Cat “kisses” teddy bear

This cat is not kissing! A domestic cat suckling a teddy bear is not as unusual as it looks. The cat is still suckling and the argument is that the cat has been weaned too early and is suckling on anything that is convenient.

Oh Smudge! JD

Posted by Cats Protection – East Surrey on Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Teddy bears are very convenient and in this case it looks like the cat is kissing the teddy bear. Sometimes you see cats suckling on a person’s earlobe but there are many other objects which are substitutes for the mother’s breast.

Spotted Tabby Cat

When I was fostering cats, my first cat (see photo above) was an obsessive suckler of me! He would lie in bed next to me and suckle on my clothes. They became quite wet which was slightly uncomfortable! I didn’t mind it but the lady who adopted the cat appears to have minded because she gave up this superb little tabby cat within two days.

She was the wrong person; no question about it, but cats who suckle on objects and often objects that smell of the person can present a problem to cat owners who are inexperienced which may lead to their relinquishment such as in the case described.

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2 thoughts on “Cat “kisses” teddy bear”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I think that should read ” people give up on their FREE pets so easily”, If you pay a decent price for your pet you are more willing to stick with it and try to sort out any problems.

  3. Michael , It really is a shame that people give up on their pets so easily. Quite often the animal will outgrow a habit and with patience and knowledge of the species and their character , can be re=trained using alternative diversions; cat treats..special cat milk …a cat tree , outside time to run around or extra attention and comforting support.

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