Cat Owners Considering Declawing Should Read This

Cat Owners Considering Declawing Should Read This

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Good morning readers. This is an article I hope all cat owner’s will read and pass along to friends. Cat owners considering declawing should read this before it’s too late.

I’m first addressing it to the veterinarians who make a living swindling unsuspecting cat owner’s who haven’t done their research.

Dear declawing veterinarians of America. Since your oath recently changed in November, I thought I’d like to report this change to you and explain some of the wording. Apparently some of you STILL think it’s okay to declaw. So lets begin with an explanation of your new oath. For those of you too ignorant to understand the OLD oath, the changes between the old and the new are in all caps.

“Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and WELFARE, the PREVENTION and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”

I’m going to turn the definitions over to Mr. Miriam-Webster, king of dictionaries. Other definitions, where noted, are from wikipedia.

Let’s start with the word BENEFIT. 1. An act of kindness. 2. Something that promotes well being.(Webster). Declawing vets are NOT benefiting anything except their pocketbooks. Declawing is NOT an act of kindness and doesn’t promote well being!

Moving on to PROTECTION. 1.Supervision or support of one that is smaller or weaker. (Webster). This one burns me up more than anything. Veterinarians are supposed to protect and heal our pets. Declawing is NOT supportive to a cats health. It’s the opposite.

ANIMAL WELFARE is the physical and psychological well being of non-human animals. (wikipedia). Declawing is both physically and psychologically damaging to a cat. Declawing is done for the welfare of the cat owner. Period. And that person doesn’t deserve a cat if the cat has to conform. Maybe my cats have just trained me right. I believe we should conform to our cats or we shouldn’t have them in the first place.

PREVENTION from a medical standpoint refers to measures taken to prevent diseases or injuries rather than curing or treating their symptoms. (wikipedia). Veterinarians who declaw are causing long term problems such as arthritis and neuropathy.

Those are some of the key words used in your oath. Now lets move on to one more thing. PROMOTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH. I’m just going to wing it on this one and hope I don’t blow a fuse. How is a declawed cat promoting public health?! A declawed cat will bite because it’s defenses are gone. Bites can cause infection and are much more dangerous than a scratch. A declawed cat will use the litter box in unsanitary places because the litter hurts it’s poor crippled paws. So do NOT say you are promoting public health when you declaw a cat when you are, in fact, doing the opposite!

Cat owners considering declawing should read this article immediately. Then do some more research on the long term effects that come from permanently maiming a cat.

Read this article carefully, because you are falling blindly into your vet’s money bag. Your vet is breaking every part of the oath set forth by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Do yourself a favor and find a vet who doesn’t offer this.

This is a racket, clear and simple. Your vet will get your money at the time of declawing. He will also get much more money over the years as you return again and again to treat declawing related problems. YOU aren’t the winner here and neither is your cat!

If you don’t believe me, please take this article to your vet and ask for an explanation. Show your vet the words I’ve taken the time to look up and explain. Because apparently your vet doesn’t understand any of them if declawing is offered.

Laser declawing is still breaking the oath. Injuries are being caused, not prevented. Psychological and physical harm are being done. Declawing is not an act of kindness. And protection is definitely not being given.

Declawing veterinarians of America, please remember this. EVERY oath a vet takes is broken with this one procedure, regardless of the method used to do it. Can any of you explain why except for financial gain?

I’d like to offer this video in closing. The guest is Paw Project Director Dr. Jennifer Conrad. The video is by Dr. Bonnie Beaver, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association and explains why a cat should NOT be declawed. Why don’t declawing vets know the AVMA’s top people are against declawing? There are plenty of other ways for a vet to make a living without resorting to toe torture!

One of the main points I took away from watching this video is it takes only 11 minutes to declaw a cat and there’s virtually no overhead. Also pay close attention to the part where Dr. Conrad discusses the pain of fourth degree burns caused by laser declawing. I’d never heard of fourth degree burns. READ THIS!

A fourth degree burn is a burn that extends deeply into the subcutaneous tissue, completely destroying the skin, subcutaneous fat, and underlying tendons, and sometimes involving muscle, fascia, or bone. Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

Readers, here’s the ammunition you need to confront a declawing vet. Using the oath and the video I hope I’ve made a good case. Please send this story to all of your friends with a cat or kitten. Education is key when new owners are faced with those who care more about money than the patients they’ve sworn an oath to heal.

Comments anyone? I believe I’ve made my point in very simple English. Thank you Mr. Webster and wikipedia for your assistance. And thank you to Paw Project Director Dr. Jennifer Conrad.

