Can snow leopards be domesticated? The answer is probably yes. Although, thankfully, you don’t see them as domesticated pets because they are impossible to find in the high plains and mountains of central Asia.
Here are two quotes:
“Snow leopards are known to become exceptionally tame and gentle in captivity, and they often form close bonds with their caretakers.”
Those are the words of wild cat experts, Mel and Fiona Sunquists. They almost describe the domestic cat.
Helen Freeman of the world renowned International Snow Leopard Trust quotes an anonymous writer:
“In captivity, it is far the tamest and gentlest of the large carnivora, not excepting the puma. Unlike the latter it is a sleepy, quiet animal, like a domestic cat.”
You could not get a better recommendation that the snow leopard could be domesticated. But don’t think about doing it. Leave them where they belong; on the steep, rocky slopes of cold and hostile mountains where they are safe from human persecution.
The snow leopard is one of the least aggressive large wild cats. There are very few accounts of attacks on people. They are said to relinquish livestock kills to a child brandishing a rock. And they rarely defend themselves against human attack. There are accounts of snow leopards being beaten to death by otherwise unarmed villagers.
This is a gentle and most impressive, large wild cat.
Source: Wild Cats of the World a fabulous book.
Yes, I included it because it highlights the non-aggressive nature of this cat. In stark contrast to the human’s behavior although for them it is about protecting their herd. There is an insurance scheme in place now I believe in parts of their territory where farmers are compensated from loss of cattle.