Cat Abuse

Abandoned or Stray Cats - Japan - sign says,

Abandoned or Stray Cats – Japan – sign says, “Do not abandon animals!! It is against the law to abuse or to abandon animals” – photo by kelvin255

Cat abuse, in one form or another, is fairly widespread. It doesn’t have to be the kind of abuse that hits the headlines, such as air gun shootings or cruelty of the worse kind: Worst Animal Abuse Case Ever! (opens in a new tab/window) – where the children and dogs where also treated cruelly which tells us a bit about the link between animal and human abuse.

Click to see articles tagged with ‘cat abuse’. (opens new window)

It can be day to day neglect or the occasional beating by an irresponsible owner. The owner could be depressed or ill and therefore irritable and passes that on through neglect and violence. Or the person could just be plain bad having been abused himself, perhaps. It is sadly part of the human condition.

In many parts of the world cat abuse is a crime. I have compiled some pages on Cats and the Law, which covers the laws on animal abuse in a number of countries. The world has a long way to go before it can be considered truly civilized in respect of our relations with animals.

The United States is becoming better at penalizing cat abuse. The laws are generally effective and similar to those in Europe. I am not sure how effectively enforced they are, however. There is probably room for improvement in enforcement. There is a disparity within the states. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) the five American states with the best animal welfare laws are: California, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Oregon. The worst five are: Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Dakota. The rest are in middle ground. (see Cat Cruelty Laws USA). In the UK there is a low conviction rate.

Here is a map courtesy ALDF, showing the best and worst US States for animal legislation and which is reproduced with their permission:

USA Animals laws map showing best and worst states

This is a larger version and a bit easier to read:

map showing best and worst five USA states for animal protections law
Blank map: thanks to Nations Online Project.

Here is the worst and best five in words thanks to the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF):

Best Five1. Illinois, 2. Maine, 3. Michigan, 4. Oregon, 5. California
Worst Five46. Iowa, 47. Mississippi, 48. Idaho, 49. North Dakota, 50. Kentucky

There is one aspect of North American life that surprises people in Europe and which might be described as legalised cat abuse – the declawing of cats. This is treated as a crime in the UK. It is mainstream veterinary work in North America. How strange is that?!

Cat abuse and general animal abuse is a precursor to possible abuse of a violent kind against people especially family members. This makes it very important to us as well as to the cats and animals. In the USA counseling orders can be made as abusers are often mentally disturbed people. Sadly, it is often too late to alter behavior in my opinion.

Cat abuse takes the form of neglect or violence. Specifically it might be that the cat was weaned too early causing maternal deprivation, or social isolation, a failure to experience proper learning experiences, physical restraint (e.g. caged), verbal or physical punishment (e.g.yelling or beating), improper care and maintenance and deliberate, reckless or careless infliction of chronic stress or pain.

When this occurs against a kitten it may well cause permanent psychological damage as would be the case if it happened to a young person. These cats may never bounce back and integrate into human society; the world into which the domestic cat must integrate if it is to survive. Abused adult cats can be rehabilitated. They will be nervous of people, withdraw and become depressed. They can become overly defensive, hissing at almost any approach (my stray cat did this at he outset, for example). What to do?

From personal experience, patience is probably the number one requirement. I made a post on taming wild feral cats which is along the same lines. A damaged cat should be dealt with gently and we should make him/her feel needed. A quiet voice is an obvious starting point. The cat should be given plenty of time to become used to the environment and us. They use smell extensively so they should be given time to get to know our smell and for them to deposit theirs on surrounding objects and us by rubbing against them.

The surroundings should be safe and secure and the cat should be able to achieve a positive result, e.g. asking and a receiving food. Toys, teases and catnip can create a friendly and fun environment. Sometimes teases can be frightening to a frightened cat, however.

Dr. Jon of PetPlace advocates what he calls “a reverse dominance” program, which the cat becomes the boss and gets his way. This builds confidence and makes the cat more relaxed. In fact cat clicker training can be employed when appropriate.

