Cat Situation in India
by Poochu
Wild cats copulating.
When a peaceful residential colony in fast developing urban areas eventually turn into a ghetto, the sanitation, living conditions, hygiene-standards and respect for plants and animals are not of anyone's concern.
Cats which co-existed with humans, birds, dogs and monkeys are more acceptable than the stray dog (attacking the innocent lone pedestrian returning home at night) and the monkey (notorious for stealing and attacking in their search for food in gangs).
Cats are Mother Nature's solution to rodent (rat) menace.
If the rodent has grown too big into a bandicoot rat, chances are the cats in the area were kept away by the careless man.
Solution: encourage the natural breeding of the cat (feral or otherwise). Trapping, neutering and release is for stray dogs.
"Leave the Cat Alone".