Cat Health Problems

Do you use flower essences for cat emotional states?  Bach Rescue Remedy is quite a popular product for humans. I have used it on occasions to slow me down a bit and found that it does work. There are many …
I Gave My Cat A Bath  This is in response to the page ” How to wash a cat ” the same day that was published I took Chilli for a walk in his walking jacket, it was cold outside …
Cat Massage  This article is about humans massaging cats. My girlfriend does cat massage on my lady cat. She seems to like it but I have never assessed it. I think …
Is my cat missing my husband from whom I am separated?  My cat who is about 10 to 11 years old has gone off her food for almost a week now. She has done this before, but not for so long. Since I separated from …
Cat Has Black Gums  A number of people who keep cats are concerned that their cat has black gums. My cat, Charlie, has black gums or a better description is that part of his …
Will Rat Poison Kill A Cat?  The answer is yes but not always and there are antidotes if caught in time. Here is some detail from two perspectives (a) the type of poison and treatment …
Cat Prozac  Am I being silly when I say I am concerned about the trend towards giving cats and dogs Prozac? I mean Prozac wasn’t heard of until fairly recently and …
Feline Acne Has Returned!  Last year Chilli got a horrid case of Feline Acne. I’d read about it in the past, but I never imagined it happening to my own cat… Anyway, what happens …
Cat Allergen Fel D1  This is reverse cat health. It’s about human health problems caused by a cat. It is a Wikipedia article extended and reworked (and reproduced under their …
Vet Prices Are Too High  Has anyone ever gone to the vet to do something basic and walked out with a giant bill? How annoying, unfair, and down-right ridiculous is it?! As cat …
Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds  There are no hypoallergenic cat breeds on the basis that the term “hypoallergenic” is used to mean a cat that does not produce an allergic reaction in …
Petition Banner – you can get it here  As most of the PoC regulars will know, Ruth aka Kattaddorra needs you to sign a petition to help ban the barbaric declawing of cats in the USA. If you …
Bad Vets?  This is a short story by a visitor about a bad vet or at least on this occasion he or she was bad, and oh, my, is this poor….cat taken to vet. I …
My Cat Won’t Eat  My cat is 3 years old and has been healthy. Now, he has lost considerable weight and will not eat. He will rarely drink water, then lays down by the …
Cat Biting Tail  The cat biting tail problem is not that unusual (and I am talking about a cat biting its own tail, by the way). It looks like the cat needs a psychiatrist….
Anyone Have Any Views On Vaccinosis?  I have heard a few stories as of late about cats dying after being given booster injections. Just wondered if anyone else has any comments about this? I …
Cat Walking With Toes Bent Under  Can anyone please tell me why my cat starting walking with her toes bent under. She never used to do this. Her walking got progressively worse until …
My Cat Was Bit By Another Cat   My cat was bit by another cat and his foot is all swollen up and some bleeding. He is not walking on this foot today. We just noticed it yesterday and …
We Lost 4 Cats In One Week by Mothball Poisoning  I’m writing this account of what happened to two of the most beautiful cats I’ve ever owned with the hope no one has to repeat this experience. Whiskers …
Cat jumping on bed and causing injury due to sharp claws!  My cat is nearly 18 and due to not seeing very well, when she jumps up on me in the night, she digs her claws firmly in to stop falling off, often getting …
Cat Swine Flu  People search for cat swine flu because there is a bit of talk about cats getting swine flu. It means swine flu in cats . I’ll call it “cat swine flu”…
Bad Breath in Cats  Bad breath in cats is a sign of mouth disease. The most common causes are Stomatitis, Gingivitis, tooth decay and tartar. Stomatitis is a sore mouth….
Hymalayan Cat With Heavy Breathing  Hello all. I have a 15 yr old Hymalayan that has enjoyed good health all his life but now his breathing has gotten heavy. He hasn’t changed his daily routine …
Two Elderly Passive Smoking Cats  According to Michael’s article ‘Passive Smoking Affects Pets’ I am completely unfit for keeping cats. Actually as a smoker I am in the same league as people …
Cat Passing Blood  We have a female cat that has been spayed and it is about one years old. Every morning it has a wee in the bath but is also passing blood. Is it a healthy …
Cat Bites Signs of Infection  Before I talk about cat bites signs of infection I would like to put cat bites into perspective. A cat that is adequately socialised (raised to behave …
I am Losing My Maine Coon Cat Max  Max was born on October 5th, 2000. He is a purebred Maine Coon and was de-clawed and neutered prior to my adopting him. He was a big cat at maturity,…
My Friend’s Cat Licks Unframed Photos  My friend’s cat licks unframed photos why is she doing this?… thanks for the question . This might sound a bit weird but I think it is not. It is probably …

32 thoughts on “Cat Health Problems”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. On another note reading about savannah is that they need a higher protein and calorie counot where as wet food has 80% water…a raw diet seems to be ideal but the risks scare me away from that…would I be better to switch him to another grain free dry food and just leave him a bowl for him to nibble at as usual and just give him a couple spoones of canned food during the day maybe a couple of crickets or something? Also Ive heard that fish foods contain IEBD or something like that from pollution in the water that is thought to be linked with hyperthyroidism In whales and vats. There is also a chemical I heard that is used to seal canned wet food thats used to seal the can that is thought to do the same (more evidence supports the fish theory) upon finding this information again I find myself very confused and in the unknown abit what is best for my cat, and at that after hearing about the blue recalls and sick pets I’m unsure which companis to turn to

  3. I am really leaning towards wet cat food now and becoming increasingly worried about my cat…he’s an f7 savannah and I know he needs a high protein as you know I switched him to wilderness blue and he’s has since become constipated he’s defaced once or twice since last weekend his stomach feels quite bloated and I have also learned of lots of people’s pets be comming quite sick and surpassing toxicity limits…I have thrown out the food and just about everything is closed today idk what to do I thought I was on the right path with him now I am lost on what to feed my savannah and I’m becoming scared and worried for him

  4. John, I’m very surprised to hear that some of the people that you talked to were against wet cat food. I’m not surprised that a lot of the pet stores are against it because it is easier for a pet store to store dry cat food. I honestly believe that the people who are against wet cat food are incorrect and I say that from many years of thinking and working on the subject. Here are is a post about dry cat food which may help but in any case I wish you the best of luck. A book called “Your Cat” by Elisabeth Hodgkins is interesting and is about the health affects of dry kibble.

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