The rest is really a patient non-intrusive approach to gently build a bond and a friendly pleasant environment, where the cat feels comfortable. Once the basics are in place therapy to acclimatize him/her to feel comfortable with the things that caused discomfort in the first place, can be introduced. Rehabilitating cats that have suffered cat abuse is all about patience and time. See How to Tell Cat Abuse.

Cat abuse can be entirely legal and authorized in another way – animal testing for cosmetic companies etc.

Cat undergoing scientific experiment
Photo by Brian Gunn with his permission.

Selcted pages on cat abuse:

Worst Animal Abuse Case Ever!

Kitten Survives 3-Story Fall Inside Microwave

See more pictures of animal abuse.

Feral Cat Abuse

Kids Killing Cats

Eight Cats Shot In The Head

Pets Are Freezing To Death This Year!

Cat Owners Considering Declawing Should Read This

Cat Dies In Abandoned House

Shelter Cats Photographed Holding Knives and Cigarettes

A New Breed Of Halloween Cat Killer

Cat Hanging In Rhode Island

Professional Laboratory and Research Services in N.C. must be closed

Coventry Cat Wheelie Bin Case

Caboodle Ranch: Cat Heaven Or Cat Hell?

Comments for
Cat Abuse

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Mar 17, 2012CFA breeders, show judges, and show sponsors commiting CRIMES against their own cats NEW
by: CFA Cattery ReviewsCFA Cat Breeders Are “Wolves In Sheeps Clothing”
All the CFA registered cat breeders listed on this site are all “wolves in sheeps clothing.”The CFA cat breeders utilize their mouth to sell these adorable kittens. The CFA cat breeders “appear” to the buyers, as wonderful, caring, professional & even attentive cat breeders.But, as soon as the CFA cat breeder gets the deposit or money in their hands, a transformation takes place beyond the buyers understanding.Once the money changes hands the CFA cat breeder knows they “got them” so to speak. And the CFA cat breeder is now in control of the financial transaction all the way to the bank.When the buyer would call the CFA cat breeder to find out the details or has questions, the CFA cat breeder is no where to be found. The CFA cat breeder does not call back or even email back the buyer as a courtesy of doing business. Only then does the buyer’s gets to see what the real CFA cat breeder’s demeanor is all about.

The CFA cat breeder’s listed on this site are: reprehensible, abominable, sly, untrustworthy, backstabers, troubled, arrogant, grossly wicked, defiant, selfish, nasty, hungry, combative, unsightly cunning, minipulative, deceiving, liars, thieves & double talkers. The motive is all about $money & greed, to make a kitten or cat sale.


Mar 17, 2012Injured & Frightened Cat NEW
by: naveed5a My cat got injured in a quarrel with another cat. Now the problem is, she is not eating anything and it is becoming very difficult for me to help her out, she has become a lot lazy and is hiding in a box all the day. Can anyone help me soon to cure her out of it? I am posting my e-mail for getting quicker reply from you guys, pls

Mar 05, 2012
for those that think its cool to abuse animals
by: Anonymous dude ur cool y dont u go and get a live that dosent involve having to torture helpless animals to make ur self feel superior

Feb 28, 2012You With The Face NEW
by: ILOVECATS Hey you down there that commented cats are people to.. How about that happens to you.. huh??? Thats what I thought you should be disgraced !

Feb 18, 2012I HATE CATS NEW

Dec 07, 2011New Domain for Readers to read
by: CFA Cattery Reviews I use to have a site called Complaints Against Cat Breeders Info the domain was is the old site the new name is now CFA Cattery Reviews and the domain address is:
– I was going to write to Micheal and share this but I decided to do it this way, I pray this okay with you Mike. God bless always

Sep 10, 2011Response
by: Michael To the person who admitted hurting his cat, well done in coming forward. I have taken the liberty of converting your comment into an open question as a post. You can see it on the home page as a link if you scroll down.Wise people can them comment and advise and thereby hopefully help.Thanks for sharing.

Sep 10, 2011Response to last comment
by: Anonymous It is probably due to your anger and possibly depression. You might benefit from anger management and seeing your doctor. Your doctor would be the first person from whom to seek advice. In the meantime I would seriously give thought to finding a new home for your cat. Sorry. But well done in being honest and upfront.

