get your information that it is a rare event that a coyote kills a cat? Maybe in the city where there are no coyotes. This is a rural area and if you want to know the facts then take a trip out there yourself, as I have, and speak with the neighbors. Also, answer this question. It’s estimated that thousands of cats have gone through those gates since the inception of Caboodle Ranch. However, the animal control report mentions seeing approximately 100. This would be in line to what a recent visitor found. So, where are all the missing cats? That’s one fact that everyone seems to ignore.

Apr 21, 2011
to sassycat
by: Anonymous Very well put Sassycat!

Apr 21, 2011
Caboodle Ranch is Great… I have been there.
by: Patricia These people who are posting…have they ever visited the ranch? I have been there a number of times. The cats have 30 acres to roam. They have shelters. They have good, clean food and water. Craig loves them. I have taken nine cats to the ranch, and would never have left them if I thought they would not receive good care. Craig is getting in taller fenching. However, it would be a rare event for a coyote to catch a cat. As far as snakes, well in Florida, ANYONE can get bitten by a snake even if in the suburbs. Our climate is attractive to snakes, and they are here in abundance. However, snakes do not hunt cats. The only way a cat would be bitten is by accidental contact.
Caboodle Ranch just received a clean bill of health.
I wonder what the true motive is behind the people who want to shut down Caboodle Ranch. Perhaps some developer wants the land.
When cats go to the Caboodle Ranch they have a permanent home, and DO NOT LIVE OUT THEIR EXISTENCE IN TINY CAGES!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Apr 20, 2011
Caboodle Ranch not a sanctuary
by: sassycat When most people think of the word “sanctuary,” they think of a safe place, free from attacks by predators. They vision a healthy place with sanitary living conditions and an abundance of food. They imagine animals receiving proper medical care when injured or sick and being isolated as to not spread diseases to the rest of the populations. THIS IS NOT WHAT GOES ON AT CABOODLE RANCH.

It is estimated that thousands of cats have been through those gates over the years and now recent witnesses have reported seeing only 100 cats. What do you think has happened to the rest? The answer is obvious.

Apr 18, 2011
by: Anonymous Correction: It was brought to my attention that local humane societies are not affiliated with HSUS but may have adopted HSUS standards on animal care and shelter operation. Also not all humane societies (but some do) have legal jurisdiction in their area over animal abuse and neglect. You would have to check with your local humane society to see if they do. Other agencies that may have jursdiction in your area over animal cruelty would be SPCA, local law enforcement, and animal control.
Sorry for the mis-information.

Apr 06, 2011
clarification about humane society in Lee
by: djcat There is a difference between a humane society and a shelter. A humane society is typically a member of the HSUS and does have jurisdiction in animal abuse, it’s area. However, a local non-profit shelter does not. They simply take in and adopt out animals.

Apr 06, 2011
Re: Craig
by: djcat There is an animal shelter just a few miles down the road from Caboodle Ranch. Local unwanted cats is not the problem at CR. Most of the cats that end up at CR are from irresponsible rescue groups who take in more cats than they can handle and dump them onto Caboodle Ranch. CR gets cats by dozens at a time from these groups.

Some cats do come from everyday people who want to find homes for strays they’ve taken care of. In fact, these are the people who have spoken out about the other side of CR. This is probably because these people developed a relationship with the stray(s) and couldn’t look away from the horrors. However the irresponsible rescue groups that dump cats at CR don’t care because that just relieves them of the responsibility of caring for the cats.

Apr 06, 2011
Re: question
by: djcat Hi, Have you visited the website Ally Cat Allies? Perhaps they can offer you advice. Also, go to Yahoo groups and search “feral cats” and you’ll find several discussion groups. One in particular:

Quote from Alley Cat Allies: “Sanctuaries, and other long-term shelter facilities, are generally harmful to feral cats. The confinement, and large number of cats in small rooms or areas, cause stress to the animals and introduce them to disease.”

Also read this page about ferals. It talks about how feral cats can live healthy outdoor lives and it is best to not relocate them out of their current outdoor home:

If you are able to continue to feed the cat, that is what would be best for the cat. If cold winters are a concern this link provides options for shelter:

If it is truly a feral and not just a scared stray, the cat will not be adoptable.

Be very leary of any cat sanctuary. This article by the ASPCA that discusses the signs of whether a person is a hoarder and also addresses the fact that hoarders often pose as rescue groups or sanctuaries:

If there is anyway I can help. Please let me know. I just know that there are better options for the cat than CR or any other “sanctuary”.

Apr 06, 2011
by: Anonymous I have brought 3 cats down to the CR. I live in NJ.
I have a serious question for the people who responded to my posts by talking about their negative experiences with the CR or anybody else that can help. We are thinking about catching a ferrel cat that we have been feeding, the cat is probably older than 2, my local shelter says that they will take the cat but if he/she is not adopted out, they will euthanize him, I dont want to take him to a no kill because I would feel bad if he/she had to live his/her life in a cage, what are my options if not the CR? I am looking for an alternative to something like the CR.

Apr 04, 2011
by: Anonymous Maybe people should donate to start a humane society in Madison County.

Apr 04, 2011
Re: Craig
by: djcat I agree that there needs to be a tracking sytem in place. He claims he is in the process of micro-chipping them but he says a lot of things. Several have said he did not do an in-take form for their cat nor ask for proof of vaccinations or spay/neutering. Know one knows how many cats have come through those gates over the years, and which ones are missing because there is no identification system.

There isn’t a humane society in Madison County and so complaints and oversight of Caboodle Ranch is handled by the only Animal Control officer in the county. He just can’t keep up with CR. Also, he’s been accused of having sympathy for Craig and covering up for him. Don’t know this to be fact yet but it is being looked into.

Caboodle Angels intention has always been to get the the word out to the public for two reasons:

1) To raise awareness of the other side of CR that others have witnesses so that anyone considering taking a cat to Caboodle Ranch would have more information to make an informed decisionothers another side of CR to consider so they can make an informed decision instead of just making their decision based on the advertisements of CR. We have had some success at this as people have contacted Caboodle Angels and told us they changed their mind after reading the stories.

2.) The second intention was to put pressure on them and the authorities to get the place running properly.

Unfortunately this battle has been going on since 2009 and while there are times when the place looks nice after pressure is on, it appears that after the heat sizzles down things go back downhill.

I agree that Craig’s intentions were good in the beginning but now I often wonder if the fame and money has gone to his head. He’s said on many occasions that no one is going to tell him how to run his ranch. It just doesn’t make sense why he wouldn’t take up the offerings of organizations that would come in and give him advice and show him how to run the ranch properly. He is so stubborn and how can anyone help if he refuses. The only way to do that is to get authorities involved.

Apr 04, 2011
by: Anonymous Craig’s intentions are good but he needs help with running the place. For ex. after you bring in your cat with the paperwork, he has no idea which paperwork goes with each cat or any idea what their names are, I was surprised that they didnt put collars with an id on my cat when I arrived. I am all for the ranch but I am glad people are speaking up to make it a safer, and healthier place. The work they are doing to upgrade the ranch can be directly linked to people speaking up. I think with that many cats living there, the humane society should be there twice a month to make sure things are running smoothly.

Apr 03, 2011
To Vickie
by: Dana My point exactly. I expected the insults once I disagreed with you. People who have it set in their heads that what we experienced are lies, are the people who are saying hateful things and name calling such as yourself. Whey the insults? Do you not have anything more intelligent to say?

The insults and attacks toward us seem to be coming from people that somehow benefit from Caboodle Ranch such as family and friends and so-called no-kill rescue groups who take in too many cats and dump them off at Caboodle Ranch. They shut their eyes to the horrors there because they can keep sending cats.

It makes no sense why someone other than those people would get so emotional as yourself unless they had some stake in CR. These are the people who insult and attack us and I don’t find anything they say creditable. You can say over and over until you are blue in the face that I’m lying but that doesn’t change what I TRUTHFULLY saw.

And to answer your question about me taking in 300 cats. Because 1) that many cats in one place is not healthy for the cats or the environment. 2) I’d rather spend my time volunteering at my local shelter and continue fostering cats that need special attention. 3) If I did own my own shelter I would never take in more cats than I can handle. There is a point when enough is enough.

Also, what I saw there was so horrific that the most humane thing to do for many of the severely sick and injured cats would be to put them to sleep. Someone who prefers to keep an animal alive when they are suffering is selfish and does not consider the pain the animal is in.

Call it what you want, but vet’s everyday have to make the difficult suggestion to pet owner’s who’s animals are severely suffering that the right thing to do would be to put them to sleep.

Apr 03, 2011
by: VICKI craig would never deny medical treatment to HIS cats, how can you say such things..?? i don’t know why i respond to websites like this but just HAD TO wanted to tell the truth about Caboodle Ranch, …AND you’re not …. hate the lies, and hope craig sues you and others for slander. its evil what your are doing… all those homeless cats living free and happy, otherwise would have been put down or starved to death… please think before you speak…

Apr 03, 2011
by: vicki cline its horrible what you’re doing.. so are prepared to take in 300 or more cats, put them in cages…??? they’re happy where they are, they love their home at caboodle….you’re such a silly person, ..FIND A LIFE….

Apr 03, 2011
by: Anonymous you know dana, no sanctuary for animals is perfect but what i’ve witnessed and what the humane society and others have seen is nothing but happy cats… read final negociations for caboodle ranch… the man is doing what he needs to do and the cats are happy…. and yes he can sue for slander… hope he does, i’m sick of hearing all the garbage….

