Cat believed dead after Dannemora apartment house fire found alive and reunited with her family

A cat believed dead after a Dannemora, New York apartment house fire that reduced the building to rubble has been found alive and reunited with her family. They’re just not sure how she ended up 15 miles from home.

photo provided

It took two weeks to find June, owner Jess Desourdy said. “I had lost all hope.” Jess added. She had to jump from a porch roof to escape the flames at the Cook Street home on December 30.

Last Monday he was looking through Facebook and spotted June in a photo posted by Elmore SPCA. The kitty in the picture had been found by an employee of Pray’s Farmers Market on Route 3 in Plattsburgh.

Jess contacted Johnathan Pray at the number given along with the cat photo. On Wednesday she and husband Richie Arroyo went to visit the cat.

Richie said in an interview with Press-Republican

“I called her name out — she jumped as hard and fast as she could into my arms. I looked her over — she had the same mark on her ear as June does; I knew it was June.”

Johnathan said the cat had been hanging out at the loading dock at the market for about a day and a half when he made the decision to contact the Elmore SPCA.

Most of the family was injured in the fire and June, an indoor cat was one of several cats to go missing during the fire. She’s the only one that has been found. A dozen tenants were displaced by the fire, including Richie and his family.

During the fire, Richie suffered serious burns and spent five days in the burn unit at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. Jess fractured her heel and a bone in her back when she jumped to safety and their 17-year-old daughter Shenika was bruised up and cut.

June is one lucky cat who has likely used up a few lives. When the family adopted her about four years ago they were told June was abandoned by her previous owner, tied to a tree with no food or water.

The family is staying with relatives until they can find a new place to live.

1 thought on “Cat believed dead after Dannemora apartment house fire found alive and reunited with her family”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Stories like this create both happy and sad feelings…happiness that June was found alive and reunited with her family; then sadness over the several cats that are missing, and all that poor family has been through, including losing their home. 😢

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