Sep 10, 2011My Problem
by: Anonymous I’ve hurt my cat, no serious injuries but I’ve thrown her and choked her before. It makes me feel horrible afterwards, but I end up doing it again later. I love my cat and I don’t want to continue with this. Is there any way that I can better my relationship with my animal?

Jun 23, 2011who would do that
by: veronica who would do that because im a big animal lover and when they find out whose been doing this then im going to go off on this peron why would any body ever do this if you dont like that animal dont abuse them ask your friends or family wants them!!!!

Jun 23, 2011who would do that
by: veronica who would do that because im a big animal lover and when they find out whose been doing this then im going to go off on this peron why would any body ever do this if you dont like that animal dont abuse them ask your friends or family wants them!!!!

Jun 02, 2011The Duct Tape Abuse to a Kitten
by: CACB.INFO I found this abuse in strange news reports. Its beyond belief and very sad what human beings are actually doing to felines now a days. This abuse is very hard to see & understand. I wonder what abuse the cat withstood during the application of the duct tape and if the kitten had to be put asleep during the removal. Here is the url to view this abuse.

Jun 02, 2011kittens:)
by: Anonymous I love kittens! this made me cry:,( its sooo sad what these mean people do to these harmless animals!

May 24, 2011kitties
by: KittyLover I wish all abuse would go away!

Mar 09, 2011Dear Sylvia
by: Anonymous God Forbid someone might have the same name as you?

Mar 02, 2011Disclaimer
by: Sylvia Ellingwood I, Sylvia Ellingwood have just become aware of a message on this forum that is attributed to me and casts a less than flattering light on a cattery in California. Please be advised that I did NOT post this nor do I claim to have any knowledge of any cat activities. Please whoever did use my name in such a negative post cease and desist.

Feb 24, 2011Truth?
by: Michael madoflo..if you are being truthful (do you know what the truth is?) then you are a very messed up individual and I feel sorry for you because you will have a very sad and unhappy life.Michael Avatar

Feb 21, 2011cat killing is fun once you get used to it!
by: madoflo killing cats became my hobby more like hunting. shooting stray cats in the neighborhood with my airgun and i got 40 cat heads in my room
the streets became my hunting ground once shot i even cut their heads with a machete but now i had changed i am not the 15 year old i used to be because now i have a pet cat who saved my life that is why i gave up my cat hunting and start something else

Feb 17, 2011Response to last comment
by: Michael No, I think this is either medical research or a set up photo showing what it is like for cats when being used for medical research purposes.

Jan 16, 2011Cat?
by: Anonymous Is that cat being euthanized?

Dec 20, 2010Yelling at Cats Video
by: Michael I think it goes without saying that the well known video of a Canadian or American yelling at his cats is cat abuse. It has been seen millions of times. Yet 83% of people who view the video liked it! Does that mean 83% like seeing cats abused? You decide. I just think it is a shocking statistic. See my short post on this:Cat Abuse Video is Liked by 83 Percent of PeopleMichael Avatar

Dec 10, 2010stop the abuse
by: taylor cowley whoever abuses animals can go to hell!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 30, 2010Ridiculous
by: Anonymous No one gives a damn about the starving children. Kids annoy the shit out of me. Always doing stupid shit and getting themselves kidnapped so that other people have to waste time and money rescuing them. Why the hell do you people even care about that shit? Just as you would be wasting your time and money on a cat for taking care of it, wasting your time and money on a useless kid is just plain stupid. I’d like to take a Austrian Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Magnum to a couple in my neighborhood[/sarcasm] We all know that humans are the only creatures that deserve to really be protected by the law even if some have the intellect of even less than a turkey. After all, sociopath>animals any day as long as they’re human right?[/sarcasm]It’s absurd that people think that any human life is worth more than an animal’s. Yeah. I’d really rather I save Rod Ferrell’s life than that of a cat’s.For the record, a person can save more than just one life. You can adopt an animal or two and still donate to feed the poverty stricken people out there or adopt a child. But, if you people really care so much then stop sitting in front of the computer screen and go out and do something about it. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, participate in the Make-A-Wish foundation, do community service, but take some action. Go out and be a secret santa and give needy people money like Larry Stewart. When you go eat out, tip more than 30%. Make a difference in somebody’s life for the better.If you would argue for people over animals and don’t try your very best to take your own advice then who are you to expect that kind of action from another. It applies to the other side too though.

