Cat-eating Burmese Python

We know that America has wild animals that prey on domestic cats. It is one reason why far more Americans keep their cats inside all the time than in European countries. Perhaps the most common and dangerous predator to the outside domestic cat in America is the coyote but I don’t think any Americans have ever factored in the possibility of their cat being swallowed by a Burmese python!

Burmese Python Preying On Cats
Burmese Python Preying On Cats

It seems that the tendency for some Americans to keep exotic pets has resulted in a Burmese python escaping from its enclosure or it was released because it became too much of a handful. The place: Port St Lucie, St Lucie County, Florida, United States.

Someone called the police about a 12 foot, 120 pound Burmese python slithering around the undergrowth yesterday. The police Sgt arrived at an empty lot and found a dead cat. It appears that they made the presumption that the python had killed the cat but do we know how many other cats this python had swallowed? It sounds horrendous and it is not the sort of thing you would have in mind as a possible danger to your cat of is it? In Florida there appears to be an python population explosion and as a non-native species they are eating birds. Birds seem to be a favorite. The stomach contents of 85 pythons killed contained the contents of 25 different species of birds. This should be factored in when people complain about the domestic and feral cat preying on birds.

The police sergeant called for backup and they apprehended the python which gave in to superior forces and was taken to a person who had licence to look after it. It is interesting that they did not kill it. If a mountain lion had been wandering around the neighborhood it would have been shot.

The story comes from Is this the first case of a domestic cat being preyed upon by a python in America?

Another rather extraordinary example of wild predators preying on domestic cats was an eagle plucking a kitten from the balcony of an apartment and carrying it off (or was it something else?). The kitten was their one-minute and gone the next. You never know how safe or unsafe it can be outside for a cat in America. Owls can take cats too.

27 thoughts on “Cat-eating Burmese Python”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. That he is and more so, Michael.
    I think I get it. It’s not so much that he hates cats (pythons or whatever). He’s driven by his obsession and love for birds. Anything that threatens them is his enemy. Unfortunately, that winds up to be much of the world. Hence, his hatred for those who care about anything that threatens his world. That’s where he directs his rage.
    It’s destructive but he can’t see it.
    He’s so swallowed up that he can’t even fake enough people skills to get along with peers.

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