Cat named “Kitty” gets attention from firefighter Andrew Jackson following a fire today in Austin, Texas

This is a cat named “Kitty” who is getting attention from firefighter Andrew Jackson following a fire today in Austin, Texas.

We all love firefighters when they save cats and look after them. They make good photos but don’t take that to mean that all I care about is a good photo. It is just good to see the authorities in the form of public services being noticeably tender and caring about domestic cats. We sometimes see a lack of interest in some sections of the pubic services such as the police.

Fireman tending to cat
Fireman Jackson tending to cat.The cat is a tabby cat and he/she is in distress as you can see her mouth open and tongue out.

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3 thoughts on “Cat named “Kitty” gets attention from firefighter Andrew Jackson following a fire today in Austin, Texas”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I agree Michael. . . In the US, most firefighters are also paramedics — hence the *caring* of life — ANY life. . . I have somne good friends who are firefighters/paramedics, and they are most wonderful people!! ♥♥♥

  3. Agreed. Firefighters seem to have a more compassionate nature than police officers. It is probably down to the nature of the work and the sort of person who wants to do that sort of work. I always think that police officers are a short step away from being criminals.

  4. I have found that firefighters are generally more compassionate toward the anipals — whether at a fire or elsewhere. . . God bless them!! I know that a great deal of fire service stations (here in the US) carry the necessary equipment to help anipals in distress from a fire — breathing equipment especially. . . ♥♥♥

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