Sep 29, 2010Get This Correct!
by: Anonymous I understand that humans are more important than animals, but the cat (like many other animals) is a wonderful innocent creation that does not deserve the
ignorant and violent treatment it sometimes receives.

Aug 23, 2010Debra Mitchell of TechnoCats Cattery
by: Stop Inhumane Cat Breeding Part 4
I asked Melanie Lowry why dont you just call up the animal control and tell them about the situation without giving any names? She said, “she could not do this.”
WHY? Because if Melanie told the authorities about her mentally ill friend, her mentally ill friend Debbie would call the animal control on Melanie. That was what Melanie told me.
Because Melanie has over 30 + cats in a small shack.
You see Melanie Lowry runs a kitten mill, she always has to have kittens all the time inorder to pay for the rent & monthly living conditions!
It was in the newspapers I think the Press Enterprise.
They should have arrested Melanie Lowry also because she “KNEW” all along about all the kittys dieing and being neglected and did not do one thing to help those poor kittys at all.
Melanie Lowry knew about the abuse before, during and after her best friend Debra Mitchell was even arrested and serving a jail sentence for the feline abuse of her kittys.
Melanie Lowry was a first hand witness to all of the neglect, abuse and sickness & death, of all of Debra Mitchell’s catsMelanie Lowry of Lollimops himalyans are best friends with Debra Mitchell of Techno cats
Those kittys were in this neglected condition for a very long time all hushed up by Melanie Lowry of Lollimops himalayans so Melanie Lowry could protect her feline kitten mill empire.All those kittys that had to be put to sleep all because Melanie Lowry of Lollimops Cattery in Escondido, California kept her mouth shut for fear the authorities [animal control] would be on your case with all her felines.But you know what, her friend did eventually did call the animal control agency on her.
Because Melanie emailed me telling me, “someone called the animal control on her”, and told me, “the animal control did not do anything to me, and I passed their inspection!,” And Melanie Lowry said it like she was really proud of passing their inspection.That was her mentally ill friend Debbie Mitchell who did that.

Debbie Mitchell the mentally ill cat breeder was going down the tubes so she wanted to drag Melanie Lowry with her also.
All this information was told me directly from & by Melanie Lowry of Lollimop Cattery in Escondido, Ca.
That is how I came upon this horrible story to begin with. The information listed here is not verbatim, but very close to it.
To read more about abuse by CFA registered cat breeders go to:


Aug 23, 2010Debra Mitchell of TechnoCats Cattery
by: Stop Inhumane Cat Breeding Part 3
It goes something like this
Melanie Lowry is best friends with a person named Debra Mitchell.
Melanie Lowry of Lollimop & Reidy Creek Catterys has been friends with Debra Mitchell for many years now.
They use to hang out and go into the town of Escondido, Ca in Debra Mitchell’s expensive car.
Debra Mitchell is well to do, that was told to me by Melanie Lowry herself.
Melanaie Lowry also told me, “that her best friend Debra Mitchell is mentally ill, because of how she was treating her cats.”
Melanie told me how when they went into town one night, it reminded her when they were younger.
When the girls use to hang out on the street corners and the boys were there. Playing loud music from Debra’s car and remembering those olden days when they were both younger.Melanie Lowry’s best friend Debra Mitchell is presently serving a 30 day jail sentence of being convicted of animal cruelty, and abuse and neglect against her own Technocats cattery.
Debra Mitchell had persians, himalayans and I think exotics short hairs.
Melanie Lowry told me when we spoke on the phone many, many times, “how mentally ill her best friend is”. Melanie Lowry always called her mentally ill.Melanie Lowry told me directly, “that she is also guilty of staying QUIET [turned a blind eye] about the abuse, neglect and cruelty that she knew was going on for a very long time about Debra Mitchell cats and did not do one thing to stop and help those cats”.
I asked Melanie Lowry, “why did you not do anything to help those cats?”. She told me, “she did not want to get involved because she was afraid that her best friend Debra Mitchell would call the Animal Control on her”.
And how could Melanie Lowry live if her cats were taken away.
After all Melanie Lowry does make a living off those poor creatures.Melanie Lowry did tell me, “she did take in a few of Debra Mitchell cats because Debra Mitchell actually forced them on her”.
Then I said to Melanie Lowry, “how can you take care of her neglected cats and also take care of your cats correctly?”
She said, “she could not”.
So then Melanie Lowry told me, “she was gonna give back the kittys Debra Mitchell forced on her because she was not up to this, and she was getting worn out, for caring for her very own kittys”. 