Apr 03, 2011
by: Anonymous thanks dana,

don’t understand your comments, ..i’ve been to caboodle many times, always seen happy cats, thats all, yes he does have sick ones he keeps seperate, and they get to live out their lives in a much better place then in a cage, waiting to be put down..

i’m not trying to convince you, i’m just speaking out for what i’ve seen, craig is a very compassionate person, and very creative, caboodle ranch is always changing, its an amazing place each time i’ve visited. i truly believe in his vision for these homeless cats. …you keep advertising on your website, save the kitties, ..are you prepared to take 300 or more cats? where would you put them, in a cage somewhere? you really need to think about what you’re saying, it isn’t right what you’re doing, along with others are spreading lies and that is not right, not of God. craig needs all the help he can get for these cats and caboodle ranch “you’re” trying to stop it. but what goes around comes around…the truth will always come out, the final negociation, found craig not guilty, all they found were happy cats.

hope you find something else to do instead of spreading lies about caboodle ranch, leave the man alone, the humane soiciety, others are always checking in with him, he has more volunteers, …what else do you want, this is his home too, he lives on 30 acres he can have as many cats as he wants.. GET A LIFE ..please stop spreading lies… know what your saying before you say it, and i hope craig sues for slander for all the idiots out there…

Apr 02, 2011
To Vickie
by: Dana You know vickie, maybe you did have good experiences at Caboodle Ranch. Many have and there a lot of explanations for it but for you to say that we are all lyers is judemental being that you don’t know each of us and the pain that we have all been through. We are all animal lovers who work with homeless cats every day. I don’t know you so I can’t judge but honestly I’m getting tired of being called a lyer.

My name is Dana and you can read my story under Caboodle Angel’s FB page along with others. If you had any sense of compassion you would feel the paing that these people have been through instead of insulting us and calling us lyers.

I have plane tickets, hotel tickets, car rental tickets and everything. So I don’t know how someone could say that I’m a lyer after spending over 800 dollars to fly a single cat to CR and decided after being there two days, left and took the cats with me. Who would do that if they only saw a few imperfections at CR? I volunteer at an animal shelter and I know things can’t be perfect but I can tell you the cats aren’t being deprived of medical care, dying slow agonizing deaths, spreading diseases, and infested with parasites. Not to mention the filth I saw the cats living in.

But it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else has to say because most people have already made up their mind and no amount of evidence would convince them otherwise even if it slapped them in the face. If everyone would respect what others have to say, all this back and forth name calling and insulting wouldn’t have to go on. But no, there are too many immature people who don’t know how to disagree in a civil manner.

When you share your experience about something you saw, it is hardly a lie. It’s your story of what you experienced. I’m glad you had great experiences at CR, I wouldn’t wish the pain and nightmares I have experienced every day since I left that place. Oh, and I rate my story 5 stars because it’s the truth about what I saw.

Apr 02, 2011
by: VICKI and i rate this 5 stars because of my “truthful” comments” /

i have been to caboodle many times and have found nothing but love for the cats there, craig loves them and they love him.. the minute you drive in there are so many caboodle kitties there to greet you, they’re not scared, not hungry, they feel very content and loved. the lies that are being told are so evil… AND THE ONE DEDICATING THIS WEBSITE TO GOD?? YOU SHOULD KNOW its not good to allow lies about a person, what goes around comes around, “YOU” should be ashamed for having this website… most all the cats there would have been put down,now theyr’e allowed to live out their lives in freedom, warm shelters, 24 hr food and water, .. you should be ashamed…

Apr 02, 2011
by: VICKI and i rate this 5 stars because of my “truthful” comments” /

i have been to caboodle many times and have found nothing but love for the cats there, craig loves them and they love him.. the minute you drive in there are so many caboodle kitties there to greet you, they’re not scared, not hungry, they feel very content and loved. the lies that are being told are so evil… AND THE ONE DEDICATING THIS WEBSITE TO GOD?? YOU SHOULD KNOW its not good to allow lies about a person, what goes around comes around, “YOU” should be ashamed for having this website… most all the cats there would have been put down,now theyr’e allowed to live out their lives in freedom, warm shelters, 24 hr food and water, .. you should be ashamed…

Apr 02, 2011
by: Anonymous and i rate this 5 stars because of my “truthful” comments” /

i have been to caboodle many times and have found nothing but love for the cats there, craig loves them and they love him.. the minute you drive in there are so many caboodle kitties there to greet you, they’re not scared, not hungry, they feel very content and loved. the lies that are being told are so evil… AND THE ONE DEDICATING THIS WEBSITE TO GOD?? YOU SHOULD KNOW its not good to allow lies about a person, what goes around comes around, “YOU” should be ashamed for having this website… most all the cats there would have been put down,now theyr’e allowed to live out their lives in freedom, warm shelters, 24 hr food and water, .. you should be ashamed…

Apr 02, 2011
by: my take We will continue to try and get help by enforcing the law and animal control to enforce Craig to run the place in a safe and sanitary manner and to get veterinary help for the cats that become ill. Not just for a select few. I agree that his intentions started out good but he has overwhelmed himself and is very paranoid for volunteers to come in to help. He told me at dinner one night that he has a hard time keeping volunteers. I thought to myself,I wonder why? They can’t tolerate the horrors they see. If law enforcement and animal control constantly monitor him it could be a good place for the cats. But unfortunately this is our biggest battle. We believe that animal control and his personal vet cover for him. There is a blog that analyses the current animal control report and it is located at The animal control officer is the only one in the whole county and it is impossible that he makes regular surprise visits. We are working to get the country commissioners to help in this situation. Craig gets the majority of his cats from so-called rescue groups by the bus loads. And they dump them off at Caboodle Ranch. If it were a few here or there this wouldn’t be a problem. After my long conversations with Craig, I truley believe his is a hoarder. He has all the classic signs. But I understand and respect your position and your hope that the place can be turned around. We do need more shelters in this country and we gain nothing by speaking out against the things we’ve seen at Caboodle Ranch. If only Craig wouldn’t deny what we’ve seen and would make changes there would be no need for us to speak out and warn others. But as Craig told me and several others, “This is his home and nobody is going to tell him what to do.” This is the problem we are up against.

Apr 01, 2011
my take
by: Anonymous I understand what you are saying and I am happy that you are speaking out to make the CR a better place but all the risks listed in this site could happen where I live (minus the coyote). At least down there they have access to food, water, some shelter and no snow. They didnt come from a clean environment, they lived in my backyard before I caught them. One of their buddies wasnt so lucky as he/she became road kill. As, I stated before, I think Craig does need help. Please keep speaking out to correct the deficiencies.

Apr 01, 2011
Re: my take
by: djcat “A fighting chance” That’s exactly what you would be giving them. Unfortunatley the chances are slim. It’s speculated that thousands of cats have come through that gate over the years and there are only a couple hundred left. If I only had the decision of taking a cat to Caboodle ranch or put a cat to sleep. I’d pick putting the cat to sleep over leaving it at Caboodle Ranch any day. In fact, that was a situation I was put in. I saw the horrific conditions of CR and me and the shelter manager had to make the most difficult decision as an animal lover of putting the shelter cat to sleep. That’s how convinced I was that the cat wouldn’t have lasted a week and woud have suffered.

Apr 01, 2011
re: my take
by: djcat Of course everything looked good. First there are a lot less cats than Craig claims because they have all magically disappeared. And of course the place is going to be clean right now because Dana went public with her story mid Feb and they had over a month to get the place clean and who the heck knows what happened with all the sick cats. Point is…any new recent eyewitness accounts right now don’t mean anything. Go back in 4 weeks and see if you can find your cats. Maybe they will still be there and maybe they won’t. It’s a gamble. And…I guarantee you if you visit in a few months when all the heat sizzles down, the place won’t look as clean and the cats won’t look as healthy as they did during your recent visit.

Apr 01, 2011
re: my take
by: djcat Of course everything looked good. First there are a lot less cats than Craig claims because they have all magically disappeared. And of course the place is going to be clean right now because Dana went public with her story mid Feb and they had over a month to get the place clean and who the heck knows what happened with all the sick cats. Point is…any new recent eyewitness accounts right now don’t mean anything. Go back in 4 weeks and see if you can find your cats. Maybe they will still be there and maybe they won’t. It’s a gamble. And…I guarantee you if you visit in a few months when all the heat sizzles down, the place won’t look as clean and the cats won’t look as healthy as they did during your recent visit.

Apr 01, 2011
my take
by: Anonymous I am posting what my wife and I observed when we took our 3 cats down to the CR on March 26. This was our first time there. We waited at a locked gate with another couple who brought a FIV cat. There were cats roaming outside the gate.
We were greated by Debbbie, who called Craig. We were told the FIV cat would be the first in their new FIV building. Craig, gave my wife and I a tour. He showed us 2 new small houses(structures) that they were working on, his son was there performing some work on the structure. Craig left us and my wife and I walked around. We did not see any dead cats. We did see dirty cats. We also observed all the structures
on the website as well as food and water as well as a fence. As far as the health of the cats, Im not qualified to comment but nothing really stood out except for 1 cat with gunk by his eye and a few cats sneezing. We did not tour the infirmary. We did notice some cats with different colored collars on. We saw a lot of cats sleeping in the woods. I actually thought there would be more cats roaming, his son said when the food comes, they all come out. He put our 3 cats in a pen, we gave him a check and left. This is what my wife and I observed. This is our experience.

Apr 01, 2011
by: Anonymous Why in the world would you get a cat if you would just end up leaving the cats with another person or entity? Craig shouldn’t have to take care of your cats. He’s supposed to rescue unwanted cats or strays. The problem is people who ABANDON their pets just because they have an option to. Whatever happens to the cats at CR is the responsibility of the original cat owner. It’s on your conscience. Not Craig’s, not CR’s.

Mar 31, 2011
My take
by: Anonymous Anonymous, I totally understand where you are coming from but you are missing the whole point. Craig falsely advertises that the cats are all given affection, they are safe, and in a healthy environment. If he posted on his website exacely the condition of what the cats were in and the filthy living condition, then that would be fair. It would give everyone the chance to make an informed decision. Instead they lie about how perfect everything is. Not every cat going there is feral. Many, many are house cat that are not accustomed to outdoor living and these are the onse who suffer the most. Maybe CR would be a good place for ferals ONLY, but not for domesticated cats. And…if he were to have ferals only, it would have to be within a reasonable limit.

