Cat Foster Family Fed Their Foster Cat A Vegan Diet

A cat foster family fed their foster cat a vegan diet. This is extraordinary because people who wish to become cat foster carers are vetted by rescue organizations for their suitability. They are cat lovers and of course they are at least guided and in some cases trained and managed to provide a high standard of care to foster cats.

Cat Foster Family Fed Their Foster Cat A Vegan Diet
Photo from FB page of LYFF.

In this rare instance something went very wrong. The Love Your Feral Felines (LYFF) rescue in Fallbrook, California posted on their Facebook page on May 7th that they ‘suffered a difficult and entirely preventable loss. One of our long-term kitties was switched to a vegan diet by his foster family..’

This obviously happened without the approval and knowledge of LYFF. In fact LYFF say they provide their fosters with well-balanced diets. I wonder if they actually provide the food or just the knowhow. For newcomers to cat diets, cats are carnivores and their diet needs to be carefully controlled. One vital ingredient is taurine.

The poor cat, Zane, died as a consequence because his organs shut down. A vegan diet for a cat is a death sentence. The vegan diet lacks essential nutrients which sustain a cat’s life. The cat will die. It is as stark as that.

What is extraordinary is that this was not even a vegetarian diet but a full blown vegan diet. It could not be more extreme.

Note: The comments say that cats can survive on a vegan diet. Yes, provided it contains the right added nutrients. But a genuine human vegan diet will not sustain a cat.

Cat Foster Family Fed Their Foster Cat A Vegan Diet – It Is A Crime

The family who decided to provide their foster cat with a vegan diet have committed a crime if one is brutally honest. It has to be a crime under California animal welfare law. No one has been prosecuted I suppose for obvious reasons; to keep it quiet but why then did LYFF post on Facebook?

The woman or man who decided to do this is probably vegan herself but it is immoral and ignorant to impose that diet on a cat especially when they must have known it was forbidden by LYFF.

Without wishing to play the blame game, it would seem to me that LYFF may be vicariously liable for committing the crime of their foster family.

Anyway it’s bad news and sad news. This cat foster family fed their foster cat a vegan diet and it must have been apparent that Zane was falling ill. Surely they could have taken preventative action at that point. I hate to say it but it does seem that LYFF were not involved enough in their foster family in carrying out inspections and so on. However perhaps a visitor might like to add some information about how such events are typically prevented.

19 thoughts on “Cat Foster Family Fed Their Foster Cat A Vegan Diet”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Well, the info was on their FB page. Why was there a need to ‘reach out’? Also don’t accuse me of spreading ‘false news’. I consider that an insult. You are lucky that I published your comment. You should learn to be polite. If you make another impolite comment it won’t be published and you’ll be banned.

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