It is said that cat hoarding is a form of mental illness. Cat hoarders are not completely in the land of reality. They think they are expressing their love of cats by helping cats. Yet they are impervious to what is staring them in the face: injured and dying cats due to the very poor conditions they are putting them in.
If that isn’t bad enough, this is an example where mental illness goes a substantial step further. It is cat hoarding combined with a Frankestein-esque attempt to create a new cat breed. This Polish woman was not content on creating a new cat breed in the slow time-honored way through breeding. No, that wasn’t good enough. She wanted to replicate what Victor Frankenstein did in Mary Shelley’s famed book: Frankenstein.
This Polish woman, living in Warsaw, wanted to create a dog in the style of Frankenstein’s monster but was eventually banned from keeping dogs. She turned to cats and kept 72 in her home. No doubt some were in the freezer.
Apparently she experimented on living and dead animals. She can’t have read Mary Shelley’s novel because Victor Frankenstein’s attempt to create a beautiful create ended in catastrophe. He created a monster which repulsed him. He rejected it totally and his creation turned on him, killing four people including his childhood friend and his wife.
This woman lost track of reality. As is commonplace for cat hoarders, the smell and noise coming from her home alerted neighbours. The local animal welfare officers raided her home and found the usual horrific mess with a twist: 100 dead animals some of which looked as if they had been experimented on. It appears she had also experimented on living cats.
Well, there it is. The comments attached to the Daily Mail story are interesting as usual. Of course, most express shock and disgust. There is, though, a clear divide, between the decent people and those who find the behavior of this person acceptable.
However, I must make this remark. I believe there is a large body of internet trolls who like to wind-up decent cat loving people. They are almost certainly young men who don’t like cats. They are very negative, destructive-type individuals. Something needs to be done about them. That, though, is another sick story.
- Main photo (B&W) by Diego3336
- Dog in Frankenstein costume by
- Original story
Hello Silvia. Right now I am unable to answer precisely to your comment but I thank you for it nonetheless. You have a very specific question and if I have time I will investigate and try and find an answer.
Is this the same Mary, countess della torre age 38 on the 1881 census , born in Inverness, and widowed; head of the household. Lodgers from Peru.
I am researching the army career in WW1 of Edmund Lackersteen, also lodging there and of a somewhat clever, wealthy and flamboyant family, livi9ng in Kensington and Fulham. BUT why is Edmund buried in Clewer, Windsor??.interested…Sylvia
Exactly! That’s how i try and view things. In small doses and i try and surround myself with more positivity. Perhaps that is why i get so testy so quickly. Because i do not allow myself to view and be brought down by the ugly side of society. I mean we all need to keep aware of what is going on around us at all times, but in smaller doses. Whew.. I felt better after venting that awhile ago. Thanks for your response. I think you must be getting up just as i am going to bed. haha. I’m a night owl. Stay up most the night and then go to bed. Hope you have a cattastic day…