Mar 31, 2011
my take
by: Anonymous Here is my take, I brought three cats down to the CR, is it what I expected, no, I actually expected to see more cats and I thought it would be bigger. As far as everything else, it is what I thought it would be, a place where the cats would receive food and limited medical treatment just the same as where they came from, my backyard. As far as getting diseases and death, they faced the same risks where I live, they could get hit by a car, go undernourished, fight with other animals etc.. Could this place be run better, yes. Do I wish my cats get more human contact, yes. Do I feel that Craig needs to hire a lot of people to help him, yes. Is the place pristine, no but the CR still beats my alternatives, a shelter might kill them, a no kill will leave in a cage. I feel like I am giving them a fighting chance.

Mar 26, 2011
Found new blog about Caboodle Ranch
by: sassycat Has anyone seen this?

Mar 21, 2011
To Dale
by: cat fanatic I guess the real question is. How where you allowed into the ranch when the website clearly states that visiting hours are on Sat from 2-4.

“We welcome visitors! But you still need to have an appointment. That goes for everyone. The ranch is also Craig?s home, and he opens it up to the public on Saturdays only between 2 and 4pm.”

They also said volunteers were no longer allowed. Do you know them personally and that’s why they let you in outside their normal visitation hours?

I just don’t understand why exceptions are made for some people. I don’t doubt that they were busting their tails getting the place clean since the heat is on. I would be doing the same thing.

Mar 21, 2011
craig rocks!
by: teresa

Mar 21, 2011
Last comment
by: Dale What a world of conspiracy and paranoia some of you live in. I am not Nanette and doubt that she would spend her time debating these issues with you under a false name.

As for me, I am Dale from NJ. I have an Amtrak receipt for a train from Newark, NJ, 2/28,to Jacksonville, car rental receipt, Days Inn receipt for 4 nights in Madison, FL. and a return Amtrak receipt, 3/8, to NJ from Tampa, where I visited my sister. I paid for it all myself. I emailed Nanette that I was going to FL to visit relatives and asked permission to visit the ranch.

As for my previous comment, I did not say paid “full-time” staff–I said staff. I didn’t inquire about their hours, if they were full or part-time. As for volunteers, one volunteer was from Germany, visiting in FL. I do not know the normal # of volunteers. As for me doing cleaning, a staff person was in charge of that. When she needed help, I offered. We cleaned some food containers, water troughs, cat beds, and litter boxes. I spent more time hand-feeding some cats, administering baby-food meds, and generally socializing the cats.

I went into the office trailer, a litter storage trailer, laundry room trailer, looked in but didn’t go into the infirmary trailer as the vet was there checking on cats. I visited the newcomer area often and looked closely at the conditions,which were always fine.

That was my reality at Caboodle. If I had found it be different, I would have reported that as the welfare of the cats is the most important issue.

Mar 21, 2011
to djat
by: Anonymous yes you are exactly right!

Mar 21, 2011
this story is phony
by: djat This sounds too much like Nanette’s writing. The tone sounds identical to her. Some similarities that Nanette has said:

“Like humans, the cats are all different–some are skinny, some are fat, some are affectionate, some are fearful.”

“We cleaned noses (cats do get colds)”
This is a phony story, no doubt.

First, they aren’t allowing volunteers according to their website. They now have paid “fulltime” help. I’ll believe that when I see it. Secondly visiting hours are now only Saturday from 2-4. Now they only have to clean once a week since visitors are only allowed one day out of the week.

Mar 21, 2011
to Dale
by: Anonymous Also Dale can you tell us how it came about that you were there? Did you call and ask to volunteer? And how come you weren’t helping in cleaning and stuff? Was anyone inside the trailers?

Mar 21, 2011
to Dale
by: Anonymous Dale, did you go inside all the trailers? And do you realize that that many volunteers there in that one day is a record breaker?

Mar 21, 2011
My latest Caboodle visit
by: Dale I just returned on March 8 from a 4-day stay at Caboodle. I arrived each day around 10am and stayed until dark, about 7pm. There were 3 staff helpers and 4 volunteers each day. I helped hand-feed a cat with liver disease, groomed cats, washed water stations, walked the property, but was mainly a ” cat petter.” I thoroughly enjoyed having all kinds of cats vie for my attention. I couldn’t sit in a chair without 5,6 or 7 cats sitting on me.

The property has 3 houses almost completed. The paths are clean, litter boxes raked regularly. I especially spent some time at the new comers area. The cats I saw had plenty of food and water, and clean, comfortable sleeping areas.(I made sure I checked because of a negative comment about the new comer area.) The vet came one day to see the cats in the infirmary. One of the staff and I gave sick cats some meds mixed with baby food. We cleaned noses (cats do get colds), checked for sores and skin conditions. Craig continually monitors the cats and gives fluids by sub-cu when needed.

Like humans, the cats are all different–some are skinny, some are fat, some are affectionate, some are fearful. When I would walk down a trail, I had a small legion of cats following me. It was amazing. (I have some terrific pictures.)

I am not writing to try to change minds. I went down to observe and I am reporting what I saw. I did not hear any coyotes yipping in the evening, but wasn’t there all night, when that might occur. I did not see bug infestations, or any dead cats. Craig did not stop me from seeing any part of the ranch I wanted to see. I covered all the areas of the ranch and walked outside the fencing also.

Based on my experience, I think Caboodle is a terrific example of what can be done to help cats. I will continue to volunteer and do what I can to help Craig. He is always trying to improve the Ranch. His work days are very long and he is dedicated to his cats. I hope I can make regular trips to Caboodle–wish it were a little closer to NJ.

Mar 18, 2011
To Carolyn
by: concerned Person you were posting to is probably Shelby.
Word usage and sentence structure are similar.

Mar 16, 2011
to anonymous
by: Anonymous If you got anger and depression from my post then you are the one with deep problems. Sorry for your luck.

Mar 16, 2011
Please get into therapy
by: Anonymous Carolyn,
Please, please, please get into therapy! Your anger and depression is destroying you.

Mar 16, 2011
by: Carolyn Ok Anonymous, I did not leave my cats there. But Craig did however let one of mine out from it’s kennel and I never got her back. And FYI not everyone that owns a cat or has knows what to look for in a so called sanctuary, and to me when a place uses the word sanctuary, I too assumed they are more than likely under close watch by someone and have regulations to follow. But that’s not true. And a lot of people have no idea what a cat rescue is. Secondly I don’t believe all these cats will die if they are closed, and thirdly all the cats there have a better chance in dying right now being in Craig’s care. And finally not all cats are brought there because of people just not wanting to care for them anymore. Get your facts ok? And Craig is not a rescue. He originally bought the property with his son as an investment and his own cat situation was getting out of hand because he is a hoarder. So now he gets his property paid for by donations and he continues to hoard, no rescuing there, and especially no sanctuary. No cats are protected or ever have been.

So you see opinions are like a** holes, everyone has one, including you.

Mar 16, 2011
I can not believe you people.
by: Anonymous Honestly. There is something wrong with every single one of you.

If you left your cat there, you should be ashamed. Not because Craig allegedly abuses cat there but because you were too irresponsible and stupid to understand that a pet is for life. If you get a pet, you need to make accommodations for it for the rest of you life. I’ve moved from home to home in the last year and never once did I have an issue keeping my 2 kitties.

If this place gets shut down think… what is going to happen to these cat? Oh yeah, they’ll probably ALL DIE (because people like you are irresponsible and ditch their cats in the 100’s). Have you seen feral cat colonies? Yeah, these cat live in apparent luxury compared to feral cats.

If people would think before they buy a “cute little kitten” this man would not even have to have this rescue running, which would probably be a relief for him.

Mar 04, 2011
another typo
by: djcat Sorry, I guess I should triple read my posts. Correction to the below post. One sentence that should read others DID NOT see what I saw because of…

Sorry, I’m a little OCD making sure my grammar is correct.

Mar 03, 2011
My Feb, 2011 experience at Caboole Ranch
by: djcat For those of you who are visiting this page to research sending a cat to Caboodle Ranch, below is a link where you will find my story. I would also like to add that there have been those who have been there and see what I saw but I believe this is because they got the “escorted” tour and where not shown inside the buildings that I saw. That is just my theory, not based on factual data. The reason I have this theory is on the second day I was there, a couple was leaving the sanctuary when I returned after leaving for lunch. They seemed very happy with what they saw and thanked Craig. I will say that the base camp where you see all the cute little cat houses and gingerbread lane does really look like that in the videos. The horrors are behind hidden doors…the trailers and the newcomer holding area. Not everyone is priviledged to go inside of those. Just something to think about. Anyways, here’s the link:!/topic.php?uid=163215580360554&topic=283

Mar 03, 2011
made error in post
by: djcat I wrote my post in Word first and then pasted into the reply box. Please forgive me for repeating an entire paragraph. I hope my mistake didn’t make it too confusing.

Mar 03, 2011
continued reply to Elisa
by: djcat (…continued from below)

Prior to visiting Caboodle Ranch I did not know the others who Craig is claiming are trying to bring him down due to personal vendettas. When I got home from Florida I started searching immediately for others who had experienced what I did. I refused to believe that I was the first to see this. I felt deeply that the horrific conditions of the cats and the ranch did not get like that overnight.

I made my decision to bring the cat there based on all the wonderful videos and photos on the website and my email correspondences with Nanette. I thought this place was a utopia for cats. I made a bad judgment call and did not do my research. However, I feel that I was sent there for a higher good. My agenda is not to close Caboodle Ranch down. My goal is to provide details of what I witnessed to as many people as possible so that they will do their own research and make an informed decision before taking cats to Caboodle Ranch. I also feel it is my personal responsibility to report to authorities any neglect or abuse that I witness whether it be an animal or a child. I feel there is no difference between the two.

Mar 03, 2011
response to Elisa
by: djcat Hi Elisa, I’m going to split this reply to your questions into a couple of comments since I can only do 3,000 characters at a time.

Prior to visiting Caboodle Ranch I did not know the others who Craig is claiming are trying to bring him down due to personal vendettas. When I got home from Florida I started searching immediately for others who had experienced what I did. I refused to believe that I was the first to see this. I felt deeply that the horrific conditions of the cats and the ranch did not get like that overnight.

