Canton, Georgia, USA Bans Sale of Cats and Dogs in Stores

It’s believed that the city is the first in Georgia to enact such an ordinance.

Canton Georgia USA ban the retail of cats and dogs in stores

Above is a photo of Petland owners and their employees protesting at the new ordinance. Their T-shirts had “No Pet Retail Ban” on them.

This is a quick note to report that a city in the state of Georgia, USA is banning the selling of cats and dogs in stores. I think this is a fantastic and progressive idea. The council has a progressive approach to managing the city in my opinion.

There were protesters at a hearing because obviously storekeepers want to go on selling pets in their stores for financial reasons. The arguments against this are overwhelming. Other parties make the point that there are too many unwanted cats and dogs. They are often euthanised. This has to stop.

In addition, it would seem that often pets bought in stores are unhealthy. Buyers learn to love their new cat or dog. They may find out that they have to spend a lot of money at the veterinarian to try and restore their cat or dog to good health.

I will add to this page later on today because I’m in a rush right now. However, there is no doubt in my mind that this city ban should be extended to many other cities in the USA. In fact, there is a strong argument that the sale of pets in stores should be banned or regulated nationwide but this is too difficult to achieve politically and practically. At the end of the day, business and financial profit is the driver of political decisions.

Source: Canton Bans Retail Sale of Cats, Dogs – Canton, GA Patch

1 thought on “Canton, Georgia, USA Bans Sale of Cats and Dogs in Stores”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Real breeders would never sell their puppies or kittens in a pet store. Pet stores are the dumping grounds for puppy mills. There are also dedicated breeders of snakes, hamsters and other rodents as well as fish and other pet store fare like guinea pigs (cavies) as well as reptiles.
    We buy pet supplies at a pet store, not pets.
    Other prohibited sales should be wild caught turtles and other reptiles. May the trend spread.

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