Why is my cat not eating? My cat is very old and terminally ill with a number of illnesses including renal failure and heart problems. She has eaten quite well until recently. Now,…
Weird Lump on my Cat’s Cheek There is a strange golf ball sized lump on my cat’s right, cheek, we have no clue what it is or how it might have happened, I have been researching on …
How to prepare my cat for the big move Good morning everyone! Milo and I are planning on moving to a completely different county in the beginning of next year. My biggest concern …
Has an injection to my cat caused paralysis? Hi..I got a very sad story that my baby Blanca has been living since almost 6 weeks by now. She is 8 yrs old white half Persian half angora cat. 6 …
My cat howls and urinates on my bed or clothes Ramses (male) howls whenever I am not in his site. It doesn’t matter if I am home or not. He will search the house if I do not call to him. If I leave …
My cat has an allergic reaction – help please My cat had miliary dermatitis
for a long time before I was finally able to get her to a vet and get it diagnosed and treated. Recently we moved from …
My cat has a limp and a droopy tail. Please help. I have a question to post in regards to my 15 year old male neutered domestic shorthair cat, Larry. Approximately two months ago, my cat started behaving …
Truth about Toxoplasmosis and Cats People who dislike cats often refer to how cats are a health hazard in respect of spreading and transmitting toxoplasmois to people because cats are the …
Giving Liquid Medicine To A Cat A friend of mine in the United States, Sylvia, asked about the best way to give liquid medicine to a cat. We know that pills can be difficult to administer …
Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinics Low cost spay and neuter clinics provide a wonderful service because a lot of people who keep cats will resist spending money on veterinarian bills in …
Found kitten with swollen belly and a red anus – Advice Please I got a new kitten. One of my other kittens found her on our backyard porch. We finally got her in the house but we don’t know where or who she came from….
A Cat Story From Mumbai in India Since 1976, when I owned my first dog, a Spitz named “Blondie”, I have been a regular visitor to the “Veterinarian”, in Mumbai city. Since 1976, the …
Mumbai’s Oldest and Most Heavily Guarded Cat Mumbai’s oldest and most heavily guarded cat lives at American Library (American Centre) at Marine Lines in Mumbai. This was a long pending article …
Do you put a 19 year cat through an operation to remove a lump inside her? This is a dilemma I have. My lady cat is 18-19 years old. I am told by the veterinarian that she has a lump inside her. She diagnosed this by feeling her….
My cat broke her 2 top canine teeth, and I don’t know what to do! My cat broke her 2 top canine teeth, and I don’t know what to do! My sister wants to take her to the pound but she recently had kittens and I feel that …
How old should a kitten be before being spayed or neutered? Hi, I would like to know how old a kitten/cat needs to be before it can be spayed.
White male blue eyed deaf cat (mutated breed) going blind? I have a male white deaf blue eyed cat. Michael is approximately 7 years old. Around his eyes there is a lot of tear staining. But recently over the …
72% of veterinary patients are dogs and 28% are cats – Discuss Did you realise that American people take their cat to the vet far less often than people take their dog to the vet despite the fact that there are more …
Valium Cat Is your cat a “valium cat”? I ask because I have just seen a video of Russell Brand being interviewed on American TV. He is a British comedian who seems …
Cost To Neuter A Cat What is the cost to neuter a cat as at 2011 in the USA and UK (European example)? Here is my answer. For the sake of clarity, neutering is castrating the …
My Cat Was Bitten By A Dog My cat Jess was bitten by a dog and has a tear in her muscle underneath her belly. Can this repair itself or does she need an operation? [Hi….
Dehydrated Cat A dehydrated cat might have a loss of skin elasticity, dryness of the mouth, thick saliva and, in advanced cases, sunken eyeballs and shock. A cat …
My cat is licking her rear excessively My 11 year old speyed female cat is constantly washing her bum. It started a few months ago and I can’t get her to stop.
On another note reading about savannah is that they need a higher protein and calorie counot where as wet food has 80% water…a raw diet seems to be ideal but the risks scare me away from that…would I be better to switch him to another grain free dry food and just leave him a bowl for him to nibble at as usual and just give him a couple spoones of canned food during the day maybe a couple of crickets or something? Also Ive heard that fish foods contain IEBD or something like that from pollution in the water that is thought to be linked with hyperthyroidism In whales and vats. There is also a chemical I heard that is used to seal canned wet food thats used to seal the can that is thought to do the same (more evidence supports the fish theory) upon finding this information again I find myself very confused and in the unknown abit what is best for my cat, and at that after hearing about the blue recalls and sick pets I’m unsure which companis to turn to
I am really leaning towards wet cat food now and becoming increasingly worried about my cat…he’s an f7 savannah and I know he needs a high protein diet..so as you know I switched him to wilderness blue and he’s has since become constipated he’s defaced once or twice since last weekend his stomach feels quite bloated and I have also learned of lots of people’s pets be comming quite sick and surpassing toxicity limits…I have thrown out the food and just about everything is closed today idk what to do I thought I was on the right path with him now I am lost on what to feed my savannah and I’m becoming scared and worried for him
John, I’m very surprised to hear that some of the people that you talked to were against wet cat food. I’m not surprised that a lot of the pet stores are against it because it is easier for a pet store to store dry cat food. I honestly believe that the people who are against wet cat food are incorrect and I say that from many years of thinking and working on the subject. Here are is a post about dry cat food which may help but in any case I wish you the best of luck. A book called “Your Cat” by Elisabeth Hodgkins is interesting and is about the health affects of dry kibble.
This is a link to many articles.