I made my decision to bring the cat there based on all the wonderful videos and photos on the website and my email correspondences with Nanette. I thought this place was a utopia for cats. I made a bad judgment call and did not do my research. However, I feel that I was sent there for a higher good. My agenda is not to close Caboodle Ranch down. My goal is to provide details of what I witnessed to as many people as possible so that they will do their own research and make an informed decision before taking cats to Caboodle Ranch. I also feel it is my personal responsibility to report to authorities any neglect or abuse that I witness whether it be an animal or a child. I feel there is no difference between the two.

I can’t speak for the person who posted photos of Tiger Ranch in the mix of photos of Caboodle Ranch. I do know that several days ago I saw her You Tube video apologizing and said it was an honest mistake. I think that anyone who would video tape themself and reveal their identity to the world is sincere that it was an honest mistake.

Mar 03, 2011
Another sanctuary closed
by: Elisa Cats Seized At Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary

Please go to this story and start a new discussion

Feb 28, 2011
by: djcat I will email you to get copies of pics of your cats and I will go through my pics to see if there are any matches.

Feb 28, 2011
$4000.00 REWARD
by: Anonymous I am offering a $4000.00 cash reward to anyone who can find and return my 3 babies missing after day 11 or before from Caboodle Ranch, I have no way to know the truth as the owner is a liar and also insane. I made at least 8-10 trips between 4/2010 and 11/2010 and never saw one of them again. PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN. I have a million good pictures of them. IT WILL BE 11 MONTHS ON MARCH 3rd. I AM DESPERATE. if you can help. thank you.

Feb 16, 2011
contacting anonymous
by: djcat I will share my story publicly in due time. But if you need more info from me before making your decision, you could always create an anonymous email account and post it here and I will contact you through that. I also know that if you call Best Friends Animal Society, they can give you recommendations (or non-recommendations)
for rescue societies. Whatever you do, don’t take your cat anywhere without seeing the place first or getting recommendations from a well-known, respected source. Don’t base your decision from what you see on the internet. That’s the mistake the rest of us made. I hope that other’s learn from my mistake and don’t have to go through the heartbreak I went through.

Feb 16, 2011
to anonymous
by: djcat To the person who wrote the below comment: I will get my story out and contact the proper authorities and media. I’m working on it and don’t want to be rash. I’m being careful to do this in a professional and civil manner. I’ve found that people are much more receptive to what you have to say if you respect them and speak to them in a compassionate manner. You have to keep your emotions in check. When you start yelling and insulting, it makes you look like you are crazy and uncreditable. However, I BELIEVE you and the others as I saw what you have seen.

I know you are hurting and I’m so sorry for all your pain. But be strong and hang in there. Be positive and know that good always prevails. Things don’t always happen exactly when and how we want. Just know that God knows our desires and is already in the process of getting help for the cats and Graig.

Now maybe you can tell others as we have been trying to do. No one believes us and do nothing but criticize, condemn and crucify people who say anything bad about CR. All I can say is good luck. As now they will look at you as they have been us. Like you are a liar. I know your not, you know your not but convincing someone to do something about it is another thing.

PEOPLE WAKE UP – this person just now went to CR. I don’t care how many broadcasting people have been there lately, CRAIG IS NOT LETTING them see everything at CR. WAKE UP!

Feb 16, 2011
by: Anonymous I am not sure how you can contact me? I can’t leave my phone # or email for everyone to see. Sorry – security concerns. But, I would love to talk with you regarding your visit to the ranch. Again, I only want what is best for my stray cat and it is appearing that this is not it. I have gone to a lot of trouble to fix, vaccinate and look after my cat, even though a stray, and would hate to put it in harms way.

Feb 16, 2011
by: Anonymous Now maybe you can tell others as we have been trying to do. No one believes us and do nothing but criticize, condemn and crucify people who say anything bad about CR. All I can say is good luck. As now they will look at you as they have been us. Like you are a liar. I know your not, you know your not but convincing someone to do something about it is another thing.

PEOPLE WAKE UP – this person just now went to CR. I don’t care how many broadcasting people have been there lately, CRAIG IS NOT LETTING them see everything at CR. WAKE UP!

Feb 15, 2011
recent visit
by: djcat Yes the ranch and the cats are still in poor condition as of February when I visited.

Feb 15, 2011
recent visit
by: djcat Yes the ranch and the cats are still in poor condition as of February when I visited.

Feb 15, 2011
recent visit
by: djcat Yes the ranch and the cats are still in poor condition as of February when I visited.

Feb 15, 2011
To Cats Needing a good home
by: djcat To anonymous wanting recommendations as to whether or not to bring her cats to CR. How can I contact you?

Feb 14, 2011
To cats needing good home
by: Anonymous I am going to give you a couple of web sites – to help you make your decision.

Good Luck

Feb 10, 2011
Cats needing a good home
by: Anonymous I have contacted the ranch regarding finding a home for a stray cat I am looking after and am waiting to hear back from the ranch. Although it is hard to ignore all the negative comments I find it hard to believe that Craig has anything but the best of intentions for his cats. As you would with any animal placement I would love to hear from others who have left their cats at the ranch. I want real references – good or bad with which I can make an intelligent decision of what is best for my cat.

Jan 08, 2011
TO all pro caboodle idiots
by: Persephone What Susan stated is the law in Florida. Where is the records of the Rabies vaccines? The TV clip on WCTV in September mentioned, CR does have giadia and earmites problems. Giardia is common but it can take a very long time to get rid of. I know Nannette does few but medicating them regularly, how? Twice a day by mouth to each of them. Nannette does not even live in Florida. How do they retain clean water for the cats to drink? As an experienced house/feral cats care takers, whatever they stated in their websites are all fairy tales,very far from truth. Where are all medical records? Where are the rabies certificates? None. People who sent their cats there while they are dying or terminally ill provided funds, donations and medical records. Where are they now? Vaccines are supposed to be given yearly.How could they keep tracks of them? Impossible. Admit it. Yes, all rescue groups have flaws but the reputable ones acknowledge the problems and fix them. CR claimed they did. But no proof. No safety measure from predators. Never. How could you people be so ignorant with the expense of the sufferings of cats?I am just sick of their lame excuses and diceiving publicity for their 15 minutes of fame. We are all here for the cats and their salvations. Hey what about Craig not believing in helping them at their last minutes? They do need help lots of time, otherwise they will be eaten alive by the insects or animals in the woods in the heat in the cold, in the filthy trailers without windows or cares. You people would only understand when you are in these cats’ lives. Believe me, Craig is just happy and falsely believing in his shitty head that he has done so good and not want to do anything for the cats for he only care for his ego with the extremely tiny mind. Pathetic fools and ignoramuses that you all are.

Jan 07, 2011
to Anonymous
by: Carolyn Ok, so if you didn’t know about the palmetto bugs then you haven’t been in that trailer period. And the picture was a 1/2 eaten cat whether you want to admit it or not. Not a trace of his bottom half was anywhere around. I took that picture. And the cat in the garbage bag was real too. I see that the same weekend I found the one on the ground. Craig’s explanation was the dumpster was overfull and the garbage man hadn’t ran yet was why it was in a bag sitting next to the shed. so I guess that meant it was intended for the dumpster? You are blind if you were there that much and didn’t see much. I rescued a kitten from brush where it had been abandoned by it’s mother, and seen litters born under the little houses, now you going to go along with them also when they stated no cats roam that have not been fixed? Give me a break, wake up and if you don’t you will be really embarrassed when the time comes, and it won’t be long from now.

Jan 07, 2011
it’s me again
by: Anonymous Ok, it’s me again – the person who has been there all night before. So now you’re calling me stupid and saying I don’t know what I’m talking about. Haha, I assure you I’m not and I do. No one will take you seriously if you act like this.

There are certainly not other volunteers, let alone 10 of them, making any claims that they’ve been there all night. I submit to you that honesty is the best policy and no one has a good enough memory to be a good liar.

I have never seen any palmetto bug infestation there. Not saying it didn’t happen, but I have never seen it. Actually, I haven’t seen a flea or tick problem there either, which is amazing but true in my experience.

The cats being thrown away in trash bags thing is ludicrous. That dumpster is huge (
for anyone unfamiliar, a large, roll-off construction site type, not a little square one). Even if it were full of dead cats, layers of bags could not contain the smell. And that thing gets filled to the brim before it gets dumped, because dumping it costs money.

The idea that the dead cat in the photo was eaten by anything is really stretching it. It unfortunately died for some reason and was decomposing. The pic is entirely consistent with that, but not consistent with what one would expect with predation. Had something killed it for food it wouldn’t leave so much anything to waste. Especially a marauding pack of coyotes that doesn’t know where it’s next meal will come from.

Of course I’ve been there all day too. Yes, I’ve been in the trailers. On my hands and knees scrubbing the floors from end to end. Been in the other buildings and everywhere else there is to go on the property except Craig’s personal trailer where he sleeps. I’ve scrubbed all of the little houses, the memorial statue, etc. Replaced food and water out at all the stations through the day, put straw out for them on cold nights, emptied, scrubbed and refilled all the litter boxes, pulled and scrubbed all the trays for all the cages in the different trailers. Helped feed and medicate the sick cats. Helped put the collars on cats. Have transported cats there, have watched the place while Craig went down to Gainesville or Orlando to pick up cats. And anything else I was asked to do. I wasn’t there just to pet cats.

The reality is running a place like Caboodle Ranch is a lot of work and it never stops. There are people who get down and dirty and do hard work, and there are people who stand around griping and doing nothing to be part of the solution. It is interesting how the ones who speak the loudest are usually the ones who did the least.

Jan 07, 2011
you are clueless
by: Carolyn You have no idea what you are talking about both of the lasts posts. So since you don’t know, I excuse your stupidity. And the one who said they stayed all night? What were the dates you were there, I am totally interested? There are more than 10 people with the same claims, I want you to prove yours. Please tell us more. Did you not go into the trailers? Did you not see more than a thousand palmetto bugs cover the ceilings and cages that the cats stayed in? Do you realize this only happened in one trailer because of an AC leak that could of been fixed? I don’t want to hear the BS about the woods and what do you expect because the other trailers did not have this infestation. And to think there is where he keeps his sick kitties and to top it off he sprayed daily bug spray around the sick cats to kill the bugs. This is only ONE BIG PROBLEM, there were many! You all are clueless to what even happened, please I beg you once again to go do your homework and go stay there All day NOT JUST A FEW hrs in the day.

