The “Cat feeds baby birds from own mouth” video has gone ‘viral’ as they say and the version on YouTube (the original) does not explain this cat’s extraordinary behavior in feeding young birds in a nest by regurgitating food just like a mother bird would. It turns nature upside down.
It is almost believable because we are used to seeing cats with duck friends and other unlikely animals. The text on the video give it a scientific feel which validates it. It is also dark and mysterious.
“Researchers at Phoenix Biogenic watch as a cat defies its natural predatory instinct by adopting baby birds and feeding them after their mother abandons them,” – is the bland caption below the video on YouTube.
It is difficult or impossible to see that the video is a fake or created on a computer. comes up with the answer and I am sure other websites have too.
They describe the video as “guerrilla advertising”. The advertising is for a new sci-fi thriller to be screened shortly called: Self/less.
The video was made by Phoenix Biogenic. They know how to use the internet’s love of the cat to get publicity! They are playing YouTube subscribers like puppets.
Phoenix Biogenics have developed what they call “consciousness transfer” – putting the mind of one animal into another. The video represents that concept.