Cat owners, if you’re considering declawing, DON’T! DON’T GET A CAT! You don’t deserve a cat!


Selected Associated Pages:

The Veterinarian’s Oath

Rate Veterinarians on Declawing

American Vets are Unethical Towards the Cat (Blogger site – new window)

Source as stated and:

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Cat Owners Considering Declawing Should Read This

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Nov 17, 2011
To owner of declawed kitty
by: OJ

There is none so blind as those who will not see!
Think on that.

Nov 17, 2011
To owner of declawed cat
by: Ruth

Your cat may be happy but she isn’t as happy as she would be with her claws. She has adjusted to living a disabled life that’s all.
I admire you for taking on a disabled cat even though it sounds like you did it for the sake of your furniture. I must say I’ve never known in 37 years of clawed cats in my home of a single one who has broken any furniture ! It’s simple, you provide cats with their own furniture, which is a scratching post. Scratching is not bad behaviour it’s necessary behaviour to a cat for her muscles to stay healthy. I hope you are keeping a very close eye on your cat because as she ages she is almost sure to develop painful arthritis because of the way she has been forced to walk differently and because she can’t exercise her muscles as cats need to by digging in their claws.
As for no cat scratches for you, well none for me either as I treat our cats gently and kindly and they don’t feel the need to scratch me in their defence.
How does she put you in your place ? By biting ? Yes that’s typical of a declawed cat.
You really should do some research on declawing before trying to convince people it isn’t cruel and doesn’t ruin cats lives.
Rescue Shelters are full of declawed cats with problems, why do you think yours needed to be rehomed to you ? Someone had that cruel surgery done to her and then didn’t want her !!!!

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 16, 2011
My cat ain’t got claws
by: Owner of a declawed kitty

and she’s very happy. No cat scratches or broken furniture for me! And before you start bitching, this is how I got the cat (from the shelter), and she’s an inside only cat that gets along with the dog. Trust me, even without her claws she’ll put you in your place!

Jan 30, 2011
Welfare and Prevention
by: Elisa

Are the only two new words in the oath. I can’t believe how crazy the veterinary world is becoming in the U.S.

Jan 30, 2011
Vets’ Oath
by: Kathleen

I’ve just read today in a newsletter I receive from Little Big Cat and written by Dr. Jean Hovfe that the AVMA’s new and revised oath for vets only applies to new vets graduating from school after the revision was made. No vets who were already practicing before the revision was made will be required to adhere to the new version of the oath. As if any vets are in reality “required” to adhere to their oath anyway! We already know that vets who declaw, especially those who declaw on demand, are violating even the OLD version of the Veterinarians’ Oath and that the AVMA either cannot or will not do anything about it. Nevertheless, Elisa, I think your article is excellent and still contains many good points for cat lovers to bring up with their own vets. The vets need to know that their clients KNOW they have an oath that they take. They need to know their clients care about whether or not the vets are practicing ethically. The vets need to know that their clients will go elsewhere if they don’t.

Jan 30, 2011
Read this article and comments you cowardly declaw vets
by: Ruth

Thank you Elisa for a very well written and informative article which I hope the declaw vets will read and digest.
I think they are begining to realise there is growing support for the anti declaw movement and because they don’t want to lose their easy money maker they are pushing laser declawing in the hopes that they can keep on doing this cruel surgery.
They know it is wrong ! A vet advertising his laser declawing in a recently out video clip says lasering is not like the old methods where the cat would hunch in a corner in pain for a fortnight after. He then boasts of the hundreds of declaws he has done in the past, he obviously couldn’t care less about the cats he’s caused to hunch in corners in pain !
Comments are disabled on pro declaw videos and the AVMA ignore any query about why it’s still happening.
They are cowards, desperate to keep on hiding the truth so that they can go on abusing cats this way as long as some people remain in ignorance about the reality of the cruelty of those vets and keep entrusting their pets lives to them.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 30, 2011
4th degree burns
by: Elisa

I’d NEVER heard of a 4th degree burn. The vets are so smug in saying the laser is best. But when you get right down to it, the laser burns to the bone and the cat suffers a 4th degree burn. Anyone who can declaw a cat knowing that just isn’t human.

Jan 30, 2011
Great Article
by: Michael

I think this is a great, hard hitting, comprehensive, article that dismantles the veterinarians’ smug disregard for the ethics upon which their whole profession is based.

The vets have undermined their profession in declawing cats, and lost all their credibility but most of the public are deceived into believing that the “Good Doctor” is a pillar of society, wise and always right. He’s not!

Michael Avatar

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