Cat Killer Gaming App

This is an ill-conceived, disgusting concept for a gaming app which entails the gruesome killing of domestic cats. It should not be made.

Cat death by blender from gaming app
Cat death by blender from gaming app

The idea for this grisly gaming app for mobile devices is the brainchild of Fred Mastropasqua. He presents the fundraising appeal in the video below. I have taken the extreme liberty of videoing it on a Flip camcorder from my commuter, which is why the quality is poor but the message is loud and clear nonetheless – the game should not get off the drawing board.

In the video, he says:

“So you can enjoy the funny, gruesome death scenes as much as I do. There is death by blender, knife, chainsaw, microwave and a lot more….For the record I do love cats!”

The fundraising appeal is on Kickstarter. People who fund the creation of the application can choose alternative ways for the cat to die – nice, isn’t it? There is a petition against it.

The whole concept is totally misconceived and immoral. It is not ‘fun’ as he states. Although for some people it will be fun but these sorts of people are probably already abusing and killing cats in real life or they wish they were. At the least they are going to members of the cat hating fraternity, I guess.

What is astonishing is that Mastropasqua has the audacity to say in the video that he loves cats. B*llsh*t.

The petitioner is asking people to make a complaint under the Kickstarter community guidelines and to sign the petition.

15 thoughts on “Cat Killer Gaming App”

  1. Just shared this on my face book page as well!!! Asked others to sign & share. I REALLY, REALLY find this upsetting & disturbing. And now I’m truly PISSED OFF TOO!!!!

  2. I signed the petition and was not nice in what I said there which was—> Joan Martin, ON
    Jan 30, 13:33
    # 10,725
    Fred Mastropasqua … is a sick SOB who is promoting the killing of cats by different ways. This low life bastard has some serious mental issues if you ask me. He likes this so much … maybe someone should try this on him and some of his family members. No one but a depraved. sick, twisted F**K would come up with such a thing!!! This kind of attitude towards killing defenseless animals PISSES ME OFF!!!!

    AND reported it to Kickstarter as well. Below is a copy of what I sent to Kickstarter!!

    The creator of this game is promoting cruelty to animals. It’s sick & disgusting … the concept of this game is vile in what it wants you to do in the game. There are those that exist out there .. who will actually take some of these suggestions and put them to actual use. This person ( Fred Mastropasqua ) obviously has some serious mental issues. There are ENOUGH people out there in today’s society that cause unnecessary harm, injury & death to innocent animals. This person claims to love cats. Trust me NO ONE who loves cats would come up with his idea. Do you really want to associate your companies’ name with this project? “I” for one would never buy this app or would want it as a consumer. I’m shocked that you would even consider it!!! This is the kind of thing that can get a company boycotted and cause nothing but bad press & worse public relations. Please … don’t support or condone this project. It’s so wrong in so many ways. If there are any animal lovers there .. they will see this game as wrong!!! My god … what is this world coming to .. to have this type of thing…exist!!!!

  3. Its horrible!!! I saw the petition on FB a few days ago so I’ve signed and shared. Where is peoples Moral conscience for Gods sake??

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