Cat siblings in the Columbia area need a new home after death of their owner

This is a cat placement request for two siblings in the Columbia, South Carolina area. The owner died and her parents are trying to place the cats due to her dad being seriously allergic. Can you help?

cat adoption
5-year-old siblings need a home (Mike Hayes)

Mike and Jen Hayes lost their daughter about 18 months. The couple has been caring for her two beloved cats but needs to find them a new home together. Mike is seriously allergic to cats and none of the allergy relief medications have helped him.

Instead of the five-year-old cats ending up in a shelter, Mike constructed a shelter outside for them. The couple wants them to go to a good home together.

The cats are okay being around children and dogs. It’s uncertain how they’d act around other cats. Mike says he’s willing to help financially to ensure them a good indoor home.

If interested, please email Mike at It would be preferable for a rescue to take them. An individual should be aware there will be a reference check. Mike is being careful so they don’t go into a bad situation.

Please share with friends in the Columbia, South Carolina area. They’re beautiful cats and Mike and Jen want what’s best for them.

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