Jan 07, 2011
You are all a bunch of jackasses!
by: Anonymous As a long time owner of pets and a person involved in animal rescue, this whole string of discussions is filled full of stupidity. Thanks for the great afternoon of amusement. Every animal rescue project is filled flaws and problems. A lot of bad stuff comes from trying to do good. And my dear sub division living plastic people of Florida, NEWS FLASH cats love it outdoors. I personally don’t let my pets outside, but cats came from THE OUTDOORS.

If coyotes are a problem for Caboodle Ranch, they are a problem for the entire surrounding community. Florida has very liberal gun laws. If the local animal control people aren’t doing their jobs then get a gun and take of the problem yourself.

I just saw Caboodle on a television show and I praise his efforts no matter how flawed. When you decide to host almost a 1000 cats and take of them
then you can become the object of your own criticism.

Jan 07, 2011
To Carolyn re: facts
by: Anonymous This is for Carolyn, took me this long to read your comment to me from Dec. 28, but I’ll respond for what it’s worth…

I’m a credible source, enough said. The issue here is the truth, and I only said something because there are exaggerations being tossed out as if they were facts. If this were a constructive discussion about how to help and make things better at the ranch, that would be one thing, but what I see are mostly hateful rants that do little to help anyone’s cause.

Things around there will always need fixing. I’m not much for telling people how to spend their money either. How do you think it’s being wasted? I doubt there is ever much room in the Caboodle Ranch for anything but the basic necessities, so I’m a little skeptical of your claim. They have been gracious enough to put me up in a hotel room a few times or buy me lunch. I wouldn’t call it wasteful spending, just being nice. I’ve also stayed the night in my own tent staked on the property.

I have actually overnighted at the ranch several times. I don’t mean in a hotel room they put me up in up the road, but actually on the property, and I was awake the whole time (and I mean all night) and actively patrolled the perimeter areas through the night.

There were and may still be coyotes in the area, no one disputes that. But with the rate they’re supposedly being killed, it would be remarkable if many are left. From my experience, they are no more of a threat than the neighboring dogs are. I bet you haven’t ever seen one there, because if anyone would have it would probably be me, and I haven only heard them.

My point is that it is not a nightly coyote buffet as some would make it out to be. If it were such a huge issue, there are certain cats that I can think of which should be the easiest targets, yet in all this time they have not been picked off. And that includes cats that have been there from the very beginning.

There is regular train traffic nearby and that is pretty neat because the coyotes apparently can’t help themselves and will howl at the trains. It was a very reliable way to know if they are around and get a fix on where. Some times they were around, some times not. There are other (and better) options for them out there.

Cats can and do get sick. This is more of an issue in the cooler months (but FL is about as good as it gets in that regard). It is unfortunate but also inevitable that some will get ill. I do not think the number that get sick is out of proportion to the number there on the property, and given that disease can spread quickly through that many cats in close proximity, I think it is a wonder it isn’t worse and he seems to be fairly effective at curbing that.

I’ve seen Nanette do plenty around there. It’s ridiculous to cut someone down who does do a lot for the place and comes down once a month or more from that far away.

Maybe I’ll add to this later, but I have somewhere I have to be…

Jan 07, 2011
to Pam
by: Carolyn Everything you stated is true, true to the core and sad. Mostly sad that it is still happening even after dozens of people have shared their experiences there and told what they seen day in and day out. How well they have hidden things or should I say how well some have overlooked or not looked deeply enough.

Jan 07, 2011
by: PAMELA Is it not sadly interesting, that maybe A 100 defamation statements later, and a whole whirlwind of questions they can’t answer that they are suddenly doing this, out of nowhere, just because, yet suing for damages:

Here’s the latest from Caboodle Ranch:

Thank you to all our friends and fans for helping to make 2010 a great year. We’ve certainly had our ups and downs, but overall, things are better than ever at Caboodle! We’ve received positive assessments from (and are in excellent standing with) Madison county animal control and veterinary clinic, the cats are doing well and we’re able to finally make some necessary upgrades to many of our buildings- slowly phasing out the old office trailers and adding some beautiful barn-style buildings in place of them. We can’t wait until they’re all completed!

Thank you to everyone who has stood by us throughout the years and have donated month after month with time, supplies and (of course) money. Caboodle Ranch simply could not happen without your support. We wish you all a happy, healthy and safe 2011!


Jan 07, 2011


The pursuit of money, as a means to anything usually means (almost always means) that someone, somewhere, at least momentarily, has taken their “eye” off of what it is they really want.

Tricky that way, huh?

Jan 07, 2011
Rabies Vaccines
by: Susan Yes, I think I posted before, In the state of Florida the owner of the cat must have proof of rabies vaccines. There is an official form that must be signed by the vet administering the vaccine one copy is kept by the vet and one by the person in possession of the cat. I would LOVE to see CR come up with 650 rabies vaccine records. That won’t ever happen.

Jan 06, 2011
by: Elizabeth Pam,

I definitely agree on one point. How does the decline in cat intake affect Caboodle Ranch in a monetary way? Is this because that with the decline in the cat intake they also have a decline in the $150.00 donation that supposedly comes along with each cat? From my understanding, $150.00 nowhere near covers the cost of the care of a cat with a lengthy life. If anything, the decrease in cat intake should help them because they have less cats to care for. I cannot possibly see that this should be listed as a damage and believe that by saying this they are fully admitting to making a profit off of what they get when taking in each cat. This means the $150.00 donation must more than cover the cat’s lifetime care, therefore proving that it’s lifetime is shorter than it should be.

Jan 06, 2011
to Angela & all dunces
by: Persephone Angela,lots f us who lost cats there are rescue groups who hare tryig to help the abandoned and unwanted cats from the street.Lots of us are
helping those cats every single day rescuing and finding them home out of our own pocket and resources. Some feral sites are not wanted by land owners or some other reasons then
they are in great danger. So most of us saved them and we tried TNR but some cannot be released
so we have to find homes and we like to release them if there’s a better place, Sometimes our facilities got full and we asked CR plus big donations to give them home. Yes, we were once fooled by the lies from their website. So do not
accuse any of us that they are unwanted cats. Be sensible.. When will you ever learn or will you be able to understand at all? Please gather some real facts and information before you said anything. Yes,CR just took donation and the cats are gone in days. Carolyn and few others tried big time to help but Craig is so stuck up in his head that he would not take any educated suggestion for the cats at all. Basically, contrary to CR propanganda, Craig does
not care for the cats at all. Believe me, it is impossible to give enough attention to 200-600
cat not even 10-20 cats all by yourself at home not to mention hygiene and health caresPERIOD.

Jan 06, 2011
not even title worthy

Angela, you’re an imbecile.

When the likes of this blog have people like yourself commenting here, it makes it a useless waste of time.

Ridding the earth of many of you, would indeed make things much better, including this blog.

Why don’t you take your big fat asses off your laptops and find yourselves something more appropriately geared towards your low I.Q.s


Jan 06, 2011
Be grateful for Something
by: Angela
If I gave up my cat, I would accept the chances that if he lived OUTSIDE, he might get eaten by a predator, get sick, or die like any other random cat that lives OUTSIDE.

Maybe that is why I have no intention to do so. Being as I have spoiled him all these years and know his chances in nature have dwindled because of my attentions.

Jan 06, 2011
Oh my god
by: Anonymous In this very comment section I’ve read some of the most retarded things I have ever read in my life.

I’d rather gouge my eyes out than read any more of this crap. Please leave the internet. Please leave the earth.

Jan 06, 2011
Oh my god
by: Anonymous In this very comment section I’ve read some of the most retarded things I have ever read in my life.

I’d rather gouge my eyes out than read any more of this crap. Please leave the internet. Please leave the earth.

Jan 06, 2011

usally though what the moron does not know is that he is putting himself under further scrutiny, essetially biting himself in his own ass.

when he loses it will not make him look good either. i can’t wait!

Jan 04, 2011
you haven’t read everything obviously
by: Carolyn Kathi, you have obviously no clue to what has been happening. This all happened BECAUSE WE WERE THERE TO HELP. Please do your homework then come and post what you have to say, maybe you might come up with some good stuff. Check it out. Craig is not doing a good thing. btw have you been there??? Of course not. I have 8 days!!!! full complete days of hard work and I seen a lot of cats die for no good reason. While you are at it, let’s take your cats there and leave them, please? Oh you don’t have cats? Then why are you here? If you do let’s take them to Craig and see what happens to yours ok?

Jan 04, 2011
You are helping cats how?
by: Kathi Mills I have to admit I did not read most of the MANY postings and articles that you have written, nor have I watched more than a minute of the LONG videos you have posted, but it seems like you’re wasting a lot of time and energy and probably money worrying about lawsuits and who is slandering who, when instead you could be contributing to help fix the problem. I don’t see how blog postings and videos are helping in any way. Mr. Grant is doing a wonderful thing for these animals, and if you would direct some of the energy you put into making youtube videos and posting on facebook into actually trying to help solve some of the problems his sanctuary faces the cats would appreciate it. Get off the computer once in a while and go outside! You might like it.

Jan 04, 2011
Be grateful for Something
by: Angela People don’t want their cats anymore. YOU don’t want your cats anymore. YOU get rid of them. They have a 0% chance with YOU. They were abandoned and unwanted.

You bring them to a place they have a 90% chance to live. A nice place, considering the other options with a much lower percent of survival or adoption.

90% is better than nothing.

Jan 04, 2011
to John
by: Carolyn it takes one to spot one John, thanks for that 🙂

Jan 04, 2011
by: John
You are full of the crazy.

