Cat Health Problems

Note: the article is huge and has been split into many sections for technical reasons with links at the base of each section to the next.

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cat health

Above: This photo (montage) has been used with permission for teaching/educational purposes at PoC and the pictures were provided by Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic (new window).

See a vet to check. How do I know if my cat has a respiratory infection? Click here. How do I know if my cat has FeLV? Click here. How do I know if my cat has a urinary tract infection? Click here

Contents – Cat Health Problems

The Most Common Illnesses or pet insurance company sets out their list of the most common cat illnesses.

Feline Viruses — An overview page setting them out with links to more.
URI — Upper Respiratory Infection – colds, flu etc. including Feline Herpes Virus
FLUTD — Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease – wide spectrum of lower urinary tract diseases.
Feline IBD — Probably caused more often than not by unnatural commercial cat food – raw diet cures it, perhaps.
Diabetes — Feline diabetes is on the rise and could be due to the increase in dry cat food.
Distemper — This is a very serious disease that makes your cat very ill and can be fatal. If the cat is pregnant, it can be transmitted to the fetus. It can cause damage to the cerebellum of the brain resulting in Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia (uncoordinated cat).
FIP — Feline Infectious Peritonitis – Another serious illness with high fatality rate.
FIV — Feline Immunodeficiency Virus – causes immune deficiency and kills like HIV. How do cats get it?
FLV — Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) – A devastating feline infectious disease. See also on a separate page: Adoptable FeLV Cats. Please spread the word.
Hyperthyroidism — In older cats, average age of 13 years, causes increased metabolism.
Hypothyroidism — The under production of thyroid hormone
Miscellaneous — A short discussion on a range of health issues with links.
Newborn Kitten Care – written by an experienced cat rescuer, cat caretaker of long standing and author.
Things we are involved in doing
Skin – Hair – Parasites – Allergies
Head – Brain – Upper Respiratory – Heart
Body Fluids etc.
Pancreas – Kidney – Liver
Other potential/actual problems
Reference material


People believe that cat health is an important factor in choosing a cat breed. Some breeds are inherently more healthy than others.

cat health poll results
Cat health poll results

Things we do or are involved In

Skin – Hair – Parasites – Allergies – more cat health problems

Head – Brain – Upper Respiratory – Heart – more cat health problems

Body Fluids etc. – more cat health problems

Pancreas – Kidney – Liver – more cat health problems

Other Potential/Actual Cat Health Problems – more cat health problems

Injury – more cat health problems

Miscellaneous Cat Health Problems

32 thoughts on “Cat Health Problems”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. On another note reading about savannah is that they need a higher protein and calorie counot where as wet food has 80% water…a raw diet seems to be ideal but the risks scare me away from that…would I be better to switch him to another grain free dry food and just leave him a bowl for him to nibble at as usual and just give him a couple spoones of canned food during the day maybe a couple of crickets or something? Also Ive heard that fish foods contain IEBD or something like that from pollution in the water that is thought to be linked with hyperthyroidism In whales and vats. There is also a chemical I heard that is used to seal canned wet food thats used to seal the can that is thought to do the same (more evidence supports the fish theory) upon finding this information again I find myself very confused and in the unknown abit what is best for my cat, and at that after hearing about the blue recalls and sick pets I’m unsure which companis to turn to

  3. I am really leaning towards wet cat food now and becoming increasingly worried about my cat…he’s an f7 savannah and I know he needs a high protein as you know I switched him to wilderness blue and he’s has since become constipated he’s defaced once or twice since last weekend his stomach feels quite bloated and I have also learned of lots of people’s pets be comming quite sick and surpassing toxicity limits…I have thrown out the food and just about everything is closed today idk what to do I thought I was on the right path with him now I am lost on what to feed my savannah and I’m becoming scared and worried for him

  4. John, I’m very surprised to hear that some of the people that you talked to were against wet cat food. I’m not surprised that a lot of the pet stores are against it because it is easier for a pet store to store dry cat food. I honestly believe that the people who are against wet cat food are incorrect and I say that from many years of thinking and working on the subject. Here are is a post about dry cat food which may help but in any case I wish you the best of luck. A book called “Your Cat” by Elisabeth Hodgkins is interesting and is about the health affects of dry kibble.

    This is a link to many articles.

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