Cat rides pillion without any safety devices on motor bike in Thailand

This gives me the heebie-jeebies. It terrifies me. Yet the cat’s owner who is driving the motor scooter (moped) seems quite content with idea of having his black-and-white cat ride pillion without any safety devices or mechanism to keep him on the bike.

It would appear that the only thing keeping the cat on the bike is his claws grabbing his owner’s shirt. I see there appears to be a string or something around the cat but it would seem to serve no practical purposes. All is well as the bike proceedings along the road in a nice straight line and at steady speed. But what would happen if the driver had to stop quickly or swerve to avoid a pedestrian or another vehicle?

The cat would most likely fall off onto the road where, of course, he/she would risk being killed or severely injured. Someone will find the video amusing. I find it more scary and worrying.

An internet wag wrote:

‘The cat isn’t wearing a helmet. Definitely illegal’.

Yes, there is an amusing side to the video. I can see that clearly but for me my anxiety dampens down my amusement.

8 thoughts on “Cat rides pillion without any safety devices on motor bike in Thailand”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks for your comment. I’d like to know how many cats and dogs fall off. There just seems to be a more casual attitude to safety in Thailand but perhaps the cats and dogs are safe. It just looks dangerous.

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