Cat fosterer saved her kittens from flood waters but left their mother behind

“I just think about that momma cat…I can’t believe it”

Soon after Janice Forse was rescued her home became completely flooded and the foster mother cat that she had left behind succumbed to the icy waters. She had taken the kittens with her but had inadvertently left their mother behind. It is very sad; poignant in fact. As I read the story I was hoping against hope that Janice managed to get someone to recover the adult cat but alas the inevitable happened.

When Janice Forse, 62, woke up in her house last Wednesday there was water lapping at her feet. Her possession were floating around the room. It was bad and dangerous. Firefighters turned up to rescue her. The water was waist deep and she was told to leave immediately.

Forse put her foster kittens into a plastic bucket, grabbed her dog and her handbag and went with her rescuers. She climbed into a boat. As the boat was leaving her home she heard the mother cat crying inside the house. Forse had forgotten her in the rush while being urged on by firefighters. She decided, or her rescuers decided, that it was impossible to return to rescue her adult foster cat.

I understand. Perhaps under these stressful circumstances we make decisions that we would not have normally made and regret later. Forse cried as the boat left her property. She ended up at the Beaumont Civic Center where she was able to rest but tormented by what had happened. She is clearly a very good woman.

“I just think about that momma cat…I can’t believe it”

She is so sad by what happened. I can feel her distress. The momma cat’s body was found by rescuers.

Source: My Statesman

3 thoughts on “Cat fosterer saved her kittens from flood waters but left their mother behind”

  1. Yeah they would have had to sit on me. Again if it had been a dog they would have went back. Bet ya. There is a disparity on how dogs are seen as man’s best friend (gag) and cats are somehow just second rate.
    Again if she had the mother cat and kittens and the dog was heard barking as they left. The rescue would have went back. I’m just sick of it.
    Much like our local AC will go out of it’s way to re home a dog that has behavior issues but euthanizes any cat they deem as ‘ feral ‘.

  2. This causes me intense emotional pain and even physical upset. I could not leave the Mother cat behind. Literally I would jump out of the boat to go back.The rescuers were very harsh. How long could it take to go back and pick up one poor kitty? Ten minutes max. Unless I was physically being held down, I would go back. My heart goes out to Janice Forse and to the poor kitty soul.

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