Next on this page I deal with three sorts of cat history:
- The particular history of a handful of selected cat breeds
- Miscellaneous items concerning cats in history (a list)
- The history of the domestic cat generally in the form of a time line
Update: A map showing the places of origin of all the mainstream cat breeds: Cat Breeds Places of Origin.
History of Some Individual Cat Breeds + a bit extra
Each page of the cat breeds has a history section. In addition, I have prepared pages on the history of the following cat breeds in more detail:
- Angora cat– this cat has a large historical connection
- First Abyssinian Cat Zula, Zula a drawing of the supposed first Abyssinian to be imported.
- Jean-Honore Fragonard Le Chat Angora more on the Angora through a painting
- Balinese cat history
- Siamese cat history
- History of British Shorthair cat
- The British Longhair – this cat is all about history
- Cornish Rex cats
- Maine Coon cat history
- Norwegian Forest Cat history
- Persian cat breeding history
- Serval 1923
- American Shorthair cat
- Were the Turkish Angora and Van the same cat?
- The History of the California Spangled cat
My version of Siamese cat history
Miscellaneous Items Concerning Cat History
A hotch potch of items that I came across that I found interesting and which fit nicely into a page on cat history.
- Cats’ Meat Men – selling cat food on the street in times gone by.
- “Curiosity Killed The Cat” – started out in 1598 when it was something different.
- “Raining Cats And Dogs” – the real origin with original texts from 1710 and 1738.
- “Cat Got Your Tongue” – the orgins
- Clowder – an old word to describe a group of cats in one place
- Cats in Ancient Egypt – a critical look at the worhip of cats at that time
- History of the Big Cats – potted history of the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard.
- “Let the cat out of the bag” (opens in new window
- “No room to swing a cat”
- Cat O’ Nine Tails
- “Cat has nine lives”
- “Having kittens”
- “Cat in hell’s chance”
- From Wildcat to Domestic cat
- Medieval cats
- Domestication of the cat
- Domestic cat history
- Kilkenny cat
- Second National Cat Show Crystal Palace
- Early UK cat shows
- Animals in War
- History of Cat Litter
- Cat hoarding 28th May 1887
- Cat Bravery
- Egyptian Cat Art
- UK Cat Shows – a piece of cat show history – opens in a new window.
- Kuniyoshi Utagawa, Four Cats In Different Poses concerns the Japanese bobtail and discusses a painting.
- William Hogarth – The Distressed Poet is this a Turkish Van?
- See Cats in Paintings for old paintings with cats in them. These can be quite informative.
- Birth of a New Cat Breed – current history in the making (late 2009).
- The Origin of the Word, Meow
- Cat Superstitions
- Cat in the Bag – this is about a Danish tradition that was quite unpleasant.
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