Case of 82-year-old cat hoarder in NC has turned into a living hell for rescuers

The case of the 82-year-old (originally reported as 81) cat hoarder in NC has turned into a living hell for rescuers. What the readers here can do to help is to get in touch with anyone who can offer the feral cats on the property a barn home. Donations are also desperately needed to continue vetting the cats and to cover supplies.

This article is very long compared to most I cover but it’s necessary. What started out as a rescue of around 30 cats has turned into a situation where dead cats and kittens are being found throughout the home and property.

Laura Morrison, the founder of Zach’s Rescue, posted an update Wednesday on Facebook which is published below. I want to warn readers this is extremely graphic and upsetting so those who upset easily may not even want to read it. For those not familiar with this case of animal cruelty/neglect, a PoC article is here.

“More suspected death here in Peachland hoarding home. I’ve grown strangely quiet here the last few days because I know the horrible scenes that are still up ahead. I’ve been going home at night and realizing more has to be done. You get deep in your thoughts and realize many lives are at stake.

Thankful for wonderful people stepping up. I will not be posting graphic pics only partial visibility of pics will be shown. The trash bag contained the remaining decaying babies we took to be cremated. It was a piercing pain to know this was the most horrific ending for what could have been.

I looked at the bag and started getting lost in my thoughts about what life could’ve been for these babies, would they have been sleeping in pretty cat beds by now being held by someone’s child in Christmas pictures, or maybe they’d be a loving companion to someone who was older?

Dead cats in black bag
Dead cats in black bag

And then I realized, it was too late for them. People are angry about the 82-year-old senior. She’s been living for twenty years allowing cats to breed /multiply like rabbits. She told us she and her husband couldn’t afford to spay them. They never knew anyone was pregnant until the cats dragged the babies thru the back door. The owner told us the queen, a calico mom had been giving birth twice a year since 2012. I was shocked.

The cats both friendly and feral had been diving in/out of a hole created in the back door. She told us her husband would haul the babies away to the pound but Anson county has no record of her husband, nothing exists. My suspicion is hundreds may have died here.

The woman’s husband is deceased. He died in 2017. She is alone /estranged from family. We were told none of the family members got along and this senior has had only one sibling who was checking on her mainly by telephone. They said she showed up to a family function last year reeking of animal urine.

I’ve had people say she needs to go to jail and lots say the cats need to be exterminated like Vermin. The house is reeking from urine feces and vomit. The senior is reportedly not well and some have said showing signs of mental decline.

We were told Friday the family will be meeting with the senior to inform her she can no longer live in the home. The family told rescue they have no intentions of coming to the property due to the smell and want rescuers to take care of the cats. 

Anson county informed us that they have room for ten cats but the rest will be euthanized which is why we are out here. We suspect 30 to 40 cats were here breeding. Several were found dead so far. 

I wasn’t aware that the shelter has no crematory. Which means if euthanized the cats will go in trash bags out to the city landfill. Their resources are minimal with a very tiny budget. So my focus is to create as many resources as possible to get everyone out.

Cats are hiding in shelves, underneath furniture. Some are pregnant. Most are jumping off the porch Landing running for the area sheds/ dilapidated houses.

If you can help me personally with trapping I’d appreciate the help. We plan on trapping four today that will be picked up by Dee Dee Clark on Saturday. These will be feral.

We are in desperate need of blankets, towels, cleaning supplies, Rubbermaid tubs. Any donations for vetting/supplies can be sent to We’ve already spent 200 on supplies and 300 on vetting. 
I need one extra volunteer to help trap today.

This is a horrific situation that has been spinning out of control for 20 years. An ill senior living with decaying cats and an impoverished county with little resources. We still need multiple rescues to step up. Farms and barns.

There’s much more to say but we will save it for a later time. We are in need of supplies today. We will most likely use SNIPWELL or another low-cost clinic to vet the Ferals.”

Updates will be provided ….

Laura Morrison

There is a bit of good coming out of this tragedy. One of the kittens has been officially adopted!

While there are many who are calling for charges to be made against the lady, it likely wouldn’t get justice for the cats. The woman is said to be terminally ill and we know how many times court cases are postponed in North Carolina. She would probably be unable to attend court and if she IS terminally ill, she’ll be dead before the case even goes to court.

Laura Morrison is keeping us all up to date via Facebook. We need to keep Laura and those helping her in our thoughts and prayers. This is the type of animal rescue situation we all dread. Her PayPal is for those who wish to help.

4 thoughts on “Case of 82-year-old cat hoarder in NC has turned into a living hell for rescuers”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I agree… Thank you for your articles that you put your heart and soul into… These cats have been suffering for 20 years… Omg. Unreal to imagine the suffering that they’ve endured… Hoarders are sick and disgusting… Animals suffer around them and they do absolutely nothing…

  3. While there are many who are calling for charges to be made against the lady, it likely wouldn’t get justice for the cats. The woman is said to be terminally ill and we know how many times court cases are postponed in North Carolina. She would probably be unable to attend court and if she IS terminally ill, she’ll be dead before the case even goes to court.——–Then she should die knowing that she was charged as a criminal. no pity, no sympathy, F-her.

  4. I hope no one falls for the poor old woman and man routine. I am significantly more educated than I was as a much younger person on what really counts as animal rescue. No sympathy at all for them I am disgusted with them and THEIR damn families for turning the blind eye. I lived with this too long next door and they now know without a doubt I’ll not only call AC I’ll publish pictures of their damn nonsense. I have disowned them as family and find them to repulsive to even deal with. And yet on FB the father of one of the new generation of up and coming possible animal abusers says how much his kid loves cats. That’s why I’m feeding their freaking nearly starved to death cats. Save in my care and soon to be fixed. The distortion of caring in these stories shows humans with defective self serving thinking.

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