Aug 23, 2010Debra Mitchell of TechnoCats Cattery
by: Stop Inhumane Cat Breeding Part 2
She was breeding for a feature that made it even harder for these sick cats to get air to their tiny bodies.
The worst thing we learned about Mitchell as we went along was her ambivalence regarding the animals and their care.
She fought us throughout the case challenging our findings on the care she was giving (or not giving) to her animals.
She did not hesitate to sign off all of the kittens for euthanasia; she did not care about their welfare at all.
Her interest in the animals was strictly revenue, and if she was not going to get them back to sell, she would just as soon nobody get them.
We had rescue groups lined up to take them and nurse them back to health, but she would not release them and sadly, many died because they were too sick and needed intensive, intensive round the clock care.
Many of the cats and kittens that had ringworm took three months to completely get rid of.
It was one of the worst cases of neglect I had seen involving cats.
Thankfully the judge in the criminal case thought so too (we still have to find him and thank him immensely). As John said, she is currently serving 90 days in jail, which is an appropriate sentence.
She is now banned from breeding and showing through the CFA (Cat Fancier’s Association) with this conviction, and is not even allowed around a show environment for 7 years.
The info.about the CFA came from the regional rep who was following the case. The birds stayed with Debra MitchellMelanie Lowry of Lollimops Cattery AKA Annie Westlake of Catinallity Cattery best friend released from custody!
Booking # 3713404
Charges 597 PC [B]
Synopsis of Debra Mitchell [Read above]
Debra Mitchell released from jail!
What Malanie Lowry of Lollimops Cattery AKA Annie Westlake of Catinallity Cattery who owns the Lollimop cattery did not tell you, the “public” is she is very best friends with Debra Mitchell who owned the cattery named “TechnoCats” in Escondido, Ca., a CFA registered cattery.
That was a very sad & horrible story.

Aug 23, 2010Debra Mitchell of TechnoCats Horrendous Abuse
by: Stop Inhumane Cat Breeding Part 1
Synopsis written by Lt. Mary Gagliardo Escondido, Ca Animal Control
The case involved a breeder named Debra Mitchell of TechnoCat Persians who severely neglected her cats.
We were first called to a residence that Mitchell was supposed to be looking after while the owners were out of the country.
It was an extremely hot day, and there were approximately 20 sick cats and kittens in cages in the garage living in filthy conditions.The drinking water for the animals was foul and murky; the litter boxes were overflowing with diarrhea and fecal matter; some had no room in their cage and had to sit right next to the litter box.
The cats were panting so we took them on exigent circumstances.
Mitchell retained counsel and they waived their right to an administrative hearing agreeing to comply with certain conditions and restrictions to get the cats back.
Mitchell relinquished some of the cats to us that day; however we learned she had another residence where she kept over 30 cats.
[ Melanie Lowry of Lollimops Cattery was at this residence and saw the conditions of the house and the dieing, sick, neglected & abused cats & did not do one thing to help any of those cats or kittens.
Melanie Lowry just walked away as if it never happened
It was located right across the street from Melanie Lowry own residence at 942 Stanley Avenue, Escondido, Ca
Melanie Lowry was guilty during the fact & after the fact of feline abuse, death, abuse, neglect of her best friend Debra Mitchell cattery of Techno cattery.] [Red text written by CACB.INFO]A condition of her original agreement was that she needed to allow Animal Control inside her other residence to inspect the 30 cats.
She would not, so a Search Warrant was obtained and we went in.Her house had no flooring; it was plywood sub-flooring.
We soon found out that was because all of the cats and kittens in there had severe ringworm.
Sick cats and kittens were crawling across the floor, diarrhea all over them; cats and kittens close to death with a severe upper respiratory condition; emaciated kittens, kittens with nursing mothers being maintained in small cages similar to the first residence, filthy water with feces and litter in it, so much so that the water was gray and murky; overflowing litter boxes with fecal matter and diarrhea; underweight, pitiful kittens being bred so that their heads were so large, their faces so flat that their nostrils were almost non-existent. 

