Cat On The Pitch

Cat On The Pitch

by Michael

This is a follow up to the page I wrote about how the British handle their cats.

It concerned the story of the tabby and white cat that invaded the football pitch while Liverpool and Tottenham were playing. A pitch full of multimillionaires.

Well there is a follow-up video made by a songwriter named Vom Vorton. The song unsurprisingly is called “Cat on the Pitch”!

Not bad. And you get to see a bit more of the action this time.

This is the original page.

Apparently the cat is called Socks and he is a stray who hangs around the ground.


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Cat On The Pitch

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Feb 11, 2012
I love that song NEW
by: Ruth

I love that song, I listened to it earlier but then had to go out so didn’t have time to comment but it kept going through my mind lol
I hope the cat finds a good home through her fame, that would be a lovely ending to the story.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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