by Anna
(Podkowa Leśna, Poland )
La Kota
One hot day in June we went to the backyard (where we very seldom go, as it's quite neglected) and noticed two small kittens, lying in the sun spot. Coming closer, we noticed that they were hardly alive.
They were very small, their eyes, noses and mouths were covered with puss, and flies were swarming around them. They could hardly breathe - which indicated pneumonia.
I must admit that neither me nor my husband are particularly fond of cats - we have been involved in pure bred dogs for years (yet we happened to have two stray cats for some -teen years).
But what could we do? Quickly to the vet, antibiotics, bottle feeding...... yet only one kitten survived the night. After she had survived the crisis, the battle to save her eyes started and lasted for weeks, though to limited success as only one of her eyes is normal, the other is small, partly closed and does not show full iris.
Having been growing with dogs, La Kota (it's her name) developed a sort of canine behavior. She never uses her claws - she bites instead (especially when she is to be given injections or medicine - this is understandable, as she had got so many!).
She runs with dogs and guards the fence. This is probably why we like her so much, as - as I have written - we prefer dogs to cats!
Best wishes to all who have ever rescued an animal!
Anna & Miro (Poland)