Cat Matata, Half Dog or Half Cat?

by Rudolph.A.Furtado



Cat Matata, the offspring of my traditional Persian queen, cat Matahari is more dog-like in behaviour, something that baffles me.

He is absolutely childish in behaviour, the non-human child of my bachelor house-hold!

He is mortally afraid of his dam Matahari, she being the ultimate alpha cat of the house. He responds to his name like a dog and loves jumping onto my bed to be petted, his favourite "petting spot".

He is now 1 year 7 months old and absolute "Puppylike" in behaviour besides being a total flop at mating, being mortally afraid of his dam Matahari.

I was thinking of inbreeding them at least once in order to breed a warm weather acclimatised Persian cat breed.

Matahari has come into heat numerous times, but Matata seems confused regarding mating as she repels his advances.

I personally feel male cats are more affectionate towards their human owner and Matata is really the non-human child of my house, a source of fun and antics.


Hi Rudolph.... Nice to hear from you. Matata might be a failure as a stud but he is gorgeous looking! He has the classic doll face traditional Persian appearance and a lovely looking coat.

PoC is getting more visitors from India. I am sure a lot of them know about you and you cats by now.


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Cat Matata, Half Dog or Half Cat?

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Oct 29, 2010 lovely cat
by: Kathy W

Your cats are so lovely. Dont feel bad about the breeding problem youre not the only one. We recently purchased a silver black spotted half Bengal/ragdoll male. We got him to breed to our Savannah female. I know they dont like Bengal outcrossings but we got the breeding rights with her and we thought it would be a total loss not to let her have any kittens. We tried desperatly to find a male to breed her with. When we bought her the breeder assured us he would help us out with finding a male or breeding her to one of his males. When I contacted him he told me all his cats had Kennel cough and would not be a good time. He recently had a male born in his cattery. I contacted this woman who had an ad in the paper for these kittens inquiring about her male. I went and saw her cats. She had this beautiful kitten and I fell in love with him. Well since she decided it wouldnt be a good idea to stud her cat out (we also were afraid of leaving our baby anywhere) we had no choice but to purchase this beautiful male. Well our Savannah was in heat at the time we brought him home and she immediatly went out of heat. She was in heat last week and he absolutely was not interested. Hes about 7 months old so I figured he should be able to breed. Shell be a year next month and has been in heat 3 times. Well maybe next time. Good luck!!!

Oct 27, 2010 pretty face
by: Maria Clara

Hi Rudolph,
Nice picture of your cat's profile. I'm happy that your pretty cat has a classic ('normal') face. I don't know about the mating in catworld, but consider this possibility: could your "alpha female" ladycat, perhaps "want" and alpha male as a father for her offspring?

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