Jan 04, 2011
to Pam
by: Carolyn Pam, you write so much stuff that sometimes I don’t bother reading it all. so when you sent out your email this am first to more than one then I seen this on here VERY SIMILAR I assumed you meant US. And as from this last post you did. Also the email you just sent me in private. Gary and I are not the reasons you are in this mess and if we are then you don’t belong here. This is about the cats and only the cats. I told you right away when you were playing follow the leader with Gary, not to do so. But you didn’t listen and now you are left behind. It was just advice because I don’t ever DEPEND on others to do my ANYTHING for me and shouldn’t of either. You should of been doing your own work on this just as I have. That’s all I have to say.

Jan 04, 2011
what a pathetic joke
by: Pamela btw……I would have kicked his ass in court if this thing had gone down properly.

Gary never even got the chance to find another attorney to sue this bastard for all that he has done until he had no choice himself.

This is exactly the problem with these cases!!!! The assholes running all over the place, running their mouths, claiming they will do this and that, and in the end don’t do shit!

That is why “sanctuaries” abusing animals go on and on and on! There is no end to it. I am not going to spend 5 grand to win a suit that gets me $5.00 a cat and gets him fined a few hundred dollars.

In the end, nobody stuck together on these animal cruelty, and misleading web site points. It is all bullshit. When you have animal ACTIVISTS going out there and talking to this freak in his driveway while cats run wild in the driveway and road saying he’s A ok, YOU KNOW the world’s a screwed up place.

When someone who WANTED TO SUE AND START A DEFENSE FUND is going to be going it alone you know it’s a screwed up place and when someone who you thought understood your sadness and concerns comes to a blog everyone has been checking out for weeks now and puts you down, shit, i give up!

Jan 04, 2011
not worried
by: Carolyn I am NOT WORRIED about a court or a hearing is what I meant to write.

Jan 04, 2011
to Pam
by: Carolyn Pam, I wish you would not speak for me in your messages as this message you posted is not any message I would like to convey. For one I never said I can’t afford an attorney, and secondly I am worried about going to court or a hearing. Please speak for yourself when posting. Thanks

Jan 03, 2011
by: PAMELA My number is 904-343-3337.

Jan 03, 2011
by: PAMELA Well everyone, some of us are being sued for defamation, slander, conspiracy and trespassing!

I am quite certain no one will be there to support those of us that are being sued when the time rolls around. There would be no point for a counter suit if there were not people wanting to come forward in one way or another with their stories all together as one.

I am very sad that while named together in the suit only one of us can afford an attorney. I strongly suspect that this suit by Grant has arisen because the only person who can afford the attorney had originally started a suit against Caboodle Ranch and asked us to get the word out for a cat defense fund.

Unfortunately, that attorney, a Jennifer Dietz, who he had hired just quit out of the blue, and I would imagine that it is most likely why CR ‘s beating us to the punch with their law suit has now ensued.

I will most likely be telling the judge that this man has allowed my cats to go missing and most likely die. But, as far as winning or losing, I have nothing Grant can take, not to mention, he has already taken and destroyed all that I loved.

I would have never pursued going out to see my babies, continuing to go out to search for my babies for 7 months, and certainly had always had the intention of visiting my babies regardless of later finding out that this hell hole is a death sentence for your cats, if I did not love them with all of my heart no matter what the circumstances at the time for bringing them out there.

If anyone plans on coming forward to help, and you are reading this, this is it, you are either for or against, because there is no in between out there. Please call me if you are going to help defend these poor cats whose owners were completely mislead by this web site.

My number is 904-993-3337. If you are reading this and you are going to be supportive by typing up and notarizing your story please let me know.

I feel shattered and alone, just like what this man has caused many, many cats and their owners to feel like.

thanks for reading……Pam

Jan 01, 2011
by: Michael Hi Pamela. Once upon a time I thought like you:

but it has just always been so weird to me that “words” are such a major problem for people.”

But I learned that words can be as devastating as physical actions. Words are important.

And in order to keep things at a decent standard the F word really doesn’t help!

I like the passion though.

Michael Avatar

Dec 31, 2010
to Carolyn
by: Pamela you are so funny!!

God knows you have put up with me too!

But I still love you (lol, that’s a joke, just being funny) 🙂

love ya,
Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2010
to Pam
by: Carolyn Thank God!

Dec 31, 2010
thank you Michael 🙂
by: Pamela sorry Michael…

thank you for putting up with me. thank you for leaving my posts up and putting in little stars. i appreciate that so much. this has truly been the only place i have been able to vent. you have warned me before and you would think i could calm down and respect that.

but it has just always been so weird to me that “words” are such a major problem for people.

i do not mean that at you! i think you are wonderful for putting up with me when i lose my patience.

i am, however always blown away that by putting a few letters together that really express a persons feelings, whether it be good or bad feelings, blows some people away.

i think it was my fav comedian George Carlin that pointed that out often.

you are an angel for the patience you have exhibited. i do not want to see this blog go down, so respecting you is going to be my only new year’s resolution.

thank you again happy new year Michael 🙂

Dec 31, 2010
by: Carolyn Pam please quit using all curse words and follow Michael’s rules here. thanks

Dec 31, 2010
by: MIchael The next time you use the F word or type in capitals or rant repetitiously, your comment will be deleted and you will be banned – sorry but I have been very patient with you.

Please add new thoughts or new information or stay away, please.

Michael Avatar

Dec 31, 2010
by: carolyn Thanks Pam

Dec 31, 2010
that pond
by: PAMELA talk about the devil in the details…the damn picture associated with this very blog is that very bacteria infected pond i mentioned, with the cats drinking right out of it.

wow, maybe the universe does try to show us things when we open our eyes.

Dec 31, 2010
I hate to say this……
by: Pamela but it is true, that he does try to provide heat. how much heat, what type of heat, how much shelter, for oh yeah, who the hell really knows how many cats, i can not say.

my last time there he was putting gasoline, kerosene, burners way in the back, where the large dog kennels are and where ALL new babies go. mine went there. he claims mine pushed out through the broken fence door which means they were skewered, an image i can not get out of my head. he was guessing of course. i think he knows they died.

there is no electricity way up back there and god know what happens to the cat in the middle of the woods in the pitch blackness. i think he may use some heat lamps in some of the little houses, not sure. my prison term there was from April 4th, 2010 until my last trip out around November 4th, 2010.

you can hear the coyote calling, as grant pointed out to me when i was there several times. 2 of my 3 babies were gone completely from those nasty cages in just 12 days when i returned.

i have never been in shock in my life and i have seen some shocking things, but i believe that day i was in complete shock. i will never live it down.

i wish this universe could end my suffering and the suffering of all the missing babies. whether they have already died of that suffering or are dying as we speak, no matter what, i mistakenly participated in this holocaust. i should therefore not be able to ever live happily again.

please DON’T anyone tell me to move on. not unless you want to feel my fury.

Dec 29, 2010
Did anyone see this?
by: Persephone This is from their newest post on CR’s live journal.

We have heat going everywhere now, even in the outdoor shelters and kennels, so everyone is snug and warm. It has been through your Christmas cards and care packages that have given Craig Christmas this year. He literally has not had any spare time to enjoy the holiday, but with every card and box brings a smile to his heart.

How could this be possible? Heat in every outdoor shelters? They are just too easy to lie and make things up. I’LL BE VERY HAPPY IF THEY REALLY PROVIDE HEAT IN ALL SHELTERS but the truth is not even close.. Let’s allow us to go check it then? This is all lies, lies, lies… I’ll only believe if they allow any of us to go see the ranch. or even taking calls …

Dec 29, 2010
THANKS…..MICHAEL & Pictures of Cats
by: NNK Thank you so much for letting us tell our real experiences at CR. I do appreciate it so much. Thanks to Elisa too. And everyone who have come out to tell the real stories here.It is heartbreakingly sad. But let us hope to see that the horrors will end in the nearest future for those who are voiceless and defenseless.One thing I know for sure is that CR and procaboodle people cannot handle the truth at all. They would just simply choose to live in oblivion and their own selfcentered worlds.Unbelievable and unforgiveable to all of them in everyway to prolong the agony and cruelty of cats who are in urgent need for help.

Dec 29, 2010
by: Carolyn I am not a hero and anyone in their RIGHT MIND would of done what I did. I could not wait to get home and warn people because I knew everyone was boasting over this place and this man and I knew they needed to know the truth. No one knows how it was for us who seen and learned what was going on. No one knows the horrors and the sadness it brings to your very soul knowing what was happening and nothing was being done about it. My ex boyfriend will even tell you how I told him right away that something wasn’t right. He was the first volunteer that went with me. So bad I wanted to reach out to the recent ones that had left cats there and tell them of the deaths I seen of their poor kitties who were brought there in good health. God is with them now and he is with us too and he will see justice done.

Dec 29, 2010
by: NNK Carolyn. I did lost so much weights too.. I am having nightmares… the sadness, helplessness getting worse overtime. It was terribly cold last night and remembrance of all those kitties I encountered during my 3 long visits kept me awake all night. Terrible and never ending feelings of helplessness and worries for those. I am aware of all the sufferings all over the world. But this one was definitely unnecessary. Hopefully, it is not too late for many of them who still survives.I shall never get over the horrors and sorrow I experienced at CR. Why it has been taking so long? I am so thankful to you Carolyn to put all the pieces together and come out in the open. You are my real hero.

Dec 29, 2010
to anonymous from earlier posting
by: Carolyn To anonymous who stated this: The ranch does not receive tons of money in donations and is far from a con job or get rich scheme.** Just fyi Craig wanted to buy a trailer and put on the property and told me he had the money right now to do so. He stated “I can write a check out for $5000 tomorrow for one” He also told another volunteer and myself that the donations were really coming in good. And with all the hotel bills he paid for and people’s dinners, what does that tell you about the donations? He is not having any problem with donations that is for sure.

Dec 29, 2010
by: Carolyn Thanks Michael, it’s nice to get a reminder once in a while 🙂

Dec 29, 2010
Calm and sensible
by: Michael Hi, thanks for the fantastic discussion in comments. The comments have pushed this page up the Google search result rankings so the page is easy to find (page one). I am sure the majority of visitors appreciate that.

