Can’t afford a house but want to help feral cats
by Michael
(London, UK)
Here is a story about a woman who feels like us. She can’t stand by and see cats starving without helping. She has a heart and wants to help. It is a simple emotional drive. Not everyone has it, though. Most vets in the USA don’t because they declaw cats.
Anyway, she obviously can’t afford a freehold home. I mean a house. She lives in an apartment and feeds the cats.
Apartments are leasehold or if not there will be a lot of rules on what you can and can’t do if you live in an apartment in the USA or anywhere for that matter.
This is because people living close together have to be particularly concerned about their neighbours. And some people have to be told.
And as we know a lot of apartment blocks have multiple rules on keeping your own cat and, as is the case in this instance, rules against feeding stray or feral cats.
Feeding stray cats is forbidden it seems in most apartment blocks in the USA. Some landlords insist on cats being declawed. It is all anti-cat. If you want permission to keep a cat you might not get it etc.
I understand why a landlord (freeholder of the block of apartments) forbids feeding stray and feral cats. It is because other residents might not like it. And some people exaggerate the risk of disease etc.. There are misconceptions about feral cats and there is bias against them I believe. The bias comes from the establishment. The city councilors, politicians, policemen and animal control people etc.
But I find it very unfortunate that a good person is forbidden to help an animal in need just because she hasn’t got the financial means to buy a house.
Indeed in some places in the US a person with a house will be prosecuted or persecuted for feeding and helping (TNR) feral cats.
I just thought I would get that off my chest. Click on this link for the story I referred to.