Zoe, a black-and-white British shorthair mix, has a beautiful heart shaped black pattern on her chest. She was a rescue cat. She is the sister of Izzy.
What is interesting is that Joanne Smienk first adopted Izzy at, I presume, the local rescue centre in Utrecht, Holland. When she went back to pick up Izzy, she spotted her sister Zoë and was charmed into adopting her as well because of the beautiful, standout marking on her chest. The special pattern had gone unnoticed by her and the staff at the centre it seems.
Joanne said:
“We found Zoë by accident. We were planning on adopting one kitten and we had chosen Izzy at first. When we went to pick her up we saw Zoë and she charmed us with her adorable heart marking, that surprisingly no one had noticed before, her playful attitude and her fluff. She was the only one of a litter to become fluffy.”
In addition what captivated Joanne was her sisterly love towards Izzy. The couple do everything together. They are inseparable and so they had to be adopted together anyway. I’m somewhat surprised, to be honest, that the rescue centre did not insist upon them being adopted together but nonetheless it worked out well. Fate kept them together.
Zoë is a bit shy towards other people and affectionate towards her guardians and curious. In contrast, Izzy is fearless and very cuddly.
Izzy has what I call the “Mark of Zorro face” with a dark pattern covering the area around her eyes as if she’s wearing a mask. They make a beautiful pair.
Source: Pet lover falls for feline after spotting her romantic markings at animal centre | Daily Mail Online
Thank you, Michael, for such an uplifting story.
Ofcourse, bonded siblings should be adopted together. So many organizations don’t see that. Zoe is shy and in need of her sister to bring her out of her shell. Alone, Zoe may have never found a home.
Thank you Joanne for seeing that.
Thank you for the sweet story.