We know that domestic cats’ pupils can contract to a slit rather than a small circle. Tigers have circular pupils incidentally. The reason for this is that it helps to stop more light hitting the retina because the pupil works in conjunction with the eyelid which passes over the eye like a blind. It is also said to enhance a cat’s range finding abilities to improve their predation.
Chromosome abnormality
But Cat Eye Syndrome in humans is a genetically inherited defect because of chromosome abnormalities. The disease does not impart benefit on the person except for an interesting eye appearance (depending on the inherited variety).
In fact, depending on the severity of the disease, the health problems can be serious and in rare cases it can shorten the life of a person or a baby might die during infancy. However, the majority of sufferers will have a normal life expectancy with proper care.
Aesthetically, Cat Eye Syndrome can look attractive on a woman. The eyes can have a special appearance. People might ask questions and enquire about the eyes.
Pupil shape varies
However, my research indicates that the shape of the pupil varies tremendously and this genetically inherited problem does not always create a slit-like pupil shape. It might be an irregular blob which is hardly attractive.
Although the shape of the iris can be cat-like, there is a wide range of signs and symptoms of this condition. There may be other abnormalities of the ears, anal region, kidney and/or heart. Heart abnormalities may be serious.
Defects in anatomy
So is not all glamour anaesthetics. For example, frequently associated with this condition is the congenital absence of the anus. Another frequent anatomical problem is a small indentation anterior to the insertion of the ear and the abnormal positioning of the kidney or an abnormality of the rib. As mentioned there might be an abnormality of the cardiovascular system, i.e. the heart and the large vessels and arteries.
The person may also suffer from hip dysplasia which, incidentally, is what the Maine Coon cat suffers from also because of a genetic inherited disease. Hip dysplasia are said to be frequent in people with Cat Eye Syndrome.
There are other potentially detrimental effects on the person such as mild intellectual disability with an IQ in the range of 50-69 and low muscle tone/mass which is referred to as hypotonia.
There may be partial deafness and hearing impairment. This list is not comprehensive. Source: National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
Anelize Kloster
There is a lady on the Internet right now featured in the Mirror newspaper whose name is Anelize Kloster, 29, living in Brazil. She said that a lot of people enquire about her eyes which she regards as flattering.
She said that she loves the comments because her “eyes are super different. Of course, today, I think it’s even more beautiful, right? Because we grow up, we become women and it’s a differentiator.”
That’s the point, she looks and feels different. It’s quite a valuable feeling to have. A lot of people seek it. We don’t know how many of the other defects affect her but her eyesight is affected. However, she copes well.