Aug 02, 2010Comments
by: Michael I run this site and own it and as usual as soon as I leave things alone some people (a few), ignorant people, spoil things by making rude and ignorant remarks. To the person who commented on Jan 20, have not read the map. Please spend more time listening and looking and less time being unnecessarily abusive.Some people have said, “lets be kind to people and to hell with cats”. How stupid is that? When we are kind to cats we are bound to be kind to people! One follows from the other and the two are connected. See: Kids Killing CatsAnd why can’t we be kind to both?Please write sensible, polite comments. I do not want to have to moderate these comments as I am too busy and too tired!To those who write good comments, thanks a lot. Well done. Please keep writing them.

Michael Avatar

Jul 28, 2010God shut up!
by: Cryingheart If you don’t like cats shut your trap.Why are you even here if you don’t like cats you abusesers?i should turn you in…you know if the wrong person saw that post about killing the cats…or shooting them with a BB’d of WISHED you didn’t say that!So just shut-up!

Jul 27, 2010Forget about cats and think about human poverty!
by: Anonymous Everyone here defending cats and all the other talk about how they deserve a happy life and a good home etc, etc. Oh please, instead of giving these animals a happy life and good home why don’t you adopt an orphan or homeless child, a HUMAN BEING!
Someone who really deserves a happy life. A warm meal each day, a hug every night, a bed to lay on, a family to love and an education to excel. So many people get too involved with their cats that they tend to forget the real problems humanity is currently facing. These Cat Extremist would rather put food in a cats bowl than put a warm dinner in a Human’s stomach, that saddens me deeply. Touch your hearts for once you cat lovers. Think of the world around you, the poverty many kids are suffering all over the world!

Jul 26, 2010wah wah cat abuse wah wah poor kitties
by: Cat Snipah Hello. I just wanted to let you all know that cats suck. They bite and scratch, they smell, and they get hair all over the swing I like to read on. They get stupid paw prints all over my car, and leave little scratches where they climb on. This morning, I grabbed my BB gun and set up camp on the far side of the porch. The cat food bowl is on the other side, with a clear line of sight right to them. It was one of the most fun days I’ve ever had! Those little bastards are fast, though! I wish I had a hunting bow!

Jul 17, 2010Hmm?
by: Anonymous well i think cats are nice. period.

Jun 30, 2010fuck cats
by: aatr Who cares about cat. You should care about poor people.

Jun 27, 2010fuck my ex wife cat!
by: foot in cats ass i hate my ex-wife cat! he is a fucking waste of time. i would have blown his brains out after beating him for an hour but i never did cuz then i wouldnt have him around to kick the shit out of him! but i love dogs! loland some cats just not that one….and why isnt there a thing for abused reptiles? ill beat the shit out of a lizard!

Jun 25, 2010sad
by: gwendolyn its really unbelievable that ppl do these things. i dont understand how u can abuse something so small and fragile, they never did anything to us. and we say all these things and they still juss dont care. we cant stop this, but we sure as hell can try. there should definitely not be states that allow abuse, thats juss effin wrong. i would love to come in contact with someone who does abuse cats. i think that there should be a law where what these ppl to do animals…..we should do right back. and make sure they live so they can go thru all the pain. one day i will be recuing cats. and putting the real animals behind bars.

May 26, 2010to the dude aj
by: Anonymous i hope you die a long pianful death u basterd

May 26, 2010to the dude aj
by: Anonymous i hope you die a long pianful death u basterd

by: CJR People are just brutle…. Why would you hurt an animal when a pet is more than a pet but a part of the family.

Apr 29, 2010meh
by: Anonymous Cats really suck.
I hate them.
At least my state is in the bottom tier.

