Yes, Bengal tigers can and do live in snow. The important point in this discussion is that we know that Siberian (Amur) tigers live in snow because they live in the Russian Far East, in Siberia, where temperatures can be incredibly low and there is plenty of snow! But people generally think of Bengal tigers living in steamy jungles in India or Bangladesh or other parts of Asia. But the fact of the matter is that Bengal tigers have migrated upwards from India into the Kingdom of Bhutan, a landlocked country in the eastern Himalayas located in southern Asia between China and India. It is a mountainous country.
It is said that Bengal tigers have moved up into this mountainous territory to get away from the attentions of humans and to find some space in peace! ✔️👌😒 And in Bhutan the landscapes range from subtropical plains to snowy steep mountains.
Perhaps another reason why Bengal tigers have migrated to Bhutan is because of climate change. It is believed that there are an estimated 103 Bengal tigers in Bhutan and the country provides a link between tiger populations in Nepal and north-eastern India. It keeps these populations connected and therefore genetically diverse.

More than half of Bhutan consists of national parks and biological corridors. Like other countries, climate change is affecting Bhutan by melting glaciers leading to the creation of large lakes. The climate is becoming more unpredictable which is affecting farmers and their livelihoods which in turn places pressure upon wildlife such as tigers.
But this article is about answering the question whether Bengal tigers live in snow and the two photographs on the page clearly show us that they do. Tigers are very adaptable in terms of their ability to cope with a broad range of climates.
I believe that in Bhutan you will see Bengal tigers at elevations of almost 4,000 m above sea level and in areas where winter snowfall is deep, and temperatures are around freezing (0°C or 32°F).
When you think that in parts of India where the Bengal Tiger also resides, the temperatures are often around 40°C, you get a clear sense of how adaptable the Bengal tiger is to variations in temperature and climatic conditions.
Below are some more pages on the Bengal tiger.