by Michael S
(Orlando, FL, US)
Please help with any advice possible on cat diarrhea. I have a one year Persian, who since I bought him, has had loose stools. At first, I thought it could be due to the antibiotics prescribed for his raspy breathing. But then, as he was weened from the antibiotics it has continued. The vet has tried numerous medicines, both in pill and liquid forms, and changing his food throughout the months. Nothing helps. He still has the soft stool and tracks it through the house, which is not very enjoyable at 6am in the morning. The only other option the vet is giving me is blood tests and at quite an expense.
I have contacted the breeder, who claims she never had that problem with him and he was given a clean bill of health before I got him. Some days I really wonder about that.
Any other suggestions?
Thank you.
Hi Michael: Thanks for sharing your cat’s problems with cat diarrhea. These things came to mind. Persians have a higher incidence of genetic diseases than other purebred cats (other than the Siamese). I have checked genetic diseases associated with the Persian and nothing cross checks with cat diarrhea except a severe disease called Mannaosidisis, which wouldn’t apply. However general conditions such as a suppressed immune system, which can result in other illnesses can be the result of inbreeding in purebred cats.
I have read that Persians are particularly sensitive to litter trays and litter. They do have a higher incidence of misuse of litter. Cats generally are sensitive to litter use. I will presume the litter tray is in perfect condition and the litter dealt with on a daily basis at least. In fact it may be wise to have two litter trays one for each function! Both should be kept very clean (cleaned after use) and disinfected once a week. The fact that your cat goes to the toilet outside the litter box indicates severe diarrhea (uncontrolled) or an aversion in going in the litter box or both. My gut feel is that this may be the problem area.
Persians are known to have sensitive stomachs. I don’t know if your vet has prescribed hypoallergenic cat food. Some people say that a Persian should only be fed “single protein food” i.e. a food with one type of protein such as chicken and not a mix. Also the food should not be exclusively dry. On the subject of cat food and as a last resort and if you have time Homemade Cat Food may assist.
I have a page on the site which discusses the treatment of cat diarrhea: Treating Cat Diarrhea. It also looks at possible causes of cat diarrhea. It may help. I would advise reading the page.
Clearly trying to advise on the cat diarrhea of your cat after a vet has failed to find a cure is difficult. I would hope a vet reads this and leaves a comment or an experienced Persian breeder. Good luck to you and your Persian cat.
Hi Joan, Good idea to change the litter. I presume his stool is not normal; diarrhoea? If it is and if it is persistent his health should be checked. That is obvious I guess. Thanks for sharing.
I have an 11 year old Burmese and notice lately slight droppings on the tile. I want to change the cat litter, as that may not be the best for him, hard to find a good one. I started using baking soda with the litter instead of store bought stuff, in case that was bothering him. He does have a slight kidney disease problem but eats a lot, is very playful, seems healthy. Thank you. Joan