Calcifer our York Chocolate

by Sarah J.
(San Diego, Ca., USA)



I rescued a black kitten and a black and white kitten and they had a litter with all black and black and white short hair cats and Calcifer a long haired brown cat. Calcifer was different than the other cats in more ways than just looks.

He was huge compared to the rest of the litter and a lot more mellow. He loved to be held, followed me everywhere and didn't mind getting a bath. I fell in love.

I looked on the internet and found the York Chocolate bread that started similarly to the way I happened to have my brown cat. With the two original cats and Calcifer I thought maybe I could bread them. They had three more brown cats before I gave up. They were all male. I love him and couldn't imagine a life with out him! I recommend this bread. He is like no other cat I've had or encountered.

Sarah J.

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Calcifer our York Chocolate

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Nov 15, 2010
York Shokolate - my love breed
by: Anonymous

Very much it are pleasant to me Chokolate York. They such lovely and beautiful. It would be desirable them more.

Apr 27, 2010
We have twins!
by: Kate D

WOW! Your Calcifer looks identical to my Regis! I just submitted a page, let's see if it gets accepted... You *must* check it out when it appears! They're sooo similar! Regis even likes to sit in the sink, too.

He's simply gorgeous! How old is he?

Nov 15, 2009
Hi Sarah J
by: Michael (PoC Admin)

Thanks for the submission. Calcifer looks very cute in the sink. He is waiting for his bath (just joking).

I made the picture a bit lighter and a bit more neutral on tone. I also added his name. If you want to download it to your desktop go ahead. Just place the cursor over the image and right click. Select "Save image as.." and chose where you want to save it on your computer.

Thanks again for your story and showing us Calcifer.

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