Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: This incident is currently under investigation and the people concerned have not been named because the cat rescue organisation involved, 4Champ Animal Rescue are reluctant to identify the known animal abuser at this stage to not jeopardise the investigation.

An approved rescue cat foster carer (someone who is vetted and deemed to be trustworthy) was allowed to have two cats from 4Champ Animal Rescue. They are siblings, Storm and Princess said a spokesperson for the rescue, Belanger. The person then decided to adopt both cats.
4Champ Animal Rescue kept in contact with them but matters deteriorated. The rescue organisation wanted to take photographs of the cats but they made excuses why it couldn’t happen. The rescue didn’t think much of it.
When it was time for the cats to be spayed, once again the adopter kept on putting it off. The night before they were to pick up the cats the woman fosterer confessed that she had lied. She said that she had applied to adopt the cats on behalf of her cousin who was in possession of them. It appears that this person is a known animal abuser.
The rescue organisation lept into action to recover the two cats as soon as possible. The rescue organisation heard reports that Storm was walking in a peculiar way. They thought it might be a limp but then they learnt that she couldn’t even stand and needed emergency veterinary care.
The cousin, the known animal abuser, didn’t want to give up the cats so the rescue volunteers went to his home and spoke to him. They pleaded with him and recovered them by promising that they would return them to him after they had been spayed. This was a deliberate but necessary lie because they had no intention obvious reasons of returning the cats.
Once recovered, the cats were treated by a veterinarian who confirmed that Storm was unable to balance and that the signs were that she had been abused with several injuries such as a possible tail fracture and a severely wounded digit on her hind leg. The injuries were of variable ages indicating likely abuse.
The veterinarian put down Storm’s inability to stand as being consistent with being given heroin. Storm’s health has improved and she is now living with a foster family who will adopt the cat eventually. Storm’s veterinary bill currently amounts to $3000 partly because the rescue organisation wanted to ensure that they had sufficient evidence to potentially prosecute the man who allegedly abused the cats. The veterinary work included radiologist reports.
4Champ Animal Rescue are now asking for assistance from the community to help pay the bill. You can click on this link to visit their website if you wish.
Thanks Anne. Yes, we could know more about what happened to Princess. Yes, I agree that the foster is complicit in the alleged crime.
Princess, the sibling, is barely mentioned. Hmmm.
The foster, knowing her cousin, should also be charged.