Calling all de-clawers! Tell me I’m wrong and why!
by Tracey
Kitten toes - don't cut them off!
I am privileged to have been around cats all my life; I say privileged because I feel my life has been enriched by these beautiful creatures. May I say that owning a cat or any animal for that matter is a privilege not a right.
I also feel that in no uncertain terms to truly appreciate your cat you have to appreciate everything about that cat, including claws. I've always thought that a certain sensitivity within your soul is essential to be at one with your cat. I love for example watching my cat stretching and flexing his toes when contented or sleepy. I love watching him play with his favourite toy. It is for these reasons amongst many others that I have never and never would consider de-clawing my cat.
I cannot therefore understand for the life of me Vets who do this routinely to the animals they've sworn to protect. Vets; please don't for one minute try to tell me it shouldn't be banned because you might need to de-claw a cat for medical reasons. I have never in all my life heard of a cat having each one of its toes, front and back amputated for any medical reason! One or two toes even one paw may become infected or damaged but please all four sets of toes! This leads me to draw one conclusion and one conclusion only; that Vets don't want it banned because their fat wallets would be much thinner.
I just cannot grasp the selfishness and arrogance of cat owners who have their cats de-clawed even though they are aware of the pain involved, not to mention the complications thereafter especially the ones that state proudly - I know what's involved and I don't care I'm going to do it anyway? Quite frankly you sicken me. You would be prosecuted in the UK for animal cruelty and have your cat taken from you and quite rightly so. I don't know how you can look your cat in the eyes after the horror you have committed. I bet they don't look at you in the adoring way they used to do they? You are the one who is supposed to protect them as well you know, not cause them a lifetime of pain.
I'm trying to find validity in why this is still legal in the USA so it is for this reason that I would like the cat mutilators to respond with justifiable reasons why you feel this barbarity is acceptable. I'm anticipating your replies because quite frankly, right now I cannot think of a single plausible reason.
Before you post your reasons I put to you the following words from Virginia McKenna, founder of The Born Free Foundation and prolific animal rights campaigner who kindly responded with the following comment after I contacted her P.A recently.
'De-clawing any cat is a cruel and unnatural procedure. I have campaigned for decades to protect big cats and know that de-clawing often leaves the animals malformed and debilitated. The perceived need to de-claw these amazing creatures - whether in a zoo, circus, or, as is often the case in America, in people's homes where they are kept as pets - shows just how unnatural it is to confine big cats for human amusement'
Please also consider the poor girl who had her cat de-clawed on the advice of her vet only for her precious pet to be torn limb from limb by 3 German Shepherds who got into her house. Don't tell me that this could never happen to you, that you will always be able to protect your mutilated cat! Because believe me, they can no longer defend themselves now can they! By the way her other cat who wasn't de-clawed survived. My heart goes out to her because her only crime was trusting her "Vet"
I would also like you to note the following passage recently printed in the Canyon news on the same page as the 6-1 de-clawing ban in Santa Monica:
The City Hall Report also states that, "Supporters of the de-clawing bans argue that de-clawing procedures are inhumane and unnecessary." Those who are for the ban argue that de-clawing deprives the cat of his/her defences, that it is painful for the cat and that it degrades the cat's health.
Brandy Ferdit an owner of seven cats had all of her cats de-clawed in a spay/de-claw package sold to her by "her trusted veterinarian", 5 of those 7 cats developed complications and 3 of those have since died. Ferdit who is for the ban on de-clawing, stated at the meeting that she has spent nearly $9,000 in vet costs due to medical issues that were a direct result of the de-claw. The procedure was done "according to industry standards so I have no legal recourse", said Ferdit.
Ferdit went on to state that vets would not admit that the medical issues were a direct cause of the de-clawing, "Why would an industry that stands to make millions from the initial de-clawing procedure and then billions from ensuing medical complications want to admit just how problematic the procedure truly is?"
I'm waiting for your replies; I'm waiting for the amount of times I hear the same old excuses. I'm sure you won't disappoint me but at least I know at the end of the day that after I've heard your usual drivel I can look forward to hearing common sense and compassion from the true cat lovers that also post on Pictures of Cats.
Calling all de-clawers! Tell me I'm wrong and why! to Declawing cats