People want to understand why their cat is losing hair around the eyes. Web surfers also want to know why their cat is losing hair above their cat’s eyes, which is significant in my opinion.
There is a patch of fur above the eyes of a domestic cat which is always a bit thin. You can see the skin below quite easily very often. This is exacerbated by the fact that the hair in that area stands on end exposing the skin which is more visible. This adds to the impression that there’s been hair loss and that the hair is thinner.
This area appears to become even thinner with age or may become thinner with age. It appears to be an example of the what people go through in older age: hair thinning.
However, the reason why this slightly bald patch above the eyes exists is because there are scent producing temple glands in this area. This probably accounts for the apparent thinner hair.
The picture that was on this page has been deemed to be in breach of Google AdSense policies which is unimaginable to me as when you click on the link, you’ll see a perfectly normal black cat!!
Please click this to see a black cat with apparent hair loss around the eyes but which is not.
There is nothing in the cat health books which specifically refer to hair loss around the eyes so my initial thought is that there are possibly no health issues associated with this condition. However, I explore some other avenues.
Here is a Twitter video which inadvertently shows that thin hair above the eyes. It is very clear in the video.
Kitty satisfaction ASMR courtesy of a shrimp lunch at the office. 🍤 😋 #catlover #blackcat #CatsOfTwitter
— Aries the Cat Ambassador (@AmbassadorAries) June 26, 2023
The following possibilities are much less likely than the explanation above
If it is not an age-related issue it may be due to over-grooming. It makes cats feel better to groom. If they are stressed for whatever reason they may groom more than usual and groom the area above the eyes with the foreleg. If this excessive it may lead to thinning of the hair.
Other conditions which might lead to over-grooming on the face are allergic reactions (itchiness) to a whole range of possible allergens: airborne, food related, environmental (something in the home) etc.
Another possibility is ringworm. Ringworm is not uncommon and highly contagious. Sometimes there will be scaly patches and irregular hair loss on the face.
Feline scabies causes hair loss on the ears, face, eyelids and neck. This is due to the Notoedres cati mite. There will be itching and scratching. I don’t think this cause of hair loss is one that is connected to the question concerned but it does cause facial hair loss (my thanks to Dee). See feline mange.
My gut feeling is that if the hair loss around the eyes is not age related it will be due to over-grooming for which there are a number of possible causes, the most obvious of which is stress.
For those who want more…there is a good page (link) on hair loss in cats on this website but I can reassure you that even though there are 176 comments none ask questions about hair loss around the eyes.
My cat is becoming like this pls tell me what happened
Hi Tanzina. The picture quality it not really good enough to see the area clearly. Can you take a better picture please? But from what I see this is not hair loss but more likely an injury or ringworm but I need to see a clearer picture please.