Cat rescued from the streets of Colorado worked as a “nurse” at veterinary hospital

This beautiful ginger boy was rescued from the streets of Colorado awhile back and was and taken to a veterinary hospital for treatment. Meet Ron the cat, who at first was afraid of everyone and everything. His transformation was nothing short of a miracle.

Ron as he comforts a patient under anesthesia

Ron started out at Northfield Veterinary Hospital in Stapleton (Denver) by trying to climb into the cages with the dogs and cats in their care. He progressed to doing rounds to make sure the hospitalized pets were doing well. It was like he wanted to reassure them everything would be all right and he was there for them.

Ron started out by climbing the cages

Not only did Ron check in on patients, he would also lay on animals under anesthesia (not during sterile procedures) to provide them with his body heat. Ron would also groom the cats and kittens as they slept.

Ron found his forever home three months later.

Goofing off at the office

According to Stapleton/, Northfield Veterinary Hospital is located at 8733 E Northfield Boulevard in Stapleton. Co-owners, Dr. Shelly Sandel and Jen Weston, are excited to be a part of this growing community and have lived and worked in Stapleton for many years. They believe in keeping their doctors and staff to a minimum for more personalized service.

I really hope they find another “Ron” to help them out. He’d probably work for food while at the same time attract more customers to their practice. With so many homeless cats, wouldn’t it be great if every veterinary hospital had a resident cat?


3 thoughts on “Cat rescued from the streets of Colorado worked as a “nurse” at veterinary hospital”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. In all sincerity, I can’t remember entering any vet clinic or single vet office that didn’t have a resident cat greeter.

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