Cat Clips — The Musical

Cat Clips — The Musical

by Michael Latshaw
(Plainfield, NJ)

Hello. My name is Michael and I have a YouTube series called “Cat Clips.” (YouTube channel: ScoobyHubby).

It is the humorous ongoing story of a group of cats in New Jersey, including a beautiful Bengal boy named Tuck. I have a very loyal following of comedy and pet lovers, and think that your audience might enjoy them as well.

I invite you to watch some of the episodes and include any of them that you like on your website. (I also have funny videos about dogs, birds, robots…Charlie Sheen.)

Here are a few samples:

Cat Clips: Am I Sexy?

YouTube webpage

Cat Clips: The Musical

YouTube page

Cat Clips: Stupid Squirrel Stakeout


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Cat Clips — The Musical

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Apr 03, 2011
Funny and relaxing
by: Anna

Relaxing and funny: thanks, Michael!
Even if there were no voice in the background, it would be a great little movie to watch. I would take it with just some music and the sounds of nature:-)

Apr 03, 2011
Great job!
by: Anonymous

Great job! Thoroughly enjoyed.

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