Cat Claw Pictures

Cat Claw Pictures

by Michael

A cat’s claws are difficult to photograph. I have just tried and the picture is on the home page at the moment (10th May 2012). As I change the home page all the time here it is. It is nothing special. But a cat’s claws are special and extremely useful.

Can you take a good photo of your cat’s claw? Tough one that.

But maybe we should try and present the beauty and functionality of the cat’s claw. It may help to stop people cutting it, and the bone that supports it, off (declawing).

Cats don’t like us fiddling with their claws or feet. They must be sensitive. That is why they are hard to photograph.

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Cat Claw Pictures

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May 11, 2012
Claw pictures NEW
by: Ruth

That is one magnificent claw!
I asked Walter and Jozef if for the good of the anti declaw campaign they would allow me to photograph one of their claws.
The answer was NO.
We played lots of claw involved games but every time I tried to get a close up they put them away.
lol lol
I’ll try asking them nicely again sometime.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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