Case of veterinarian who killed cat will go to District Attorney

Tiger a ginger cat
Tiger, the neighbor’s cat who is the cat allegedly killed by Lindsey.

According to an April 21 report by ABC13 News, the case of a Texas veterinarian who killed a cat with a bow and arrow will go to the Austin County District Attorney.

Austin County Sheriff Jack Brandes announced Tuesday morning that the investigation into Kristen Lindsey has been turned over to the Austin County District Attorney’s office for charges of animal cruelty involving a non-livestock animal.

The animal advocacy community was thrown into a tale-spin over the weekend when several new media sources reported Ms. Lindsey wouldn’t be facing charges. What Sheriff Brandes had said was that charges couldn’t be based on the photo of Lindsey holding up a dead cat unless the photo could be authenticated.

Sheriff Brandes assured the community that he had several investigators devoted solely to the case, but that interviews had to be conducted and evidence gathered before charges could be made. Brandes accused news media of making “fabricated suppositions,” which were not only inaccurate, but showed poor journalism. In a post on the Austin County Sheriff Facebook page, Brandes stated:

“We realize that a fervor exists in this case, however we will do our part in the proper, legal, and ethical manner in order to provide the court system with all information and evidence it needs. Thank you all for your participation.”

Lindsey hasn’t spoken to anyone in the sheriff’s office, but has hired an attorney. It’s hoped the Austin County District Attorney will turn the case over to a grand jury. If convicted, Lindsey faces up to two years in jail.

Contact information for the Austin County District Attorney is listed below. It’s strongly urged for everyone in the cat community to flood their office with requests to charge Lindsey with felony animal cruelty, since the photo has been examined and it’s believed a cat named Tiger was still alive at the time of the photo.

  • District Attorney
  • Assistant District Attorney
  • (Vincent) Assistant District Attorney

One East Main Street
Bellville, Texas 77418
979-865-5911 telephone
979-865-8786 fax

We must try to get the maximum sentence for Tiger (the neighbor’s cat who she killed) to have justice. Not only did Lindsey shoot and kill a family pet, if you look closely at Tiger’s rear leg, you’ll see evidence he was caught in a trap before being shot.

Please share this article with friends, and be sure to check out this page for daily updates on the case. The article changes daily, and lists Facebook pages, petitions, media releases and YouTube interviews with those involved in the case.


195 thoughts on “Case of veterinarian who killed cat will go to District Attorney”

  1. This veterinarian should lose her license. She took an oath to protect animals. I cannot believe she took pleasure in killing a house cat.

  2. there is one judge she cannot run away from — Karma — I don’t want to “be you” bitch when she finds you

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