Cat breeds prone to HCM are: Maine Coon, Ragdolls, British Shorthairs, American Shorthairs, Devon Rexes and Bengals. All these breeds are extensively discussed on this website. Please start by clicking on this page. Update: see comment below. Gail tells us that the relatively rare Ocicat is also predisposed to developing HCM.

All, but the last cat breed, are listed in the well-known Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook Third Edition. Debra M Eldredge DVM is the source of this information within the book.
RELATED: HCM in Bengal cats – extensive page.
As for the Bengal cat, I am surprised that this breed was omitted by Debra because it is common knowledge nowadays that this glamorous cat breed is plagued with HCM. As I understand it, the potential cause is the narrow gene pool upon which this breed has been created. Bengal nose has the same cause, potentially.
For the Maine Coon and Ragdoll, the cause is a genetic mutation affecting males and females. The defective genes “involve the myosin Binding Protein C in the heart muscle.” Tests can be carried out to check for this gene at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University, as I understand it. A cheek swab or blood test is provided.
Up to a third of all Maine Coons are predisposed to HCM.
HCM stands for ‘hypertrophic cardiomyopathy’, the most common cause of heart disease in cats. It is also the most prominent cause of sudden death in indoor adult cats.
The walls of the ventricles become thick and inelastic weakening the heart and the chambers diminish is size.
Treatments for HCM include:
- Beta-adrenergic blockers which slow the heart rate
- Calcium-channel blockers which work like beta blockers
- Aspirin, warfarin, or heparin and diuretics
- ACE inhibitors
- Low salt diets
- Reducing activity
- Magnesium supplements?
Note: please use the search facility on this site (RH column) to find information on HCM in cat breeds and all genetic diseases in purebred cats.
Below are some more pages on HCM in cats.
Thank you, Gail, for highlighting this. I may do a follow up page.
MY kitty a purebred Ocicat, with good lines died from HCM. Why are prospective owners NEVER warned about this by anyone? I first became aware of the issue when, as a kitten, I enrolled him with PETPLAN Vet Insurance, although he was perfectly health for the next 9 years. They indicated that Ocicats had a tendency to suffer from HCM. This whas the first I had heard about the disease, at all. I guess insurance companies make a point of being aware of health weaknesses. This reality is NEVER mentioned by anyone else, nor is it mentioned in the literature anywhere either.
Bailey’s life was cut short because it wasn’t diagnosed until after his death. With EARLY diagnoses, cats can have a number of additional years.
In looking back, my other Ocicat who was killed by my disgusting neighbor, showed signs of it in mid-life. People NEED to be informed of this! And and it NEEDS to be taught to up and coming vets while they’re in school.
If you doubt me, contact PETPLAN Vet Insurance.
PLEASE add them to your list and pass this on. Kitties are needlessly dying too soon because of ignorance.