by Sarah J.
(San Diego, Ca., USA)
I rescued a black kitten and a black and white kitten and they had a litter with all black and black and white short hair cats and Calcifer a long haired brown cat. Calcifer was different than the other cats in more ways than just looks.
He was huge compared to the rest of the litter and a lot more mellow. He loved to be held, followed me everywhere and didn't mind getting a bath. I fell in love.
I looked on the internet and found the York Chocolate bread that started similarly to the way I happened to have my brown cat. With the two original cats and Calcifer I thought maybe I could bread them. They had three more brown cats before I gave up. They were all male. I love him and couldn't imagine a life with out him! I recommend this bread. He is like no other cat I've had or encountered.
Sarah J.