Cat Rapture – Furball Fables

Cat Rapture – Furball Fables

by Chase
(Hollywood. California)

Is the Rapture coming May 21, 2011? Do animals get to go?

What do you think? Does your animal have a soul?

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Cat Rapture – Furball Fables

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May 30, 2011
Do animals have souls?
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

So I said I don’t try to pry open God’s left hand, but here I am answering your question as to whether animals have souls. The Bible does not say that they don’t, but it doesn’t say they do either. I think people often create a god in their own image, a god who is too small. To say animals don’t have souls and can’t go to heaven is limiting God, I think. Who are we to say there is not room for animals in His kingdom? There is much we do not know, but some things we can say with all certainty: 1) The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. 2) God loves His whole creation.

Do animals go to heaven? I don’t know, but I can tell you for sure no animal need worry about going to hell. Hell is eternal separation from God. It is the point where God says to us in our rebellion, “Thy will be done.” Our wills are not in line with His, since He desires our salvation.

No animal has ever sinned, they are the true innocents. Sin is nothing more than an attempt to be God, to tear God from his throne and take His place. Arrogant human beings do this all the time and dictating to God when the world should end is just another example. Animals have no part of such foolishness and always behave better than humans. Animals deserve heaven while humans deserve nothing but punishment. It ticks me off when someone puts a cross over a pet’s grave. No animal need look to the cross of Christ. Only sinners need a savior.

So I don’t know for sure whether Monty has a soul, but I know that if he does his is a sinless soul while mine is not. I know that the God who made us loves us both, and in fact, loves Monty more than I ever could. That’s good enough for me right now.

May 30, 2011
New date set
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

Now he says the end of the world will be Oct. 21! It won’t be, but we’ll have some fun with it again. My choir had a party scheduled for the afternoon of May 22nd. My husband and I joked quite a bit about the “end of the world” coming as we bought food and made preparations for the party which “might not happen.”

Lutherans don’t believe in the rapture. We believe this: “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.” Any speculation about when that last one will be or exactly what it will be like is a waste of time, for the Bible states that “No man knows the day or the hour.” if people claim to know, they are wrong, because it can’t be known.

People who claim to know all about the end of the world are prying open God’s left hand– or attempting to. God’s right hand is always stretched out to us open and filled with blessings– everything from daily bread to our very lives and all the wonderful little things that fill our lives with joy– like friends and family, and even furry, friendly little cats! God’s left hand is closed and hidden from us for now, filled with all the things we don’t need to know– hidden from us because God is God and we are not. We’d do well to leave it that way.

I try to focus on God’s love and His many blessings to me and let God be God when it comes to things He has chosen, in His wisdom, to keep hidden from me for now. Of course, I’m not perfect in this!

May 21, 2011
Still Alive
by: Michael

Afternoon of 21st May 2011 — Yep….still alive. The earth still turns. The day is bright and warm in London, England.

And no sign of the end of the world on the horizon….

May 21, 2011
What is “rapture”
by: Michael

Is this the guy who predicts the end of the world on May 21st 2011 based on his interpretation of the bible?

For me, and with the greatest of respect to other people’s ideas, this is pure mumbo-jumbo and to be totally ignored – I guess that is obvious to all sane people..

Hell, I have just realised it is the 21st May and I am still here typing this..

Guess another one got it wrong. They just wish it was true.

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