Cat Situation in India

Cat Situation in India

by Poochu

Wild cats copulating.

Wild cats copulating.

Wild cats copulating. Wild kitten. Wild kitten siblings. Spare the broom, breed the cats.

When a peaceful residential colony in fast developing urban areas eventually turn into a ghetto, the sanitation, living conditions, hygiene-standards and respect for plants and animals are not of anyone's concern.

Cats which co-existed with humans, birds, dogs and monkeys are more acceptable than the stray dog (attacking the innocent lone pedestrian returning home at night) and the monkey (notorious for stealing and attacking in their search for food in gangs).

Cats are Mother Nature's solution to rodent (rat) menace.

If the rodent has grown too big into a bandicoot rat, chances are the cats in the area were kept away by the careless man.

Solution: encourage the natural breeding of the cat (feral or otherwise). Trapping, neutering and release is for stray dogs.

"Leave the Cat Alone".


Cat Situation in India to Feral Cats

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Cat Situation in India

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Aug 11, 2010 Long Live PoC.
by: Poochu

I am touched after reading comments to my articles.
I must admit that all credit and encomiums are for Michael for creating this wonderful website.

Aug 11, 2010 To Poochu
by: Rose

Edward works away all week so it will be the weekend before he sees your comment.I will make sure he sees it.
You are a gifted writer and a very kind man and this is your cyber 'home' here with us your kindred spirits.

Aug 11, 2010 We learn from our mistakes
by: Ruth

Poochu I hope you will continue coming to PoC and helping us to educate those who don't yet understand that animals lives are as equally important as humans.
We all do things we regret when we are children and we can't know everything until we learn right from wrong by experience.
You learned from your mistake with the pigeon and you regretted what you did. It's those who don't learn from their mistakes and carry on ill treating animals who are in the wrong and those who don't want to learn, they prefer to stay in their ignorance and use it as an excuse to abuse animals.
I was lucky to have a wonderful mother who cared about all living beings and she passed her caring on to my sister and I.
There are some wonderful people who come to PoC,in my opinion the ones who comment are equally as important as the ones who write articles. I am thankful every day for the day I came across PoC and found Michael who cares so very much about cats.
This site is the best ever for educating about declawing !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 10, 2010 Thank this website and all Cat Lovers.
by: Poochu

I must thank and acknowledge the efforts put in by Michael, Ruth and all Cat Lovers (including Edward) via this website to inculcate the need to adopt a humane understanding towards any living creature.

I must confess when as a Child I captured a young pigeon(which was yet to learn flying), caging it on my roof top, unfortunately the next morning I found it had been pulled through the wire mesh and devoured by a stray cat.

This incident created in me a hatred for Cats.

As years passed the claw marks left on my mobike seat, the stinky turds left on my roof top or sleep disturbing nocturnal mating rituals of these mysterious felines added to my prejudice towards Cats.

I have to admit, it all changed when i volunteered to adopt a motherless orange male kitten of three weeks much against my Mothers protest.

Eventually my Mother accepted the kitten after she came to know that they are infact one of the most well behaved and best home companions ever.

Cats are no more a mystery now as I had put in an effort to know them. Hope I can understand other living creatures and try to de-mystify the propoganda surrounding them.

Thanks all once again.

Aug 07, 2010 Good article
by: Edward

Hi Poochu I enjoyed your article as well and I think your quote is great man.
Any cruelty to animals is a crime against Mother Nature and declawing is a serious crime by the vets who get away with doing it.
Whats more the people who work for them and help them are accessories and they should all be prosecuted as should the people who pay them to do the crime.

Aug 07, 2010 Thank you Poochu
by: Ruth

Thank you for giving me permission to use your quote,sometimes the simplest words will get the message across better than long explanations.
I live in England where declawing is banned but our vets would not do it even when it was legal.
Some of the people of the USA and Canada have tried for a long time to stop it in their countries too but as long as the vets there offer it, it will never stop.
We have a petition and we are gathering facts to present as evidence, but meanwhile we are educating as many people as we can to the truth.
You are right in that little kittens are like children,it is terrible that some people hit them or squirt water at them.
A quote my late mother used to say was 'You can not put an old head on young shoulders' and that is true.She was, like you, very wise.
I hope you will write more articles for us to learn more about you and your country and if you have any more quotes to share I would love to use them.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 06, 2010 permission granted to Ruth for using my Quotes.
by: Poochu

Dear Ruth, thank you for calling me wise, but this wisdom is the essence of knowledge which I gained after adopting and caring a motherless male kitten.

Abandoned kittens either male of female are more like Human Kids, they need all the emotional support apart from the basic toilet training.

Most kids would need daipers but not adopted kittens, as they eventually understand "sanitation".

Clipping off the claw points without bleeding them at weekly intervals during their sleep is the solution.

Getting scars from their claws on our arms and legs would heal naturally, but amputating their claws medically is inhuman and evil.

We as Humans claim to be neurologically superior, then why must we adopt barbaric means to solve the cat claw injury from our own pet.

Its time we must denounce this evil practice of declawing cats as it is equivalent to amputating human fingers as a punishment (in certain countries) for stealing.

Thanking you again for giving me a.k.a "Advocate-General for Cats" a medium to speak for these mute felines.

Aug 05, 2010 May I use your quote please
by: Ruth

Hello again Poochu.You are a very wise person and your words
'Declawing a pet is a crime against Mother Nature'
are so simple and true I would love to be able to quote them.
We are trying to educate the people of the USA and Canada who do not know how cruel declawing is,although it puzzles me how they can think that taking a cat claws away is ever acceptable.
I am sorry you have not had more comments on your interesting article.I think a lot of people will have read it but many do not comment sometimes.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 04, 2010 Thank You All.
by: Poochu

The love and understanding towards Cats is a much misunderstood subject.

The only way to understand bigger issues like "Saving the Tiger" is 1)adopt a cat or helping it survive in our Concrete Jungle.

2)Cats are Source of Food for a particular migrant Tribe in South India, a habit which they kept alive due to non availablity of Tiger.(which I personally feel is a crime against Nature, when other sources of nutritious food is available for them)

3)Wild Cats are Nocturnal so Humans need not worry about sharing Daytime with them.

4)wild Cats are clean unlike filthy Stray Dogs.

5)declawing a pet is a crime against Mother Nature.

Hope everyone understands the situation and does their best in protecting the "Wild Cat (small or big).

Thank You.

Aug 01, 2010 Cats in India
by: Ruth

Hello Poochu, I too found your article and photos very interesting.
In some places people people kill cats or chase them away, then wonder why they are over-run with rodents.
Feral cats seem to be well thought of where you live, which is good !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jul 31, 2010 Interesting
by: Michael

Thanks, Poochu, for your interesting article. It is nice to see that the cat can be useful as a working animal.

It is nice too, to hear from India, to understand what is happening in India with respect to the cat.

Michael Avatar

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