Please keep comments, calm, sensible and accurate as this gives the page believability and force. That is also something that visitors want.

Michael Avatar

Dec 28, 2010
thanks NNK
by: Carolyn thanks NNK, not sure who you are, but I appreciate it.

Dec 28, 2010
by: NNK HELL yes, definitely. I have been there 3 times, each time I spent about 3 hours or more walking around CR and feeding, I saw real unforgettable sights which will haunt me for a long long time…….but the 3rd times, they strictly do not want us to feed. Why? Because they did not want us to see the sick cats out of hiding, looking so sick with open wounds and blatant diseases, all came out to eat famishly in previous visits. People like Carolyn who are right to the point and critical of (CR and its own ignorance and negligence to the cats) are not allowed out there anymore not even considering the welfares of the cats that need cares and loving attentions. I have multiple animals being fostered at home. It does require tremendous effort and lot of time to keep all them in good shape both physically and mentally. We have been saving abandoned cats for years, that misleading videos and websites fooled us like lot so people still do. How could it be possible doing all these thing by one person without permanent staff or regular volunteers? If you cannot see it that way do go ask any of the real true catsanctuary in your area. I was there at CR, I saw it. It was one true death damp for cats. Oh yes, CR take money, then cats are gone in few days or few weeks, so, where do they use money for, debauchery, perhaps….no one knows, but definitely not on the safety, shelters and sufficient cares for the cats. CR do not want anymore volunteer like Carolyn, who is just doing the right thing as a true caring animal lover. If anyone still do not see or figure it out how cats are being neglected at CR should just go back to primary school, I guess. Please go find some thinking mind for once in a lifetime….pro caboodle idiots…

Dec 28, 2010
to anonymous
by: Carolyn You got it right anonymous. That is exactly how it is and worse. People just don’t get it. It’s very sad. I had a very hard time watching people bring their precious little cats in their carriers and leave them with Craig without them even checking everything out. He strolled them down the little walk and back and that was it. I wanted so badly to stop them and say WAIT! Haven’t you checked this out? They left their little babies with their little toys only to be thrown into a horror. I cried many nights, lost sleep and weight. 15 lbs to be exact.

Dec 28, 2010
you should start a petition to have him closed down….
by: Anonymous Get something up online to get him closed down.

Get out to the neighbors and call the BBB on him too.

In fact have you checked with them?

Also call the IRS and call the departments in Florida that allow you to set up a non-profic 501, etc. Let them know about him and how much land he bought.

A friend called me and said he was going to take a very sick cat with aids but the ranches own vet said that he did not rec. it because there are a lot of sick cats with upper resp. infections out there!

That is just absolutely horrible! I want to cry!

Dec 28, 2010
by: Anonymous This person obviously has not been privy to reading the sick man’s journal where he talks of coyotes.

Also, it has not been privy to the coyote stories he tells you from his own mouth.

I’m guessing it’s one of his kids who he probably regularly lies to too and that they accept what daddy says, because they are freaked out to admit they have a twisted father who is a hoarder and animal abuser while he relishes on his huge, huge plot of land all being paid for by donations of innocent people all over the world.

The plots of land were so clearly unnecessary, all purchased at different times as he spent the money he took in as a non profit on it. There are no large beautiful, clean, staffed barns or little houses or trailers at all.

It is a red neck, rough and nasty spot in the woods surrounded by a rinky dink fence, no heat, no air, barely any electric at all where innocent and mostly domesticated cats are thrown into dog kennels in darkness for weeks if they don’t die in there first and actually warmed by gasoline/kerosene heaters, probably half of which he asphyxiates. The place is a fucking nightmare!

Dec 28, 2010
by: Carolyn What’s the matter anonymous, cat got your tongue? Soon I hope he has your a** too. bye

Dec 28, 2010
Pam and anonymous
by: Carolyn You tell em Pam. We speak nothing but FACTS! And yes they even tell you and on the web site it was stated (probably removed by now) $100 donation per cat brought into CR. What a pack of lies.

Dec 28, 2010

Grant’s immediate neighbor is still waiting on a $300.00 damage bill for his cats running way over to her property to stay warm under the house/trailer and damaging the heating unit.

She has also been pinned in her car by packs of coyote. Another neighbor, the creep who runs the redneck paper, the Madison voice and won’t even explain why he deletes questions about the place when you go to their website

Dec 28, 2010
also anonymous
by: Carolyn Also Ms Nanette told me and another volunteer named Stephanie, some real horror stories about the coyotes and how they still come in at night. Even right up to the so called office that sits in the center. I have a witness to everything she told us. I couldn’t eat or sleep thinking about all the cats there and how the # of them didn’t match up to what was shown on the site. Yes some are still there that are shown in the videos, Craig and Nanette try to keep the place replenished by accepting cats weekly still but stating that they aren’t . I am tired of the lies here and it just makes me more mad. I am glad all this is coming to court. They can even give me a lie detector test. I speak nothing but the truth and am ready for anything they bring on.

Dec 28, 2010
my grammar
by: Carolyn Excuse my grammar, did not edit, 🙂

Dec 28, 2010
to Anonymous
by: Carolyn keep it real people? Anonymous, why don’t you lead us in doing that by using your real name here? Never once have I used any other name than my real one, know why? Cause I have nothing to hide and I speak the truth. How about you? The paper collars yes have been in place for a while, but they are a joke. Just go there for a week and you will see what I mean, of course you already know what I am talking about but continue with the charades and lies here. And yes it cost a lot to maintain the place. But what about all the money spent foolishly when things STILL NEED FIXING???? And yes I was the one who saw the cat in the garbage bag and now someone at least admits to what I seen. So maybe now everyone will listen to what else I shared with them. What about the # of cats dying that were not brought in sick to caboodle? They die at Craigs hands because of his mis-handling?? Knowing the place was an outdoor environment and being lied to about important things are not the same thing. And I have BIG NEWS FOR YOU….. we KNOW THE FACTS ABOUT THE COYOTES THERE. You must be totally not too bright to think we are going to believe anything other than facts. We spoke to over 6 neighbors there who were in just feet of caboodle. Get YOUR FACTS OK? And just what do you think ate 1/2 of the cat I found on the ground, I already know because of my research, so why not go do yours. And the neighbors have all complained about the cats. The cats that are taken care of there are ONLY THE ONES WHO STAY CLOSE TO THE CENTER. and even them don’t get the proper care cause Craig has no help NONE! Once a week maybe someone will come for a couple hrs. And then he gets Nanette the whimp for 1 week a month. She doesn’t do too much labor work, but she like to give meds, she has to as she knows that may be the only chance some of them cats might survive after being treated by Craig. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT OK, AND WHY YOU ARE AT IT, TELL US WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

Dec 28, 2010
keep it real people
by: Anonymous The paper collars were initiated oh… probably two years ago… nothing new about that.

The ranch does not receive tons of money in donations and is far from a con job or get rich scheme. That notion is laughable. Anyone who has any experience with shelter operations whatsoever knows finances are always tight, even more so with one the size of CR. And where does this $100-200 fee to take a cat non-sense come from? A donation is requested (no particular amount and I’ve seen him take plenty for nothing) and it’s the least you can do to help out a little with one considering you’re leaving your cat(s) with him and expecting the world of him when you do it.

The idea that Craig throws cats away in the garbage is not true. He buries them. He may bag one temporarily until he buries it, but that’s it.

People that take their cats there because they did not put enough effort into finding an alternate home for them, and then complain that they are in an outdoor environment (with all that comes with that) just amaze me. You knew this when you took your cat there. I have seen sick cats there and all that, but never saw a cat with fleas or ticks, which amazed me.

The coyote issue is being way overblown. I’d be surprised if any coyotes are left around there, actually. Sure, they used to be there, may still be, but many of the comments about it being some sort of a nightly buffet are ludicrous. I’ve spent enough time there to know.

I have a hard time believing he is some sort of annoyance to his neighbors when I’ve spoken to them before and it was the first they’d ever heard of CR.

Let’s just stick to the facts – some of you do not have a firm grasp of reality.

Dec 26, 2010
to anonymous
by: Carolyn Good point!

Dec 26, 2010
caboodle ranch cat hell

Dec 26, 2010
caboodle ranch cat hell

Dec 22, 2010

for Carolyn

by: Pamela Hey Carolyn, Barbara Parsons posted on the guest book asking all kinds of questions and she says they removed her post.

unbelievable…they just shut you down…

they are going to be shut down!

Dec 21, 2010
by: Carolyn What is Barbara Parsons’s with facts? I missed something I believe.

Dec 21, 2010
by: Persephone My friends and I have tried to post comments on CR facebook, Madison Voice, Friends of Caboodle and CR guest book, as well as NIO report comments session asking them the real question like Barbara Parsons’s with facts, never once a response and of course either they deleted all my questions or not even got posted . I did not use any foul language at all. Just asking the simple but serious questions any catlover would want to know. Since thay are taking loads of money for donation, you will think they will be answering simple question like that for the sake of caring donors. Their own action has been proving that they are just running a fishy profitable business with sufferings of the innocents.How immoral and unethical? How and when we will stop them from doing so? I am so sure that most cats at CR are facing fear and desperation at this very moment.I just feel so terrible. The saddest thing is CR will not allow any volunteer even to go help them. Obviously they have got skeltons in the closet. NIO people who bought time for them out of pure ignorance make the condition worse. What a bad world for all voiceless animals! I’ll stay in this course until they all got help.Is there still hope for them? DEFINITELY..

Dec 20, 2010
Barbara’s question on guest book gone!
by: Susan Barbara, I noticed today your question to Caboodle Ranch on there guestbook page is gone. Looks like they’re up to their usual antics of deleting posts. Answering no questions. Go figure.

Dec 19, 2010
the enormous amount of COLLARS on the cats at CR
by: ANYONE ELSE QUESTIONING THIS? WOW all of the blue collars in the pics before the people for open house were even allowed in. It is just so weird. So many of the cats appear to have just been treated for something. And so many are wearing collars, A NEVER BEFORE AT CABOODLE RANCH. I have had this conversation with several people and the cats just don’t wear them.

