Cat Photos to Amuse You

Here are a bunch of cat photographs, which I hope will amuse you. They are a brand-new sort of funny cat picture (for me). I found them amusing bar one or two. In general, they do hit the right sort of tone and they do reflect the charming naughtiness that some domestic cats get up to sometimes. Although, for me one or two, are unfair (“I poop on the rug when I am angry”). That might sound silly but that is the way I see it. One or two are the sort statements that people make due to a slight lack of understanding but I don’t think that detracts from the series as whole.

naughty cat in their own words6 naughty cat in their own words7 naughty cat in their own words8 naughty cat in their own words9 naughty cat in their own words10 naughty cat in their own words12 naughty cat in their own words14 naughty cat in their own words15 naughty cat in their own words16 naughty cat in their own words17 naughty cat in their own words18 naughty cat in their own words19 naughty cat in their own words20 naughty cat in their own words21 naughty-cat-in-their-own-words naughty-cat-in-their-own-words2 naughty-cat-in-their-own-words3 naughty-cat-in-their-own-words5 naughty-cat-in-their-own-words11 naughty-cat-in-their-own-words13naughty cat in their own words1 naughty cat in their own words4

18 thoughts on “Cat Photos to Amuse You”

  1. Some of these are signs of issues. The cat knocking things down needs an up-space she can dominate. The pooping, peeing issues may be the same type of thing. They need somewhere they feel is their own up high or out back or something. Sorry, I think these are cute, but I can’t help but think about how these are mostly all cries for help.

  2. May be made up, but Damon does this stuff.
    I was really happy to know that I don’t have the only “Demon” that licks the butter, pukes (usually in my shoe), shreds, or steals my stuff.

  3. I thought that a good number of them were written by people who had a good feeling for what could be called naughty cat behaviour although it is more charming behaviour.

  4. As Ruth said, these are almost all certainly made up but I still think they’re clever and enjoyable. It is quite light-hearted stuff. I actually uploaded these with you in mind because you said that you wanted something a little less heavy at least once!

  5. Most are gentle fun, wasn’t keen on the one about pooping that Michael mentioned, or the last one about eating yarn which of course could have been fatal, but I laughed my head off about the one that sneezed in grandma’s ashes, all their little innocent faces wondering what they did wrong – haha :-)I love cats

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