Carolina – My Chica

Carolina – My Chica

by V.Brooks
(Charlotte, NC)

Our Carolina at 10 weeks old

Our Carolina at 10 weeks old

Thanks for this site. I now know what type of cat we have. The descriptions of the Tiffany/Chantilly, fit our "Carolina" perfectly.

She is a sweetheart of a cat and we love her to death.

She is devoted and loving and is a very good cat who is extremely smart. She is now 5 months old and finding new ways to communicate with us everyday.

ISN'T SHE LOVELY!!!! She's a lot darker brown now - she looks just like Arthur, only prettier - after all she is a girl. LOL.

Just kidding Arthur, you're tooo handsome.


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Carolina - My Chica

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Jun 23, 2011
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Jun 17, 2010
by: Ruth

Your new story about Carolina did make me laugh.In a daily routine of usually reading sad things about cats and fighting against the abuse of them,it really cheered me up.
Kittens are wonderful but so are grown up cats,they still surprise you every day.
Our present 2 cats are 8 years old and as lively and funny as ever.I'm sure Carolina will be too.
I'll look forward to more photos of her.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jun 16, 2010
Carolina says
by: V.BRooks

Thank you Ruth and Tracey! And yes, I must agree, she is absolutely beautiful. She has been a very welcome addition to our family and we love her very much. She is so cute as a kitten that I don't want her to grow up. We can't wait from day to day to see what new adventure she will have for us. She is very expressive - a funny thing she did over the weekend: we had never seen her do this before, but I had just opened a can of her food and put it in her bowl - she ate a few bites and walked away from it. She came back a few minutes later and sniffed it and started scratching the ground around her bowl and kicking her legs back like she does when she's covering her poop in her litter box - then she would walk away. She did this about 4 or 5 times and I realized she was saying that it smells like "$#!+ (her poop) and she didn't eat another bite. We thought this was sooooo funny!

I will post more pictures.

Jun 15, 2010
She adorable
by: Tracey (England)

Carolina is absolutely gorgeous; I hope you'll share more photo's.
I love the way she's grabbing her toys with her claws. Cats seem to use their claws like fingers don't they?.
Her eyes are beautiful too; so expressive.

Jun 15, 2010
Beautiful Carolina
by: Ruth

Carolina is absolutely beautiful. Just look at those gorgeous eyes !
I'd love to see more photos of her if you have any.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jun 15, 2010
by: Michael

Carolina is indeed gorgeous. Although it is not important (
for me in any case) Tiffany cats are purebred cats and purebred cats need a pedigree (a documented history of breeding from Tiffany parents) to be classified as true Tiffany cats.

I don't know if Carolina has or hasn't got those papers but as I said it doesn't matter. There are purebred cats about without certificates as well.

Thanks for showing us your beautiful cat.

Michael Avatar

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