Cat on Catwalk! Debunking the pseudo-seriousness of fashion shows (video)

Cat on catwalk

I LOLed at this. I love this little cat on the catwalk of a fashion show washing her bottom! The serious, skinny-faced models skirt around the cat and as they do so she reaches out with her paw to play. It would have been a bigger laugh if she had caught the model’s leg. I know I am being a bit cheeky but these fashion shows are overblown. I mean who cares about unwearable clothes? And they make the models under-eat so they become emaciated. Top fashion designers should be ashamed of themselves. This sweet cat debunks this overblown, self-indulgent aspect of human life.

Note: If the video disappears don’t blame me! It is embedded from Instagram so I don’t have control over its existence.

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Ahahahahahah #catwalk #real #vakkoesmod

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1 thought on “Cat on Catwalk! Debunking the pseudo-seriousness of fashion shows (video)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I love this video! One slender kitty struts down the runway with perfect feline form better than the models. Maybe the cat was part of the show? 😻

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