Apr 22, 2010ha
by: AJ Dude, no one gives a shit about cats. If you’re gonna donate money, give it to the starving kids commercials. I was glad to see SDouth Dakota was in the bottom tier. It shows we care about more important things. I am dissapointed we aren’t in the worst 5 states.

Apr 16, 2010savecats
by: Anonymous Abused cats can be terribly maimed and damaged on the outside. They can even appear quite normal on the outside and all the damage might be emotional. Black cats face a serious risk around Halloween. Never leave the cat unattended outside during that time of year. It seems that all the sick people in the world come looking for black cats at this time of year. The unsuspecting and trusting pet black cat may be cat napped and tortured or killed. Anyone who abuses cats are heartless fools. I did a survey and 40/40 said save cats

Apr 08, 2010Cat’s Lover
by: Teacher Nora Cat is our friend just like other animals created by God.. Don’t abuse them,,Love them..You will feel the glory by doing that..

Apr 04, 201032 Photos of Cat Abuse & neglect by “CFA” registered breeder
by: CBC.INFO This is heart breaking anyone with a weak stomach should not view these horrible abuse done by Judith Lawson an award winning CFA cat breeder. We have all the photos to show you just what goes on with breeding cats when the owner is not able to deal with it. Its heart breaking. To view the photos go to: Also to view my whole site please go to

Feb 16, 2010animal abuse
by: Anonymous animal abuse is bad

Jan 28, 2010Thank you for making people more aware!
by: Anonymous Thank you for a terrific article and the map was to the point and easy to understand. So sad that there are still some people that lack empathy for little creatures that never asked to be brought into this world. Not everyone has a heart and unfortunately they know no different. Cats are like people….they love, they get scared, they like to play and have fun, they feel pain, hunger, frustration, get sore throats, belly aches, head aches, diabetes, cancer, and more!!!!!! ONLY IDIOTS FAIL TO UNDERSTAND WHAT OTHERS FEEL AND OTHERS INCLUDE CATS!It is hard to believe that TVA is preparing to murder about 20 cats living on their property in Muscle Shoals Alabama (sometime in the next few weeks.) These abandon cats have made their homes on the several acres and for years have caused no problems. Murdering cats is suppose to be criminal and TVA should be investigated. How do they plan to remove these innocent animals that have caused no trouble. HAT IS NEXT? THE SQUIRRELS, BUNNIES, RACOONS, AND BIRDS??????

Jan 20, 2010Derp
by: Anonymous This is a joke right? What a waste of everyones time and resources. Your map is just a waste of space on the internet, as it just has three different colors and some stars with no explanation whatsoever. What a joke.

Jan 19, 2010Cat ABUSE should NOT be alloud
by: Kendra You should NOT be able to Abuse cats like that, i want to be a vet when i grow up . i am 10 years old . and i have a cat that u took in and she has skin took off her chin from someone kicking her , and she has a bad eye from some kind of a fight i think .

by: CAT LOVER Cats are the best I really don’t like any one who would hurt a cat.cats are great thats why I have 10 blossom, stripes, Ravenpaw, mittens, cupcake, wigit, bassy , adventure,and flower.Cats arn’t just pets there friends and praticly family!

Jan 06, 2010
by: Anonymous And I’m supposed to like humans exactly why? For such an evolved species humans are still amazingly barbaric….

Dec 23, 2009Response to last comment
by: Michael I sympathize with you and your cats. This is so typical. There are people who hate cats and hurt cats and if I could get away with it I would hurt the people who hurt cats.I am sorry to hear of your problem. Is what he is doing legal?

Dec 20, 2009Cat torture and murder..
by: outraged My neighbor who I thought was a good guy put two cat traps just on his side of a tall fence on his side of the property line just so happens I have two cats I adore as it helped me through a bad depression and became my best friend both my cats are rescues. I feed these cats less than 10 feet from the traps …he (my neighbor knows this info) so not only do I have traps where my cats are and eat themselves..sooo this bastard decides to leave at 7 am Friday ( springing the traps); two hours later MY cat gets caught.Right now its 7 pm Sunday and he’s still not home I’d like to add that a peanut butter jar was left in the cage (its a way to get them to suffocate themselves and die.. if you didn’t know that trick, now ya do)…anyhow I have to come to terms with the fact my neighbor just tried to kill my cats ..Heck they can’t live without water for more than 48 hours and even then that means permanent kidney damage. soooSo I’m not too happy but happy holiday to you all..just not the cat killers ..