How disgusting to think that this man and his partner in crime may have actually just stuck these blue paper collars on these cats for show!

It makes me sick! Another sad thing is how there are just not as many cats in these pics as you would expect. Just picture about 600-1000 cats which I am certain this man has taken in, and probably more, but how do you prove it without investigating and digging up the ground for bones, like Tiger Ranch, or going through the never ending piled up bags of garbage this man produces. The amount of trash is enormous. Cat bodies could be in soome of those bags.

In most pics you may be seeing 100 cats maybe, with a wet food feeding 150-200 TOPS!!!

I am sick over this situation. The lies. All of the lies. They are going to be brought out in court though, that is for certain!

Dec 17, 2010
by: Susan Elisa, I don’t live in Florida but I have looked up the laws in Florida governing Rabies vaccines. They are as follows:

Title XLVI Chapter 828 Florida Statutes
828.30 Rabies vaccination of dogs, cats, and ferrets.–
(1) All dogs, cats, and ferrets 4 months of age or older must be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian against rabies with a vaccine that is licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in those species. The owner of every dog, cat, and ferret shall have the animal revaccinated 12 months after the initial vaccination. Thereafter, the interval between vaccinations shall conform to the vaccine manufacturer’s directions.

Upon vaccination against rabies, the licensed veterinarian shall provide the animal’s owner and the animal control authority with a rabies vaccination certificate. Each animal control authority and veterinarian shall use the “Rabies Vaccination Certificate” of the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) or an equivalent form approved by the local government that contains all the information required by the NASPHV Rabies Vaccination Certificate.

Violation of this section is a civil infraction, punishable as provided in s. 828.27(2).

Looks like if you are in violation it is a fine of no more than $500.00 per animal. From what I can tell it looks like Animal control and Caboodle Ranch would need to have a copy of the vaccination records.

Dec 17, 2010
Rabies vacs
by: Elisa Black-Taylor Are the cats here required to have rabies shots? Is there a fine if he’s investigated by animal control or DHEC and doesn’t have a certificate for each cat? What are the laws for rabies vaccines in Florida. What are the fines if you can’t prove your pet has had its rabies shot? That is listed under basic animal care where I live in SC. In other words, no shot means you’re not properly caring for your pet.

Dec 17, 2010
Making comments
by: Michael (Admin) Some people are duplicating their comments. This is probably because they don’t see their comment soon after it was made.

Please don’t duplicate comments. All comments are published. It may take about 30 minutes to show. They are not moderated so please make them sensible and polite.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Michael Avatar

Dec 17, 2010
Another post from the Madison Voice
by: Susan Claudia Goodman says:
January 24, 2010 at 1:59 pm

How many birds have been KILLED in the area of Benchmark Drive, Madison ?How would you feel if you had a over 500 cats running the area and killing the birds and other wildlife that you feed just waiting under the bird feeders for their prey? A local news paper printed the story of the Caboodle Ranch,but when there was a difference opion from others,it was not printed. How bias and onesided. I was glad to fine there is a Voice here In Madison County. What Can we do about this problem we need help?

Dec 17, 2010
Thank you!
by: Susan Thank you Barbara:) I loved your post. An intelligent person asking questions and not someone blinded by a cute website and videos. I have many times over the last 2 months posted questions on the CR Facebook page, and they immediately got deleted. I have also emailed them multiple times and never get any answers. I have stated this so many times, if they have nothing to hide then answer the questions!!!! Please keep us informed if you get a response.

Dec 17, 2010
by: Anonymous I want to say this clearer. The show on Colbert did not air on Thursday night.

I have read that they will be moving it up into January, but it still may be in December.

Everyone with complaints must go to cbs, comedy central, colbert, and write, write, write and ask it not be aired until this place is properly investigated.

I got an email last night that the United States Humane Society is looking into it.

Please complain to CBS ty!

Dec 17, 2010
by: Barbara Parsons From all that I have read and seen, I have definite questions which I posted at the Caboodle Ranch website on their guest book part 3. I am demanding answers from these people.

On their site:

I am wondering both as a cat lover and a person who loves cats lover, what it is you have to say to the complaints you also get. I have watched many questions people have had go by unaswered by you, or your website person! I am asking you to explain many things that you seem to avoid 100% of the time. What is your explanation for people’s cats going missing, never showing up again, how filthy you allow things to get, your unhygenic approach, the loss of many kittens quite regularly from people I have chatted with, the poor and adequate heating and cooling for these animals, the ability for the cats to run off the property and for predators to enter the property, your neighbors complaining about coyotes and damage to their property, the fact that you take people’s money and then lose their cats without blinking an eye. What say you to these questions? Please answer them all here! ty

I meant to say INADEQUATE heating and cooling for these cats? I am expecting answers, good ones to all of these questions. The saying goes, build it and they will come, NOT HAVE THEM COME AND THEN BUILD IT!! It would appear Mr. Grant that you should not own 30 ACRES of land paid with by donations from people like me, but rather 5-10 acres with thousands of dollars spent on protecting the cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 17, 2010

Hi Caboodle fans! We just got word that the story on the ranch will air on The Colbert Report, on the Comedy Channel, this Thursday, Dec 16th, at 11:30 pm. If you miss it you can click on the link below to be able to view the story. It is the link to The Colbert Report home page, and you can find the video there, after Dec 16th.

They came to the ranch just 3 weeks ago to film and interview Craig and the caboodles. It was a lot of fun to see them at work and there was a lot of laughter as well. As you may or may not know, The Colbert Report is done by Stephen Colbert, and with his straight faced humor, does a lot of ‘over the top’ humorous stories.

He said that Caboodle Ranch was ‘over the top cute’ so it was right up his alley. Attached, please find some photos from their day at the ranch. I will be posting them on the website soon. This is an exclusive email to my ‘caboodlites’ , but we will have links and photos posted on the website once the story airs

**As always, if you wish to NOT be on my caboodle list for latest news, videos or photos, please let me know. We never want to be intrusive to anyone

Many Purrs and blessing and a Merry Christmas Everyone!

Dec 17, 2010

Dec 17, 2010
Just found this….
by: Pamela FROM THE MADISON VOICE and he meant to say caboodle ranch:

rich lange says:
January 27, 2010 at 10:17 am
I live down the road from cat doddle ranch, we have a problem here. He has as many as 500 cats there. The problem is they dont stay on his ranch. They are all over the place. I used to feed quail dailey at my house along with other birds. The quail are gone, I havnt seen a quail in months. His cats will park themselfs under my bird feeders and kill the song birds. Its nice what he is trying todo down there, But the natural wildlife should not suffer because of his mission. If I had 500 dogs, I would have to have them in a kennel and a kennel licence. He has neither. Its time aminal control dose something about this. Many of his cats have been hit by cars going down the road, they are not as safe as they seem tobe. Maybe you can help with this problem. Thanks for hearing me out…..Rich

Dec 16, 2010
by: Not a lawyer I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that the people that have given cats to Caboodle Ranch and have had their cats vanish, may have grounds for suit. In essence, they may have entered into an informal contract with Caboodle if money was given in exchange for the cats if they were doing so under the impression that is given by the Caboodle website. Cabbodle is a non-profit corporation and it seems that they have turned it into a profit making corp. I think is would be worth someone looking in to that end. It may come to nothing but it is a different angle to enforce responsibility on to Caboodle for the cats.

Dec 16, 2010
by: Carolyn I told others that myself, especially the ones who gave $500 only to have their cats disappear immediately. All CR could say was “they are here, they are hiding in their forever homes” BS line!

Dec 16, 2010
by: Not a lawyer I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that the people that have given cats to Caboodle Ranch and have had their cats vanish, may have grounds for suit. In essence, they may have entered into an informal contract with Caboodle if money was given in exchange for the cats if they were doing so under the impression that is given by the Caboodle website. Cabbodle is a non-profit corporation and it seems that they have turned it into a profit making corp. I think is would be worth someone looking in to that end. It may come to nothing but it is a different angle to enforce responsibility on to Caboodle for the cats.

Dec 16, 2010
just the facts
by: Carolyn Yes you got that right. Every bit, and maybe even in his mind he thinks he is doing the right things because let’s face it, he is a hoarder. If you meet Craig, you will know and understand this. He is exactly as he has been described by many. Arrogant and is anti-social. But I could care less about him. I started all this because I was concerned. I was crucified and everything else you can imagine. I have been disgusted with it all and have tried to lay low as it was taking a lot from other things in my life going on. Now it is out in the open, and I feel it is in God’s hands, and Craig and Nanette should be forewarned. The outcome will not be what they wish for. I can guarantee them that.

Dec 16, 2010
to Carolyn
by: Just the Facts You’re welcome. I am tired of everyone focusing on the cats that can not be helped, that are probably already dead. If you took your cats there and they are now missing, you will probably never find them. Some people seem to have forgotten the cats that are still there and still in danger. They may be fine today. but what about tommorrw or the next day, or the next.

I don’t think that Caboodle Ranch properly uses the money received from donations. They have lost the focus and what should be their primary concern.. Every dollar donated to Cabodle Ranch should go strictly for the cats. Who knows what the money is spent on if Craig is as irresponsible with that as he is with the lives of the cats. I think people are getting ripped off and and Craig should be investigated for FRAUD. He takes money from cat owners and doesn’t care for the cats as he promises.

Dec 16, 2010
thanks Just the Facts
by: Carolyn Let’s not forget that some cats have even been caught and hung in the kennel fencing. So for all we know some of the cats that disappeared may have been found the next day by Craig either 1/2 dead in the kennel fence or dead already.

Also, coyotes are coyotes, they are there and they will not leave. The fence is not secured like it should be plain and simple.

Craig does not have the right priorities. Gazebo? Hotels? Everyone’s food? What about the cats? Why not fix the fence properly once and for all, why not give the cats more REAL SHELTER for heat and cold? Hello World! Wake up…. this man has the right concept but he is just a licensed hillbilly hoarder who has the fantasy of being a rancher with our cats.

Dec 16, 2010