Can Maine Coons Not Be Fluffy?

Can Maine Coons Not Be Fluffy?

by Cora D
(Pittsfield NH)

Loki (black and white), Hazelnut (on the left) and Cinnamon (on the right)

Loki (black and white), Hazelnut (on the left) and Cinnamon (on the right)

Can a cat still be a Maine coon and not be Fluffy? I've heard Maine Coons have black on the roof of their mouth and he certainly does. He's gorgeous for a black and white boy. And very well mannered.

Admin: Thanks for the submission. Maine Coons are medium long haired cats so yes they need to be fluffy. They tend to have rather wild looking fur as well which for me is an extra attraction. That said, Loki, Hazelnut and Cinnamon look fantastic.

I changed the title because it is a good question. Hope you don't mind.

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Can Maine Coons Not Be Fluffy?

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Nov 16, 2009 not fluffy Maine Coons
by: Anonymous

There used to be a MC breeder around Amarillo that bred shorter hair MCs. They had white, and white and black. They all had plush fur, not long and wild, but like longer thick velvet.
Very large and beautiful. I don't know if they fit into show standards. I have even seen a shorter (not short) hair MC at the Albany Cat Show in 2004, owned by a breeder, but I don't know if she showed him. He was a love!

Good luck with your babies!

Aug 25, 2009 Stunning!!!
by: Isabelle B South Africa

Oh MY, what beautiful cats!!! I just love seeing the pics of different cats and it makes my heart so glad that there are people caring for them. I feel very very sad when I hear stories of feral cats that are hurt by people...

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