The Carrie meets Larry photographs on this page signify the entry of an animal lover and animal advocate into the heart of the British government and I sincerely hope that it results in animal welfare worldwide being placed somewhere near the top of the British government’s agenda rather than languishing at the very bottom.

The UK’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, in his first speech outside Number 10 Downing Street said the following:
“Let’s promote the welfare of animals that has always been so close to the hearts of the British people.”
This pointed reference to animal welfare shoehorned into his speech in juxtaposition to the main topic, namely Brexit, emanated, I would say, from his discussions with his girlfriend Carrie Symonds, who is known to support animal welfare issues, the promotion of women’s rights and issues concerning environmental pollution. Below, is a short video on her Twitter account page in which he gives a speech at a march against Japanese whaling.
Great turnout today for the march against Japanese whaling. Here’s a clip of my speech.
— Carrie Symonds (@carriesymonds) January 26, 2019
What particularly interests me is animal welfare, as people know. In the photographs on this page Carrie is seen petting Larry the Cat who you may know is the resident mouser at Downing Street which you may also know is the office and possible residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain. As it happens the Prime Minister normally lives in the flat above Number 11 which is next door.

Boris loves Carrie and vice versa we are told and I can believe it, despite the row that they had in her flat not long ago. She is going to live with him at Downing Street and she is going to have the chance talk to him a lot about what is going on in government.
This is an opportunity to influence the Prime Minister to push for greater animal rights. Animal rights are pretty good in the UK but not perfect and there’s lots to do abroad. She can start with that most heinous of crimes against nature the multibillion business which is the marketplace for wild species animal body parts and live animals purely for the entertainment of humans or under the ridiculous claim that eating a tiger’s penis makes you more healthy and sexually active. It’s all complete mumbo-jumbo and idiotic and it must stop.
I would love to see Carrie put pressure, in the most gentlest of ways, on the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to in turn put pressure upon GB’s trading partners such as China to start to genuinely put an end to the vile abuse of wild species in this manner.
I don’t want to go off topic too far but Japanese whaling, something which is important to Carrie Symonds also needs to be stopped. The Japanese make these hopeless excuses (scientific testing) to kill whales for their consumption and is just too much to bear.