Cat and Dog Story From Thiruvaniyoor India

by Michael

Thiruvaniyoor is a village in Ernakulam district in the Indian state of Kerala. That is bottom left looking at India from above! Kerala has the highest tiger density on my reckoning! But they are in reserves or should be.

This is a nice dog-cares-for-cats story. There are many examples on the internet. This dog, however, is behaving like a mother cat transporting the abandoned kittens in his mouth just like a mother cat moves her offspring around before nursing the kittens. It is fascinating to see.

The map shows where Ernakulam district is:

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The owners of the featured household are clearly animal lovers as there is lots of companion animal activity in and around the house.

And someone in the know has made the video. That is an interesting point, I think. Do these people have a video camera and broadband access to the internet? I would doubt it. Great video. I would like to hear from Rudolph on that, our man in Mumbai.

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Cat and Dog Story From Thiruvaniyoor India

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Mar 27, 2012
Cat and dog story from Thiruvaniyoor in India NEW
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Hello Michael and thanks for seeking my opinion on this video.
First and foremost the state of Kerala in India has the highest literacy rate in India, a graduation being a common degree.I myself learnt basic operations of the internet and my digital camera from my former tenants in Bangalore who were I.T professionals from Kerala.Internet usage and broadband would definitely be availaible in most villages in Kerala as almost every household has one of its members employed in the “I.T Industry” or working overseas.
This is the first instance that i am seeing a dog carrying kittens in its mouth and this video seems very recent and taped in a village residence.
Michael, India is a very complicated Country to fathom for most Westerners, a huge country with different climatic conditions and topography with the largest number of regional languages spoken as also people from different ethnic backgrounds.
Manny times during my overseas tours people were confused when i said my nationality was Indian since i have a Western name.Thats India, different religions, different communities, different languages, all living under one roof.
An excellent video.

1 thought on “Cat and Dog Story From Thiruvaniyoor India”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I have seen this video before, it is beautiful. What an excellent family this must be to have such happy and kind dogs, especially one who takes on three kittens and cares for them so well. I think you can tell a lot about people from the behaviour of their animals.

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