Aug 17, 2009An Australian admits killing cats
by: Michael (PoC Admin) This is a comment left by a visitor to a post I made about cat abuse (poisoning cats). He is Australian:

I am in Australia and it seems we have the same trouble here you have everywhere else. I have been troubled greatly in the past by cats pooping in my potted plants, my garden and spraying their vile smelling odour on my front door. This is what I do. I have an RSPCA approved live cat trap that I only put out during the hours of darkness. When I catch a cat (all have had collars so far) I attach an anonymous note written in permanent marker on a plastic tab to its collar telling the owner I am sick of it in my yard etc etc and if I catch it again I will kill it. In the past 3 years that I have been at this house I have killed 14 cats. Dont like it? Sue me!!!!

You can see the webpage and comments here:

Cat Poison

They hate the feral and stray cat in Australia. They would rather kill the cat than deal with the cause, the irresponsible owner.

Aug 17, 2009Video
by: Anonymous There are lots of videos of cat abuse (a testament to how abused the cat is, sadly). This one is not that well watched but I cannot put a video on that actually shows the injured cats.


Aug 17, 2009A note
by: Michael (PoC Admin) Just a quick note to say that I have deleted some comments by one person who I judge to be a trouble maker. Also the person’s website is either not functioning or plain strange.Please feel free to make comments however, provided they are well argued, supported by evidence and polite. Thanks

Jun 14, 2009Cat Breeders Complaints Info
by: Anonymous Actually the person that owns the site is a sociopathic cyber bully and cyber stalker. She has been arrested and sued for this behavior. If you contact her she will stalk you as well.Go read about all her threats of violence, extortion, CFA expulsion, and see the court judgment paper on this site
Broken link and removed. is a cat breeder herself that has lost her privileges with CFA for cat welfare issues.

Jun 09, 2009Cat Breeders Complaints Info
by: Cat Breeders Complaints Info Caring About Cats & Consumers, Cat Breeders Complaints Info is our ministry in serving & helping others. This agency was founded exclusively to be an advocate for the rights of all buyer’s of expensive pedigree cats. Our service is ultimately unique in that we are the only ministry of its kind anywhere in the world, dealing with pedigree cat purchasing complaints.We are a “watchdog”, specialized complaint agency. Our main objective is: exposure to stop corrupt cat breeders from taking advantage of the trusting public & from medically neglecting cats. Website: We now have a new domain.

Jun 08, 2009Animal abuse and scam breeder
by: Sylvia Ellingwood Everclear Cattery has been known ( I know of 6) to breed and sell purebred kittens that are known to be ill. Five kittens in the last 2 years have died from FIB. This breeder is irresponsible and refuses to honor any health guarantee or replace a kitten. She shows no papers in regards to the kitten’s medical shots or care.
This woman is a crook, a scam, and evil. She continues to sell kittens from a sick colony and should be starting a new colony if she really cares about having healthy kittens. Do Not buy kittens from her. Her name is Jennifer Robertson/Brix and she claims to breed in El Dorado Hills, Ca. near Sacramento. However no one can find her….while she still advertizes her kittens on Everclear website and Kijji classifieds as well. Beware!

Jan 05, 2009Cat Breeders Complaints Info
by: Cat Breeders Complaints Info Caring About Cats & Consumers, Cat Breeders Complaints Info is our ministry in serving & helping others. This agency was founded exclusively to be an advocate for the rights of all buyer’s of expensive pedigree cats. Our service is ultimately unique in that we are the only ministry of its kind anywhere in the world, dealing with pedigree cat purchasing complaints.We are a “watchdog”, specialized complaint agency. Our main objective is: exposure to stop corrupt cat breeders from taking advantage of the trusting public & from medically neglecting cats. Website: Cat Breeders Complaints InfoNote: I have deleted some comments made by this person in part because the website Cat Breeders Complaints Info just is very strange.

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